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Everything posted by Hunter1948

  1. Welcome and maybe see you COD5 FT
  2. Good 1 Shamu haven't seen those guys since I was a kid and yes it was black and white TV.
  3. Someone get a pail of water for Chille
  4. I remember those days when the bar was just about to close but they sure looked good then. LOL
  5. Good catch we don't need that crap on the servers.
  6. So sorry to hear about her problems and I hope she pulls through . Best wishes to you all at this time.
  7. Welcome to the forums Hawkeye I have taken a few of your bullets in Nam freezetag. Keep the post up bro nice to good things
  8. Lets ready to rummmmmmmbaLLLLLLLLLLLe
  9. Welcome to the forums maybe see you in freeze tag cod 5
  10. welcome to the forums and servers play fair play nice. Maybe see you on freeze tag cod 5
  11. Mine works oh did I say that swear word again work
  12. Well check this guy out and I think he must be a union worker. http://www.wimp.com/fastestgunman/
  13. Thanks for the intro. Play fair and have fun
  14. So sorry to hear of your loss of a family member at such a young age .
  15. Got this in an email thought some of our American buddies might like it. http://www.network54.com/Forum/451309/thread/1296928404/This+is+just+to+cool+not+to+spread+around*
  16. Welcome Herpes to the forums enjoy your self and play nice.
  17. Welcome back it's about time we had 1 on the Deerhunter
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