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About Yop

  • Birthday 04/03/1981

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  1. Hello guys, Long time I don't play COD 4 because I've got a problem when I want to install the game with my DVD. When I load the DVD, it crashed after few minutes. I searched a dematerialised copy but no sucess. Any ideas? Or maybe Anyone can share the game ? (I have already a legal copy so I don't need a code ) Thanks ps: c'est ta faute @FRENCHI
  2. Yop

    Hello all

    Ben il était temps
  3. faites des gosses, qu'il disait...
  4. 3000$ ... mmmh In dollars USA trusts NY is one of most expensive city in world??
  5. Time to C4 ur ass cochon
  6. I don't know how to understand that error
  7. Yep , nop, Nothing Je ne comprends pas. A la fin de chaque map, ça plante , c'est bizarre.
  8. It's a dvd version. I don't have gaming mode. I tried to run as administrator but it crashed. sry, I don't understand -> does your desktop/display setting match your game display setting ? I will post my event viewer if it can help My headset is basic, plug in the front of the computer-> if I unplugged and plugged, their is no effect at all. When it crashed, I can't quit COD4, can't open a browser, can't lunch an other game...
  9. Hi, Since 3 days, my computer crashes after the end of a party of COD4. Always . I can't do nothing except restart ... It's a new computer and run windows 10 . I don't understand why... Someone have this problem? Thanks
  10. I 'll be patient
  11. Finally , just received my new computer (my old computer (+10 years old doesn't work anymore ) so I m back in game Now I'm searching a graphic card
  12. Oops sry bro
  13. @crimson @Goku{CoW}
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