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    animalxi reacted to PHUCKITMAN in ***2024 FALLEN MEMBER MEMORIAL***   
    Thanks @loaderXI for setting this event up again just like you do every year. Several people came in on Sunday and played like the old days to remember our Family/Friends we have spent so many hours with that we have lost. It is always a tough event on many levels because of the emotions we experience thinking about our friends and all the great times and the bonds that were built over sometimes multiple decades. I just wanted to express my gratitude to you and the entire clan for taking the time and spending the money to always make sure we have the chance to pay tribute to our Fallen Loved One's. Thanks @Ruggerxi and @WldPenguin and anyone else who also was involved in making sure this event continues. A big thanks to everyone who stopped in and to those who couldn't make it but were there in spirit. I know all of the Guys in Heaven were looking down and smiling because they know how much we love them and they will always be >XI<. Merry Christmas everybody
  2. Cares
    animalxi got a reaction from PHUCKITMAN in Another Member Gone!   
    R.I.P  Teddy😪
  3. Like
    animalxi got a reaction from TheLastColdBeer in Another Member Gone!   
    R.I.P  Teddy😪
  4. Like
    animalxi got a reaction from PimpedOutPete in Another Member Gone!   
    R.I.P  Teddy😪
  5. Cares
    animalxi got a reaction from Hoth in Another Member Gone!   
    R.I.P  Teddy😪
  6. Like
    animalxi got a reaction from Dirk Diggler in Another Member Gone!   
    R.I.P  Teddy😪
  7. Like
    animalxi got a reaction from Unchileno in Another Member Gone!   
    R.I.P  Teddy😪
  8. Like
    animalxi got a reaction from tsw 8.5 in Another Member Gone!   
    R.I.P  Teddy😪
  9. Like
    animalxi got a reaction from BlownAwaybyLewinski in Another Member Gone!   
    R.I.P  Teddy😪
  10. Like
    animalxi got a reaction from bds1961 in Another Member Gone!   
    R.I.P  Teddy😪
  11. Like
    animalxi reacted to monkie in a message from Tangmere-XI son ❤️   
    Hi All a message from Tangs son 
    Goedemorgen Dave
    Van de zoon van Tange(Peter)
    Wat een prachtig gebaar van jullie , bedankt!! En bedank Rugger en Dave ook namens mij alsjeblieft
    Gr Mat  bedankt voor je actie!
    Good morning Dave
     From the son of Tange(Peter)
    What a wonderful gesture from you, thank you!! And thank Rugger and Dave
    on my behalf as well please
    Gr  Mat thank you for your action!
  12. Cares
    animalxi reacted to monkie in a message from Tangmere-XI son ❤️   
    hi all,
    i have been in communication with Flowerpower and i asked him for if he would like to share anything about this dad, he sent this message via flowerpower 
    Good morning Dave ,
     From the son of Peter .
    I’m writing a message on behalf of my dad, whom is known to you as Tangmere-XI.
    He enjoyed gaming with you guys very frequently and also for several
    (many) years in a row so most of you might know him.
    Sadly, I have to inform you that my dad Peter passed away at 5 September last month, due to a cardiac arrest.
    Still can’t believe it, but I’m sure he wants me to move on from this when the time is right, otherwise he would’ve kicked my ass.
    Every night he was playing World at War.
    Throwing around buzzwords through the headset like ‘’Jochie, Lamlul and Wichser’’ at random, these words became quite familiar to me as well.
    He was always having fun with you guys and I’m glad that he did.
    Even whilst I was sitting upstairs, I heard him laughing and saying these famous buzzwords all the time. But probably there were a lot more than the three I mentioned before.
    He recently bought a new PC, and needless to say I was trying to move him over to newer, more recent Call of Duty and ActionRPG-games as I – and everybody’s mother almost – is playing these nowadays.
    But… you know the fun part?
    He didn’t want to as he said multiple times ‘’Nah…these guys ain’t on there - they are all on World at War so I’ll just stay there.’’ That is how much he enjoyed playing with you guys.
    I couldn’t get him over to enjoy all the new-generation games with me, even when he sat at a new 3000 Dollar PC….. Thanks I guess, guys?
    I’m so glad and thankful for the trips we made in the last years. Father and son.
    As some of you may know we visited some famous WW2-sites.
    2x Normandy, 1x Bastogne and two months ago we went to Germany to do some third-reich sightseeing.
    These were great, great trips where we had lots of fun and where we saw many interesting stuff.
    Obviously these trips are now very, very special to me.
    Please know that Peter (Tangmere), still IS the best dad that I could’ve ever wanted, and I’m very grateful for the times I spent with him and for all that he thought me.
    Although it was (way too) short, I will keep him and his memories close to my heart.
    As a kid I had everything I wished for because of him and my mom and he raised me as a proper man with morals, values and virtues. I’m proud of him.
    _On behalf of Tang…._
    *I want to thank you all for the good and fun times online. It was a real pleasure.* *One last salute to you all.*
    If you want more pictures let me know.
    It was intense to read...what kind words from a son for his father Gr Mat (flower
    As flower said what lovely words at his time of grief. 
    i know i never got chance to help him become a member, wish id pushed him more with it, but he loved XI and in my eyes will always be a member of the XI family.
    never forgotten and loved by us all x
    2 photos attached of Tang and Tang with flower power his close friend

