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  1. Like
    PimpedOutPete reacted to Mad Doc in USA   
    Yes, that is a major concern, but my post was primarily regarding our failure to correct years of human rights denial and failure to correct years of 'blind eye' politics.  Our arrogance and steadfast belief that we are the 'greatest country' in the world in the face of much evidence to the contrary smacks of Rome's attitude as the Empire fell around them.
  2. Like
    PimpedOutPete reacted to Timmah! in USA   
    Sure.  But this economy is global.  Whatever happens, everyone's economy is coming along for the ride.
  3. Like
    PimpedOutPete reacted to Mad Doc in USA   
    "We are not as good as we once were...and we never were."    I still love my country and I have always known that we could do better, and the first step in that direction is to take the quote to heart.  The realization of imperfection requires real introspective thought and dedication to improvement on that level.  We will never convince some and that goal may neve be reached. It is the journey that matters.
  4. Like
    PimpedOutPete reacted to TedsofBeverlyHills in "That asshole Trudeau..."   
    Here's a really crazy thought, why not make a mandatory prison sentence of 7 years or  whatever the real experts determine, a sentence which could have a very meaningful deterrent. For anyone who's commits a crime period with a weapon  that has the ability to cause serious bodily injury. Like a gun, knife, baseball bat, hammer/axe etc.  Punish the criminal and not the honest citizen and if a death happens during the crime with a weapon life without parole  
  5. Like
    PimpedOutPete got a reaction from lazymarcky in "That asshole Trudeau..."   
    Guys, we are talking apples and oranges. Gun culture in this nation is drastically different than in the US. Any attempt to make comparisons is futile.
    Canadian gun laws are complicated, dividing firearms into categories with requirements including registration, permits, training courses and exams for all allowed weapons. First-time owners must also fill out a survey that asks about mental health and criminal record. There is a background check and mandatory 28-day waiting period. Canada also has no law or constitutional provision guaranteeing the right to bear arms.
    Those measures didn’t spare the country from tragic gun deaths in the years to come and before as seen at Ecole Polytechnique in 1989.
    People might say that Canada has lost her innocence now, that she is a different place. The reality is that Canada is open to the same kind of hate that exists anywhere else; we’re just more polite when we voice our outrage.
    The difference Mike is this nation is not going to sit on her lorals and watch as innocent people are mowed down senselessly. We are not going to stand and watch our politicians sit back and do absolutely nothing. 
    You may think we are being prayed apon but remember that is your prospective from your own life experiences. It’s an entirely different world here and we are merely hundred of miles away from you.
    People always put it in prospective of personal Freedoms. Well, I can take my grandson to school knowing he will come home that evening. That the chances are almost zero that he will not from a random person who wishes to kill the innocent with a weapon that’s sole purpose is to do as much damage as fast as possible. That’s freedom! That my loved ones have a best chance of not being caught in a crossfire and if we can make that possibility even less, then I’m all for it.
    I want every dam gun off the street and the perps who use guns in violent crime be thrown in jail to rot. If gun enthusiast need to jump through a few more hoops well so be it. 
    If this nations population wish to be actionary about gun laws then so be it. It is a lot less painful then to be reactionary and do absolutely nothing after a mass shooting like in Uvalde, Texas.
  6. Like
    PimpedOutPete got a reaction from Mad Doc in "That asshole Trudeau..."   
    Guys, we are talking apples and oranges. Gun culture in this nation is drastically different than in the US. Any attempt to make comparisons is futile.
    Canadian gun laws are complicated, dividing firearms into categories with requirements including registration, permits, training courses and exams for all allowed weapons. First-time owners must also fill out a survey that asks about mental health and criminal record. There is a background check and mandatory 28-day waiting period. Canada also has no law or constitutional provision guaranteeing the right to bear arms.
    Those measures didn’t spare the country from tragic gun deaths in the years to come and before as seen at Ecole Polytechnique in 1989.
    People might say that Canada has lost her innocence now, that she is a different place. The reality is that Canada is open to the same kind of hate that exists anywhere else; we’re just more polite when we voice our outrage.
