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Everything posted by simplemod

  1. So sorry for your loss. We'll continue to pray for you and your family.
  2. Audacity works great, and it makes a useful audio editor in general. and it's free, so that's even better.
  3. If it's a decently newer system, then windows 7 will find all drivers for you most of the time. In about 4 or 5 installs, all on different systems, win7 took care of all drivers, all I had to get was video drivers.
  4. try clearing your cache and temp internet files. it may just not be updating it.
  5. If your drives are the same size, the built in for windows works great. If they are different sizes then you'll need something aftermarket. Start button, do a search for Back up, the first one should be Back up and Restore. Open it, left side of that window has 2 options Create a System Image and Create a System Repair Disc. Create System Image is what you want. When you click it, it will be looking for something to back up to. I used an external USB hard drive for the image. I also went ahead and made a new repair disc as well. Swapped out the hard drives when all that was done. When you boot up with the repair disc in and the externel drive plugged in, the onscreen guides you through the rest, from what I remeber. It took about 45 minutes and everything was installed and working, and not required to re-activate windows.
  6. The bon jovi covers are my favorite. he is hard to cover, but you did a great job. and the natural sounding rasp in your voice is wicked good. can't wait to hear some more stuff.
  7. are you positive you have windows firewall turned off? if running your own preference firewall, look in it and make sure that you have not accidentally locked them out. Sometimes windows 7 will forget to ask your permission to allow or block something, and it will just block on it's own. which mic plug are you using, you said you have it plugged in, maybe try the other one. If using USB mic, it probably won't make a difference, but if it's the little audio jack, try front and back.
  8. Happy Birthday... We're not far apart by date, just 20 years and a week.
  9. Today is October 20, 2012, 35 years ago today, the plane went down. This is my alltime favorite band as most of you plainly know. LYNYRD SKYNYRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKZfRAuY-M4
  10. travel to the mod folder and try deleting it, and re-download the mod.
  11. I have ZERO sympathy for drunk drivers. I live on the same raod as one of the only night clubs in a DRY county. I see a ton of drunk driving wrecks. I do not even go to them when they wreck, I will call police for them, but I will not lend aid to them. How the heck does it total it, it seriously doesn't look bad. or did it do frame damge that the pic doesn't show?
  12. Looks good. We had beef stew this week as well, but it's all gone already. It was good too.
  13. nice, like the personalized case, that is awesome.
  14. another note: don't wait too long to do something either. IF it is the hard drive trying to fail, letting it set unused for any period of time can cause it to fail even faster.
  15. I would go this way too. After you have installed windows on another drive, you can set your old drive as a slave so it won't try to boot to it, but you will be able to explore it and get your files.
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