  13. Like
    animalxi reacted to tsw 8.5 in Another Member Gone!   
    sad day here .you will be missed brother idiot .RIP
  14. Like
    animalxi reacted to Crack in Another Member Gone!   
    man this is a big hit to the heart teds been here since cod2 im fucking sad as fuck!  love ya ted been a blast!!
    "we want to put our meat in your mouth"  funniest shit for a advertisement ive ever heard to this day..wish i coulda tried the steak!
  15. Cares
    animalxi reacted to PimpedOutPete in Another Member Gone!   
    I am at a loss to hear the passing of my close friend.  I can not imagine this server without  that dry sarcastic demeanor and calming effect he could have when gaming.
    I will miss our chats and our times gaming together. You made it look so easy Ted. Gods speed my friend. Heaven just became a touch brighter. 
    Pete (Ter)
  16. Like
    animalxi reacted to TBB in Another Member Gone!   
    Played with him many times - sorry to see him gone - RIP
  17. Cares
    animalxi reacted to loaderXI in Another Member Gone!   
    Rest easy Teds.. We know you and the other guys will be blasting it up together
    One thing for sure all the guys are still in the game and this one will be a lil different as we celebrate in Teds memory too
    Gone but never forgotten TedsofBeverlyHills>XI<Admin
  18. Cares
    animalxi reacted to BlownAwaybyLewinski in Another Member Gone!   
    With a heavy heart I thought I would post this to all that my have known or played with Teds of Beverly Hills - William (Bill) Bell had passed away October 5, 2024.  He was born on December 17, 1952. Lived in Kingman, AZ.
    I have a heart broken as well as others I'm sure, but I'm glad to have driven to see him a few months back while he was not well. We have a great dinner and lunch as I stayed at his house for a short visit and glad I did. I was communicating with him as he had gone to his sister house in Lake Havasu the last 2 months under her care and hospice! I'll always cherish the conversations we had for hours and laughed at many of the things we had in common. Many of you may know him longer but I always felt I knew him for many years. Always had a great time flaming him but I know now he is in great hands of God and is resting peacefully and not suffering! Love you Ted or as I gave him a nickname of Underwear and only he would understand that. Rest in Peace Bill!!! Your bud, Bob E. Chavez (BlownAwaybyLewinski)         
  19. Like
    animalxi reacted to Ruggerxi in Hacking accusations need to stop or bans will be the next step   
    The servers have been getting very busy lately which is a good thing, but with that also comes more whining and complaining and more hacking accusations. 
    The hacking accusations have gotten so bad lately that we have to start taking action against the repeat accusers. These people will get a warning to start and then temp bans will start. If that doesn't work then you will be banned from the server. 
    It's very easy to get proof, go to spectate, record the player. However you want to do it, but the most easy way to do it is this 
    Bring down your console and type:
    /record (demo's will be named demo00000.dm_1, demo000001.dm_1 etc etc.)
    To stop the record, type:
    Get the demo file and send it to an admin, they look at it and see the hacking being done and they ban the player. 
    It's so easy to do, instead of going in game everyday and accusing the same players everyday and whine they're not banned yet, just get the video and they're banned. Very very simple. So instead of possibly getting banned from the greatest servers on the planet, just get the video. 
    If you spectate the person and can't see their hacking then you should go into the server after and say I spectated them and they are not hacking. 
  20. Like
    animalxi reacted to Labob in Were bigger than porn who knew   
    Lost my fav link to visit the site so I googled us. Found this I'm impressed that they say were in the top 500000 sites in the world Very cool if its true. Plus were 17 years old how time flys wow 
  21. Like
    animalxi got a reaction from WeednFeed in Weed’s Dad Has Passed Away!   
  22. Like
    animalxi reacted to evo in Pics of lake and camp   
    Here is some pics of camp site and lake yes still skunked even my kid kicked my rear 

  23. Like
    animalxi reacted to Ruggerxi in An unexpected gift I received that brought tears to my eyes   
    For those who don’t know, my father passed away in June. We were very very close and spent multiple days together every week, especially after my mother passed about 6 years ago. It’s been incredibly difficult these past few months. A few things happened the day he passed and it’s really mentally has taken a huge toll on me. 
    This Fest was so nice because I was able to see my 2nd family and just enjoy the company and not have my mind wondering back to certain things. It really helped knowing those people are there for me no matter what. 
    Then to show what kinda love and support I have from this awesome family. I opened my mailbox today to find this, that 
    And Blackroses husband made for me 
    Thank you all for this 
    I sent it to my family members and they all loved it! 
    It’s amazing the family bond we have here  
    Thank you so much for this 🙏🙏🙏

  24. Like
    animalxi reacted to grave in 2023 >XI< Fest pics   
    More pics, mainly from the house and the range, but also some short excursions in smaller groups:
  25. Like
    animalxi reacted to TBB in 2023-08-28 Birthdays   
    Have a GREAT birthday!!!  
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