    The difference Mike is this nation is not going to sit on her lorals and watch as innocent people are mowed down senselessly. We are not going to stand and watch our politicians sit back and do absolutely nothing. 
    You may think we are being prayed apon but remember that is your prospective from your own life experiences. It’s an entirely different world here and we are merely hundred of miles away from you.
    People always put it in prospective of personal Freedoms. Well, I can take my grandson to school knowing he will come home that evening. That the chances are almost zero that he will not from a random person who wishes to kill the innocent with a weapon that’s sole purpose is to do as much damage as fast as possible. That’s freedom! That my loved ones have a best chance of not being caught in a crossfire and if we can make that possibility even less, then I’m all for it.
    I want every dam gun off the street and the perps who use guns in violent crime be thrown in jail to rot. If gun enthusiast need to jump through a few more hoops well so be it. 
    If this nations population wish to be actionary about gun laws then so be it. It is a lot less painful then to be reactionary and do absolutely nothing after a mass shooting like in Uvalde, Texas.
  7. Like
    PimpedOutPete reacted to Labob in "That asshole Trudeau..."   
    Absolutely agree the numbers are to large. But what your not getting is one gun gone one life saved by doing something positive to stop gun violence is worth it. It is not a waste of time. Up here in your attic your right to own a gun dies not Trump somebody's right to feel safe going outside.  I agree that it is our goverment duty to find a fair line to achieve both. And I feel it's the goverments job to accomplish that task not argue about it endlessly but to actually do something about it. Our goverment just made a move. Good for them that is a goverment doing there job. 
  8. Like
    PimpedOutPete got a reaction from major-mark63 in "That asshole Trudeau..."   
    Guys, we are talking apples and oranges. Gun culture in this nation is drastically different than in the US. Any attempt to make comparisons is futile.
    Canadian gun laws are complicated, dividing firearms into categories with requirements including registration, permits, training courses and exams for all allowed weapons. First-time owners must also fill out a survey that asks about mental health and criminal record. There is a background check and mandatory 28-day waiting period. Canada also has no law or constitutional provision guaranteeing the right to bear arms.
    Those measures didn’t spare the country from tragic gun deaths in the years to come and before as seen at Ecole Polytechnique in 1989.
    People might say that Canada has lost her innocence now, that she is a different place. The reality is that Canada is open to the same kind of hate that exists anywhere else; we’re just more polite when we voice our outrage.
    The difference Mike is this nation is not going to sit on her lorals and watch as innocent people are mowed down senselessly. We are not going to stand and watch our politicians sit back and do absolutely nothing. 
    You may think we are being prayed apon but remember that is your prospective from your own life experiences. It’s an entirely different world here and we are merely hundred of miles away from you.
    People always put it in prospective of personal Freedoms. Well, I can take my grandson to school knowing he will come home that evening. That the chances are almost zero that he will not from a random person who wishes to kill the innocent with a weapon that’s sole purpose is to do as much damage as fast as possible. That’s freedom! That my loved ones have a best chance of not being caught in a crossfire and if we can make that possibility even less, then I’m all for it.
    I want every dam gun off the street and the perps who use guns in violent crime be thrown in jail to rot. If gun enthusiast need to jump through a few more hoops well so be it. 
    If this nations population wish to be actionary about gun laws then so be it. It is a lot less painful then to be reactionary and do absolutely nothing after a mass shooting like in Uvalde, Texas.
  9. Like
    PimpedOutPete got a reaction from Labob in "That asshole Trudeau..."   
    Guys, we are talking apples and oranges. Gun culture in this nation is drastically different than in the US. Any attempt to make comparisons is futile.
    Canadian gun laws are complicated, dividing firearms into categories with requirements including registration, permits, training courses and exams for all allowed weapons. First-time owners must also fill out a survey that asks about mental health and criminal record. There is a background check and mandatory 28-day waiting period. Canada also has no law or constitutional provision guaranteeing the right to bear arms.
    Those measures didn’t spare the country from tragic gun deaths in the years to come and before as seen at Ecole Polytechnique in 1989.
