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Everything posted by MikeB

  1. Kid is pretty damn good. Someone please embed this video for me
  2. I was in that game and spectated Fluffy for a while. Several times thru wall shots were made. WoFat can confirm that, he was the victim. When not confronting an opponent head on, Fluffy would quickly move his sights to a far away window and low and behold someone would appear within a second and he killed them. That happened with 80% of his kills. Must have been an ESP Hack. Sure many times you can hear a noisey opponent and figure out which way he is coming from, but these were far away kills or when no noise was heard.
  3. Thanks Nutcutter !!! The chick working the stage is an added bonus !!!!
  4. 17 year old Ben Lapps. He is from our area and I have never heard of him until an article in our paper. I dont know how to embed the video, so here is the link
  5. Im runnin the older ATI 4850x2 video card. Two 4850's on one card and it handles any new game at the highest settings with ease. I know yours will too. Do they still make the x2 cards ? Easier to set up
  6. What wrong with the ole pc ?
  7. Here are a few of mine. Old picture, my collection has grown some.
  8. You need Reaper. While I use Tracktion 3, Reaper is free to try and is not crippleware. Meaning the free version is NOT limited. Reaper is a full featured DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) that rivals the big guys, like Qubase and ProTools. And its priced two ways. For the home studio user its $60. For studio based users its alot higher (cant remember exactly, like $200). Alot of people use it and never pay for it. Like I said the version you download to try is the full featured version. Just has a splash screen saying "your using the trial version". But many, after using it jump at the option to pay these guys for their hard work. This program for $60, is better than programs costing $400 - $600 dollars !!!! Here is the link http://www.reaper.fm/ Now I use Mackie Tracktion 3 which is what I learned on. Its user interface is very user friendly. While I have used Reaper, for ease of use and increased productivity, I like Tracktion. But Mackie may be dropping it. Its one of those programs that didnt get much fanbase, because it came late to the show. I will continue to use it as long as Im making music. You can still find the retail version on many music gear site for under $50. Original price was $399. But since Reaper has such a huge fanbase and great forum I would suggest it. While the GUI is not as easy as Tracktions its the one I would use next.
  9. vulture MikeB >XI< Im a Bengals fan. Freakin Steelers are a bunch of dirty rotten bitches !!!!!!! Super Bowl Sunday Im a Cheese Head !!!!! Come Monday Im a Bengal fan. Even though we SUCK !!!!! I bleed Black and Gold. My Steeeelers are going to kick ass. You Cheese Heads dont have a chance. And dont get me started on the Bungles. LOL. Vulture I know, they suck !! The Bungles have let me down for the past 20 years and I still keep watching them. Next year is our year !!!! Really as long as we beat the Browns (which I hate more than the Steelers) Im happy
  10. Im a Bengals fan. Freakin Steelers are a bunch of dirty rotten bitches !!!!!!! Super Bowl Sunday Im a Cheese Head !!!!! Come Monday Im a Bengal fan. Even though we SUCK !!!!!
  11. Works now. I kept paisting the wrong damn link. Sorry !!!
  12. I came across this demo, an area high school band did in my studio a few years back. My first taiste at recording "Cookie Monster" style metal. Its rough, but these kids wanted to do it live with no overdubs. They have all moved on to lifes adventures away from music. The song is titled "Nascar" right click and open in a new tab or page or it may take you away from site. Enjoy http://soundcloud.com/taxman-1-1/nascar-final-320/s-b5Jxr
  13. Hey Top Cop !!! Some friends of my wife and I, thier son is in Memphis. Actually both sons. The oldest is a fireman there and the youngest just completed his written and agility test for the Police Academy there. He moved there in hopes of getting on the force. He completeed the course of Dec. 4th and is waiting for the Academy call. Any idea of the wait time since you've been through it ? Both of them are in to bike too. One has an R1 and Im not sure the other (I think he is into Honda's) Me I've always been a gixer guy. Sold my GSXR750 a few years ago and got into Twin Turbo Z's. My neck and back cant take the bikes anymore. Gettin too damn old and I cant stand Harley's (sorry Harley guys). Anyway any inside to the Police Academy wait would be appreciated.
  14. Had a previous post with other tunes. Added this one. Right click and open in new page or tab. Added "Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain" http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?q=hi&songID=10001877
  15. Thats sweet. I have tons of old shit !!! And I need a table in my man cave !!!!
  16. Love Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass. I converted a few of his albums a few years back. The old Whipped Cream and other Delights is my favorite.
  17. Added "Blue Ridge Mountain" and "Beneath Still Waters" and a tune I dont know the name of http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?q=hi&songID=9997681 http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?q=hi&songID=9997703 http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?q=hi&songID=9997753
  18. SgtHarryWeezer That sounds better than some of my old bluegrass records. Thanks for sharing. My father played steel guitar in a country band for many years and we've got some of that. But it's on the even older wire recorder. Ive heard about those but never seen one !!! I need to google "wire recorder" and check it out. Do you still have the thing ?
  19. Thanks Bart. There is some really good Banjo stuff I'll get up as soon as I get it done.
  20. My Aunt and Uncle always played music. In the early to mid 70's I remember going to their shows (local bars) with my parents, and we as a family are close. My Uncle passed away a few years ago and I always remembered seeing all these tapes and a big tape recorder on a shelf at their house. I asked my Aunt if they recorded stuff and if so I'd like to move it over to digital. She said "Yes" and that the tape deck was broke and that she had not listened to the stuff in years. She gave me 36 Reel to Reel tapes !!! I have digitized about half. It has been a chore. These tapes date from the late 50's through the early 70's. If anyone is familiar with 1/4 inch tape, they know the horrors involved. Many had the "sticky tape" problem, which baking in the oven cured. Some had been recorded over so many time, the "cross talk" was bad. Many are mono recordings, with each of the 4 tracks having different recordings. Some had drop out and were damaged. So its been a learning experience. I did alot of noise reduction, compression, doubling, and other processes to try to bring life to these family tapes. Im going to start a web site dedicated to their stuff at some point, but for now I will post a few tunes. This is "OLD SCHOOL COUNTRY & BLUEGRASS. They were recorded with one mic or two (mono or stereo) on a consumer stereo reel to reel. My uncle played guitar and sang, my Aunt plays bass and sings, my cousin was the drummer (when the tune had drums) and a friend of theirs played banjo. Hope you enjoy. Right click the links below and open in a new page or tab. That way the player wont take you away from the idiot site. http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=9996677&q=hi http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=9996682&q=hi Added "Blue Ridge Mountain" and "Beneath Still Waters" and a tune I dont know the name of http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?q=hi&songID=9997681 http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?q=hi&songID=9997703 http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?q=hi&songID=9997753 Added "Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain" http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?q=hi&songID=10001877
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