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Everything posted by LilAcorn

  1. to those who donated PC parts to MtDew to put a PC together. And BIG thanks to MtDew for putting it together and sending it to me... Wish I could reach through here and give you all big hugs! My kids will have my old system since my hubby doesnt want my old system heh. gotta find a vista driver for my intel webcam pro.... Anyone know where i can find it?
  2. speaking of minecraft does dread still have his up? if so i need the URL n etc again.... new PC
  3. i am back home.... When we were like 2-3 hrs to get to the hosp. we got a ph call from my cuz saying she doesnt remember anyone and was calling him her son's name which was the wrong person... my bro stepped on the gas peddal and went beyond speed limit.... got to the hosp like 2-3 AM Indiana time. Got to her and she was like huh? and slowly remembered who we were once we said hi mom and showed her, her new grandson which is my 10 mo old baby Mitchell.... We all cried cause she looked like shit in ICU... feeding tubes, oxygen, couldnt feed herself ice chips, swollen so bad she was getting blisters and skin bleeding and etc... We left her to rest some more and for us to get some sleep as we had to get a hotel cause my other cousin's home was not safe and contaminated with piss from cats n etc.... Went back to see her, she looked a bit more better and stopped by to see my aunt in her nursing home and she is 1 yr older than my mom and is in better shape than her. still couldnt feed herself n etc Next day she came out of ICU and looked a lot more alert. and my brother played some sound affects while he was in the bathroom and a nurse came in and said OMG! I hope that was the cell phone! we could not help but ALL of us were laughing so hard with tears coming down. Even my mom was laughing... The morning we left to go back home we made one more stop to see her and she said she had fed herself b-fest and etc, able to help herself to get some drink of her ice cold water and etc. Our goals is to FIGHT the fucken shitty system to get her moved to here in colorado....
  4. just for a few days. my mother has taken a turn for the worse to a point where the hospital had to get a hold of me to get permission to do a couple of things to her. She is on a waiting list for a new liver since her is broken big time to where it leaks all over inside her stomach area and making her even worse and it is killing her. Doc gave her 5 years to live without a new liver and it has been approx 2-3 years so far. She is also diabetic, asthma is so bad she needs to stay away from sick people who has colds... before she went into the hosp she complained that one whole side from head to toe was swollen so bad and hurting her... I wish she would let go of her life and go be at peace and not in pain anymore but she keeps on fighting sometimes but at times she is so tempted to sign a DNR. I will be going there with my brother and his "girlfriend"(thats another story).... and taking my baby with me since he is still being nursed. I have nearby friends who will be watching my other 2 kids. This plan was like a last min thing cause of her situation. I am hoping this will go smoothly. wish me the best for everything... Hoping to be back home in time for my daughter's 8th birthday as well which is on the 10th.
  5. oh shit i was like WHAT HIM A HACKER NO WAY!!!! other couple people i think they are or seem kinda fishy but damn! nice post whoring cspears LOL
  6. house and I have used the downloader and we still have to download the maps in game.
  7. ROFLMAO PC is gunna cough up hairballs now...
  8. she is wearing my purple socks i used to wear along with her white socks to give em a look of the leg warmers...
  9. The part was the safety gear that was not used back then like the drivers nowdays are using. When he smacked that wall, his head jearked forward so hard it fractured the neck and head right behind his ears which explaines why the one guy saw blood coming from his ears bad. now day safety gears keeps their head from jerking around so much, walls are different too... Michael Waltrip is forever messed up about this because he feels guilty about winning the race and lost his family due to his mixed emotions about that day.
  10. windows XP and i am a purple freak and i love elves
  11. yes you need to patch to the latest patch which can be found anywhere.... so far I trust file front website they have all kinds of patches for all games pretty much. Goodluck! or use xifre and it will download the patches for you automaticly
  12. funstick, that was really nice, bummer for the sound though, but its the action that counts! Hopefully she will be with you in the USA asap so you guys can get married face to face and grow a wonderful family! She is soooo pretty!
  13. yeah most of the ladies on here has flashed themselves.... why not the guys flash themselves..... makes it all fair.....
  14. Ill be there and get ready for this kind of action dude.....
  15. he is asleep for work tomorrow(Tuesday) and he took his Janey's Bitch name tag off already.....
  16. As I have said, i hate it when people just sit on their fat lazy ass at a spawn place and shut em up like they got nothing else better to do other than giving those who WANTS to run around or find a spot to snipe those who are lurking through a window, corner, running around n etc... Even those who takes an advantage of glitching and killing the spawns. Not everyone has top notch PC, 20+mbps connection or so.. My pc is slowly dying or slowly becoming unable to play hardcore games LOL so I am waiting on my "new" XI PC.
  17. oh no, hope she is found and is okay and probably taking some time off to relax... I know I did when i was due with my baby....
  18. " The Xfire website is currently undergoing scheduled maintenance. We are updating our servers and moving to a new hosting center. We expect service to resume shortly. Thank you for your devotion and patience. "
  19. i myself is hard of hearing so i cannot learn any other languages.... so anyone who speaks to me in person has to speak english or sign language... i wanted to take other languages in HS but kept getting told NO because you will fail in those classes... which is true, i cannot tell the difference between "ben or ven or den" A neighbor who used to live next door to me in California spoke 95% spanish and was teaching my daughter some spanish which I didn't mind cause their dog knew only spanish commands n etc and the mother knew a little english. And I am slowly losing more hearing... already lost 60-70 decibal hearing loss already and SSI continues to deny me. They have been dening me for 35 yrs. So IMO they have to know english before coming into the states since it is manditory from what i have heard if going through the legal way to move and live n work in the good ol USA
  20. This is funny, wonder what the cat was pissed off about LOL
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