    People might say that Canada has lost her innocence now, that she is a different place. The reality is that Canada is open to the same kind of hate that exists anywhere else; we’re just more polite when we voice our outrage.
    The difference Mike is this nation is not going to sit on her lorals and watch as innocent people are mowed down senselessly. We are not going to stand and watch our politicians sit back and do absolutely nothing. 
    You may think we are being prayed apon but remember that is your prospective from your own life experiences. It’s an entirely different world here and we are merely hundred of miles away from you.
    People always put it in prospective of personal Freedoms. Well, I can take my grandson to school knowing he will come home that evening. That the chances are almost zero that he will not from a random person who wishes to kill the innocent with a weapon that’s sole purpose is to do as much damage as fast as possible. That’s freedom! That my loved ones have a best chance of not being caught in a crossfire and if we can make that possibility even less, then I’m all for it.
    I want every dam gun off the street and the perps who use guns in violent crime be thrown in jail to rot. If gun enthusiast need to jump through a few more hoops well so be it. 
    If this nations population wish to be actionary about gun laws then so be it. It is a lot less painful then to be reactionary and do absolutely nothing after a mass shooting like in Uvalde, Texas.
  10. Like
    PimpedOutPete got a reaction from KaptCrunch in "That asshole Trudeau..."   
    Guys, we are talking apples and oranges. Gun culture in this nation is drastically different than in the US. Any attempt to make comparisons is futile.
    Canadian gun laws are complicated, dividing firearms into categories with requirements including registration, permits, training courses and exams for all allowed weapons. First-time owners must also fill out a survey that asks about mental health and criminal record. There is a background check and mandatory 28-day waiting period. Canada also has no law or constitutional provision guaranteeing the right to bear arms.
    Those measures didn’t spare the country from tragic gun deaths in the years to come and before as seen at Ecole Polytechnique in 1989.
    People might say that Canada has lost her innocence now, that she is a different place. The reality is that Canada is open to the same kind of hate that exists anywhere else; we’re just more polite when we voice our outrage.
    The difference Mike is this nation is not going to sit on her lorals and watch as innocent people are mowed down senselessly. We are not going to stand and watch our politicians sit back and do absolutely nothing. 
    You may think we are being prayed apon but remember that is your prospective from your own life experiences. It’s an entirely different world here and we are merely hundred of miles away from you.
    People always put it in prospective of personal Freedoms. Well, I can take my grandson to school knowing he will come home that evening. That the chances are almost zero that he will not from a random person who wishes to kill the innocent with a weapon that’s sole purpose is to do as much damage as fast as possible. That’s freedom! That my loved ones have a best chance of not being caught in a crossfire and if we can make that possibility even less, then I’m all for it.
    I want every dam gun off the street and the perps who use guns in violent crime be thrown in jail to rot. If gun enthusiast need to jump through a few more hoops well so be it. 
    If this nations population wish to be actionary about gun laws then so be it. It is a lot less painful then to be reactionary and do absolutely nothing after a mass shooting like in Uvalde, Texas.
  11. Like
    PimpedOutPete reacted to Labob in "That asshole Trudeau..."   
    Criminals will always break the law its what make them criminals. What the goverment in canada is trying to do is reduce the amount of weapons that get used by criminals.. now we know very very few actually make them. So in canada they smuggle them in from other country's. And the steal them. So this is just a small step in reducing gun violence. Need a pistol to shoot at targets they have lots at the range. You can even own one just keep it at the range. Personally if you get one of your pistols stolen and it gets used in a crime I think your an assesory to that crime and shoul have to go thru court.  People will be people and lose there guns always. Crooks will be crooks and steal those guns. No guns to steal no crime. Now how do we stop all those stolen American guns from killing Canadians 🤔
  12. Like
    PimpedOutPete reacted to major-mark63 in "That asshole Trudeau..."   
    One shit things politicians i think they ignore and simply they put stupid laws to calm electors opinion,
    that over 90 % crimes with firearms in Canada are made with illegal guns so what a difference these laws will make ..
    only a pain for sporting and hunting shooters too bad....
  13. Like
    PimpedOutPete reacted to Labob in "That asshole Trudeau..."   
