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Everything posted by MikeB

  1. Thanks guys. Have my pre-surgical physical today. Watched a video fo the surgery like a dumb ass on youtube and now Im freaking !!! Anyone non squimish want to see !!!!
  2. Thanks guys. Maybe it will make me a better shot !!!!!
  3. This will be my 8th surgery in past 6 years !!! Unfucken believable !!! Woke up the other day completely blind in my left eye. Torn retina !!! Vision in that eye is bad anyway due to a cataract from birth. But I did have peripheral vision and could see shapes. Now its nothing but dark gray. They wanted to operate tomorrow, but I couldnt due other commitments. Seems longer you wait the less chance it will take. Anyway wish me luck. Sure is hell falling apart ....
  4. I have no problems beating your ass. And you have no problems beating my ass. Hell I do good on some maps and shitty on others. Then I do good on those and bad on the ones I usually do good on. Depends on how hard I focus. Sometimes I focus hard, other times I dont. Depends on how many beers I have had too Your the same way. Ive seen you kick ass and then do bad. Just the nature of the game. Now if you won every time................................, then we would send you to the gaming olympics
  5. When I was around 8 years old (42 years ago), my parents carpeted the downstairs of the house I grew up in. During those 40 some years it has a few times been soaked due to excessive rain the sump pump couldnt handle. We always shop vac'd the excess water and used fans to help dry it. A few years ago they replaced it after 40 years !!! No issues what so ever. No smell, no mold, no issues what so ever. But each time we were careful to dry it thoroughly. Now I have a 32' x 64' garage which 32 x 30 is finished. I used a rubber backed carpet (concrete floor) in the finished part just in case of water. Luckily my house and garage are built on a hill, so I dont have any water issues. But if you do end up replacing the carpet, there are rubber backed water resistant variants out there.
  6. Have to agree. The split bumpers are the best. My brother (few years older) had one (Rally Sport) with the LT1 350 and Doug Nash 4 speed tranny and a 411 rear end, That was 1977. After a year he yanked the motor out and bored it out and replaced the cams, put on headers (cherry bomb exhausts), and other performance parts. Thing would smoke the tires 1st and 2nd with Micky Thompson M50's on the back and tracktion bars. Alot of feathering the pedal to control it. Some dumb ass hit it in the side a year later after the build and it was total loss. He bought a Firebird after that. Man the Camero was fast. Alot of good times in it
  7. I too have my C&R and buy from these guys alot www.aimsurplus.com In stock guns change all the time with them. Nice place to order from.
  8. Oh well. Who says I cant change my BD. Its my birthday, Its my birthday.
  9. Its not my birthday, but thanks !!!! Oh shit my BD in my profile is wrong !!! ??? I wish I was 43 again !!!! Guess I need to change it. But hey, you can send me presents anyway !!!!
  10. I got the flu shot once. And became sick with the flu soon after too. Never again !!! Doctor said I was one of the few that gets sick from the shot. So it happens. On a different subject but related, I use to get bronchitas every winter at least twice. Really bad !! Since I quit smoking, I have not had bronchitas or the flu. Knock on wood !!!
  11. Here is a great site for various game tweaks. http://www.tweakguides.com/
  12. The quality of bootlegs copies (MP3's,etc..) are pretty bad. I know some will chime in saying "oh they sound good to me", well thats because one, you grew up listening to crappy ripped mp3's so thats how you perceive music. Or two, you have forgotten the sound of quality music played back on vintage or hi end gear. Listen to a commercial Vinyl LP or Reel to Reel on GOOD equipment and you will shit your pants. Compare those to CD's and the fidelity is still better. Yes you may have a few pops and or tape hiss, but so much more pleasing to the ears. Now Super CD's or DVD Audio dics are quite nice, especially the ones with high end "Burr-Brown" converters. But they still cant match vinyl played on good equipment. Thats why there is a big surge in artists releasing vinyl !!! Plus it helps support them better. In return for buying the vinyl many offer free downloads of the mp3's. If you want the best quality for cheap, then buy a used cd off ebay or a local music store that offers used cd's. Then buy a nice soundcard with great converters and ripp the cd's. I just bought 6 new cd's off ebay or $23 shipped. Stuff I couldnt get on vinyl. As far as copyrights go here is a link to info. Its way more than 25 years. http://www.pdinfo.com/Copyright-Law/Copyright-Law.php
  13. I too quit too over 5 years ago, cold turkey. I can be around it and it doesnt bug me one bit. Hell I play cards with guys who smoke like chimneys and I have no urge what so ever.
  14. Its great there is a (as far as we know) a healthier alternative to smoking. Good luck !!!
  15. lol...what about the burning cigarette and the 4000 chemicals that accompanies the tar laden lungs...probably a story made up by the big tobacco companies...they are already trying to ban the movement of nicotine within our own borders even.Yet they let the big tobacco companies cater to the youth and put a stamp on a cigarette as well as lovely pictures of people dying....or in a hospital on a iron lung right on the front of the cigarette packages...out of all the hardships in life someone still finds the time to annoy me...bloody tobacco lobyists...they all suck...just me So true. But it wasnt until the mid 1900's that tobacco was deemed "bad for your health". So... 20 years from now when e-cig users have oil dripping from their nipples and a third eye growing out of their head, it will be deemed "bad for you".
  16. Whats this story about how e-cigs cause oil deposits in your lungs.
  17. You almost made me cry Dean-O ..... Now go kill something with your knife !!!
  18. me too joe. I can get into the dm server but not the modern weapons one.
  19. Billy Idol "Yellin at the Christmas Tree" !!!!
  20. Do these vapes your talking about use tobacco or liquids ? From what I read its liquids !!! Why not get a vape and put some tobacco in it ? Makes it more fun !!!!
  21. Should be able to heat you whole house with it !!!
  22. Thanks Bongo. Like I mentioned we are cool. And I hope things settle down some. We had another incident last night with someone else and thngs went bad again. Luckily this time other XI members helped calm the matter and an admin talked to the player. I just muted the guy after telling his "bitchin ass to go play somewhere else".
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