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Everything posted by simplemod

  1. There is no real solution. It's like a game in itself trying to figure out how to stop it one machine at a time.
  2. I finished this a while back, it was the network card going bad, stuck another one in it and it works like a new computer again, relatively fast for it's age. I just gave him a little more memory cause I had some laying around.
  3. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome to the family, officially, that is, LOL..
  4. I have this router, and I stream wireless to a computer hooked to my tv in the living room. it does a great job at that, high quality video and I stream a lot of internet radio with it. Works great, and it's costs about half what I paid for it when I got it. http://www.amazon.com/Cisco-Linksys-WRT160N-Wireless-N-Broadband-Router/dp/B000Z3U1P6 I have not tried it going to a wireless tv, but I think it should do fine
  5. Thanks for the review. I think I'll just go ahead and stay on Win7 for a while. I have many computers, so maybe one of them might get the upgrade. I have a media computer hooked to my tv in the living room, so it may get it.
  6. The rate is much higher than they say. Not being a smart ass here either, but the rate is based on how many are drawing funds and such, but it does not include those who have exhausted their funds, and are simply doing without. personally know several in that situation.
  7. The first thing I did when I came in the door tonight, lol. Grabbed my bottle of Evan Williams and a Dr.pepper, LOL, don't even need to watch the debate.
  8. Can you give it the Aero style? and quick launch? I hate having icons on my desktop, that was the first thing I did to win 7 was to enable the quick launch and remove all the shit it pins to the task bar. I intended on getting an RC of 8 but I never got around to it. But I hadn't heard of being able to do away with the "Metro" crap. I got a droid, and Mercy has a Kindle Fire, they are great for what they are, but when I want to set at my computer, I want it to look like a computer OS, not an overgrown phone or tablet. this hand held computing bull shit is getting on my nerves. Please give me some hope, or I'll be riding the Windows 7 train for as long as I can. Which is actually the best operating system so far, in my opinion.
  9. MSI Afterburner, been using it for a couple months now for my 560ti, and it's working great, helped me reduce my temps by 30F normal use, and 25F while gaming.
  10. Oh i forgot to come back to this the last time. the guy used the pc about a week and called and it had slowed way down again, so I told him to bring it back. This time I ran Puppy from a live cd, and had the same problem with internet. So format and reinstall would not have solved anything. So I looked through my pile of NIC's and found one just like his, and swapped them out, didn't even have to reinstall drivers or nothin, but it was instantly fixed. i went ahead then and gave him another 512mb of ram for it too.
  11. This May Sound Ignorant.... How Do You Exactly Test Each Stick Of RAM? take them all out but 1, run it for a while, if no crash, then add one back in, keep goin until you get them all back or or get the fail again.
  12. My parents were having issues with their internet. I kept telling them it was ISP, butthey kept calling me instead. I went one day and went through everything in front of my Dad so he could see all I was doing. They had already called ISP 2 or 3 times as well, with all they ahd done, there was no improvement, I had him call the again. This time they sent a young kid who had just been there a couple months. Anyway, to make a long story short, the kid found the problem, it was the main feed line to the node for the area. It had a hard kink in the line. He climbed up and straightened it out, and no problems since. I said all that, just to wish you good luck, if it's on your ISP side.
  13. Sounds like you're well on track to being a problem solver. Stuff like that, especially intermittent is tough to track sometimes.if you want a simple way to test power supply, just unplug everything but the mobo, HDD, and vid card. if it works, then add one more component, until its all plugged up, or quits again. and on a side note, we had one a few years ago, acting like that, turned out that the PSU had shorted and burned the 4 pin plug to the mobo. might check that too. just the white four pin plug by the processor.
  14. I have a small tackel box full of that kind of stuff, salvaged from old computers being thrown away, just like Damage said. and usually if you order a new mother board and case, usually I get a little bag, with enough screws in it to build 2 or 3 systems. I think they come with the cases.
  15. When installing something, you should ALWAYS look into the "custom install". thats where all that stuff will usually be, like the AVG stuff. all of my plugins worked, and I unchecked the AVG during the install, so it did not add it to mine.
  16. I'd go with the one that fits your budget. keep in mind that you'll want the response time as low as possible, under 5ms.
  17. sorry i was watching transformers last night. it's on free streaming for amazon prime members right now.
  18. run a hard wire or extension to the family room. then plug a wireless switch into it. it will have wired output, plus the wifi right there in the room. i'm not really that good with networks, but that seems to be the simplest way to do it. I actually have the stuff to do mine that way, but I just haven't done it yet, cause my wifi gives 70% to eighty% signal to the living room. so i just haven't needed it yet.
  19. Nice find, I'm definitely gonna try that myself. thanks
  20. The updates usually focus on bug fixes. Little issues that some certain card has with some something else. they usually throw in some performance gain, usually just 5% to 10% gain is all they claim. I'm with Bud on this one though to, you should look to see what version you have, cause this new one does claim to resolve some major bug problems.
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