    You say how very sorry you are for there loss and the pain they feel . But we are doing everything possible to stop this. Its going to be slow and take a long time but we will get the firearms out of our country and away from the crimminals.  
     And really how many Canadians do you think are qualified to fire a weapon let alone capable of killing a crimminal ?  Not worth that amount of stolen weapons getting into the hands of the criminals. And I am only speaking for Canadains here in the US of A its a totaslly differnt story. We have time to save ourselves. You guys do not.
  14. Like
    PimpedOutPete got a reaction from LoJaK in "That asshole Trudeau..."   
    Good subject Harry and there is certainly a lot to discussion about gun laws in this country. The vast majority of this nation believe in strong meaningful gun laws. This nation has shown it does not have the stomach for mass shooting like what happened in Nova Scotia last year and École Polytechnique massacre in 1989.
    I for one am not in favor of a full on ban on handguns. New gun control legislation the federal government tabled today includes a national freeze on the purchase, sale, importation and transfer of handguns in Canada.
    What I do like about the law is they included increasing criminal penalties for smuggling and trafficking of firearms, and a "red flag" law which would require people deemed a threat to themselves or others to turn in their firearms or have them removed by law enforcement.
    Also included was a number of people would be exempt from the handgun restrictions, including elite sport shooters and those with authorization to carry, such as valuable goods carriers.
    What it falls short is getting to the root cause of gun violence in our cities: illegal guns smuggled into Canada by criminal gangs. 
  15. Like
    PimpedOutPete reacted to Labob in "That asshole Trudeau..."   
    Ya do not need a pistol of any kind in Canada. In the US of A ya need to be fully armed at all times. Your children in the States need a swat escort between classes. In Canada we do not.   In Canada were still a safe country. I'm happy that pistols are going to disapear over the many years it takes to happen. I do not want my grand kids to go to a locked down intitution to get an education. This is how you stop something before it gets to the point of no return . Unlike  like the US of A where it is sadly way to late .   
     And yes I know the criminals will still have guns. So now the cops will know there criminals by the precence of the gun. 
  16. Like
    PimpedOutPete got a reaction from TedsofBeverlyHills in dawgy aka dawgy>XI< aka dawgy>XI<ADM   
    Hey Dawg! It’s great to hear from you again my friend. Are you still in Bonny Lake? I occasionally drive past that area when I am on my way to see family.
    Good to see you back! 
  17. I have read this post
    PimpedOutPete got a reaction from larrymc in Shooting at Elementary School in Uvalde Texas   
    Argh! Guys, a country so divided you think the one thing that would unite us would be the safety and wellbeing of our children. Its seems while many Americans have had no experience with guns and can’t imagine why anyone would own a gun at all, let alone use one, there are just as many people  who are brought up in families in which guns are woven into the very fabric of their lives.
    We argue the merits of both sides, yet another horrific images comes across our screens... and still nothing is done. "As the slaughter increases, as our kids run for their lives, we do nothing. It is a choice, our choice.”
    When do we stop defending our positions and start a real conversation where we put words into ACTIONS! Improve mental health checks!, Improve background checks!, don't prohibit gun ownership of any types but make sure people realize its a privilege and not something you can easily get at 18. Hell you can't even vote for shit sakes. 
    How long do we have to collectively mourn together before we say its enough? 
  18. Like
    PimpedOutPete reacted to major-mark63 in finally back with the world..   
    Finally im back connected with the world.
    Last saturday late afternoon , we had big thunder storms in my area lots of trees falled on power lines so we had no electricity for 86 hours, thx to my power generator we could save food in the fridge  and now this early afternoon antennas for internet were up to connect us.
    Some would say they had a break from me but i missed you guys and girls will be online
    COD5 tonite..
  19. Like
    PimpedOutPete got a reaction from Being in Shooting at Elementary School in Uvalde Texas   
    What is wrong with this world? My heart sinks to the thought that this is even possible. I can’t imagine the awful pain and despair these families are experiencing tonight and will for what will seem forever.
    If you have children or grandchildren, please hold them a little longer tonight, and pray for those who can not.
  20. Like
    PimpedOutPete reacted to Johnny3Time in Shooting at Elementary School in Uvalde Texas   
    They should do away with Gun Trusts as well, it is used too easily to circumvent fedral laws against civilians owning military grade automatic weapons and guns with anti material ammunition. 
  21. Like
    PimpedOutPete got a reaction from Johnny3Time in Shooting at Elementary School in Uvalde Texas   
    I have read a lot about the term “red flag laws” or as they are legally termed Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO). 
    These orders, handed down by a judge or police, can temporarily restrict firearm access to individuals who are believed to present a risk of violence — either to themselves or against other persons. The concept seems to be gaining some traction following the recent deadly shootings in Buffalo, N.Y., and Uvalde, Texas, a potential compromise in the never-ending debate over gun control.
    The laws, depending on the state, allow for a range of people — including families, household members, community members, or law enforcement officers — to petition a court directly for an ERPO.
    Basically there has to be credible evidence that this person is very likely to hurt themselves or another, It has to be a very credible threat. It's not that someone overheard someone say, 'Oh, I hate these people.' No, that's not credible evidence of a threat.
    Problem is some states are reluctant to have such laws for they infringe on one’s civil liberties. That the introduction of red flag laws and it’s impact on civil liberties, and the precedent it sets for the use of coercive measures against individuals, not because they are alleged to have committed any crime, but because somebody believes they might, someday, commit one is to extreme.
    My thoughts? These laws won’t stop all mass shootings. There are plenty individuals who would go unnoticed but, it’s a very good start. If one mass shooting could be prevented by laws such as these, it’s well worth it. I would suspect numerous families would be grateful. We haven’t even spoken about the civil liberties of those who were brutally killed. 
  22. Like
    PimpedOutPete reacted to Johnny3Time in Shooting at Elementary School in Uvalde Texas   
    The White House isn't in Texas and I can tell you Biden isn't in the pockets of the NRA but every single GoP member is. They are the ones that don't give a shit about the deaths, they are the ones blocking the bills  any time it comes up becuase they get paid serious money by the NRA.  Same here in Missouri there is a GoP super majority in the state legislature and every gun law has been stripped off the books. They even made it illegal for law enforcement to enforce federal gun laws, they have the power to defuind any police department that does... the GoP not Democrats the GoP. A violent felon can get out of jail and go straight to the gun store and buy a gun here...no questions asked   Because to the NRA and their backers a right to own military grade weapons is much more important than saving even one childs life. In this state and Texas if a Woman gets pregnant she is forced to have it, but to hell with that kid if it gets in the way of someones 2nd amendmant rights. Aww they killed roomfulls of children and let them lay there to die it's just too bad thoughts and prayers but we had to keep Billy-Bob happy. 
    Nobody needs Assault rifles for any resason .....But johnny its just the first step in takin our guns away... HORSE FUCKING CRAP try some personal responsibility and being held to it for a change. Stop the pointless white washing and down playing of the fucking Horror Show that just took place.  It is not normal and does not happen anywhere else but in the US
  23. Like
    PimpedOutPete got a reaction from PHUCKITMAN in dawgy aka dawgy>XI< aka dawgy>XI<ADM   
    Hey Dawg! It’s great to hear from you again my friend. Are you still in Bonny Lake? I occasionally drive past that area when I am on my way to see family.
    Good to see you back! 
  24. Sad
    PimpedOutPete got a reaction from AthenA in Shooting at Elementary School in Uvalde Texas   
    What is wrong with this world? My heart sinks to the thought that this is even possible. I can’t imagine the awful pain and despair these families are experiencing tonight and will for what will seem forever.
    If you have children or grandchildren, please hold them a little longer tonight, and pray for those who can not.
  25. Like
    PimpedOutPete got a reaction from GHO5T in Shooting at Elementary School in Uvalde Texas   
    What is wrong with this world? My heart sinks to the thought that this is even possible. I can’t imagine the awful pain and despair these families are experiencing tonight and will for what will seem forever.
    If you have children or grandchildren, please hold them a little longer tonight, and pray for those who can not.
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