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  1. Like
    nosleep reacted to Blackbart in Need Help Are there any restaurant kitchen managers   
    Ted is the owner but he leaves the management to others...He spends most of his time philandering with the waitresses...
  2. Like
    nosleep reacted to JAYsus_NL in TKS BY ZONK   
    You know what? Tk back as much as you want.... The first with 15 tk`s gets the auto ban and believe me, i won`t be fast unbanning. (If the tk`s are from laying in front of their vehicles or something like that, the one instigating the tk`s gets a ban to!!!)
    It`s your word against theirs. If you say it was an accident, i believe you. I they say it`s an accident, i believe them.
    Kinda tired of the bs in game.........
  3. Like
    nosleep reacted to codpiece in TKS BY ZONK   
    Wait hold on guys, I need to get my popcorn so I can enjoy the latest installment of Zonk theater.
    I love these episodes.
  4. Like
    nosleep got a reaction from billyblade in Aimbot/Walls on HC Server   
    comon man! this is not even a dodgy kill.. its a very very easy and clear to explain kill....
    ill try keep it simple... cos you are so sure this is proof of hacking... so i want to be clear.
    He is in a tank..... there are infintry on the tops of both hills... using thermals he can see the glow of the 1st guy on top of the left hill.... as the turrets swings that way.. it goes past the enemy player laying down on top of the 1st hill on left (cos his aim is not perfect and it take him a split sec to accurately aquire the target).. the aim then swings back 1/2 inch to aquire target, shoots with HMG on tank turret... omg he killed a guy with the HMG after seeing him on thermals and the enemy was ontop of a hill  aka: skylining.
    NO BIGGY AT ALL ON THE 1ST GUY ON A HILL....  unless you are so desperate to see hacking that you ignore all the facts.. but hey... ppl who cry hack often need it to be true for the sake of their own ego, because their insecurity/ego can not believe that they are such poor players in comparison to the really good players that there are.
    the magical kill through the smoke.. ok lets look at it.
    He has just killed a guy on the hill top, which was an easy kill no crazy skill needed, never mind need hacks for it lolo.. but anyways.. he moves forwards towards the plume of smoke where he has just seen a tank go down and to the left of it.. and can see enemy around that hill....
    he then.. with the HMG on turret... now this is important... because he DOES NOT SNAP TO THE TARGET BEHIND SMOKE LOL... he actually takes 10 shots... TEN SHOTS .. before he hits the target you say he ''locks to through smoke''  ... which is bullshit mate.
    He traces the skyline (or projected skyline as he can only see the left of the hill slope as it rises to its peak, the peak is behind the smoke).  and if you just watch... you see him trace the turret from left to right accross what he thinks is the top of that hill where he knows there is enemy cos he has seen them running around that hill just seconds before...
    he traces the top of the hill from left to right and AFTER 10 SHOTS.. COUNT THEM.... TEN SHOT!!!  then he finally hits a guy...
    get a grip mate.  you think we dont spectate our players??  especially the regular ones??  you think we dont have literally 100's of hours of spectate video on our regular good players and we just let them run rampant with aim bot  and all this shit???
    he doesnt ''lock to targets''  his turret moves in a snapy fasion... but not snap onto target.. snap then adjust cos he is you know??  doing it himself.. 10 shots through smoke at a hill top that prob has enemy, after 10 shots strafing turret from left to right, he hits a guy and you scream hack??
    EDIT:  after the 1st kill on the guy you say he snap-locks on.. which he doesnt at all, he over swings and has to re-adjust, but hey, think what you like.  He then drives forwards, going towards the hill with smoke in front and over a bump.. you say
    ''he snaps-locks to target and the turret/aim doesnt move as he drives''
    .. but it clearly does.. it swings down and to the left and he pulls it back up... remember he is the main driver using  co-axial .. so he knows the movement on the tank body vs his own turret.. he is not the 2nd gunner ... but thats irrelivant... the turret does move!!
    just wanted to highlight another factual thing you said that is actually bullshit, as with your entire claim on this video... i dont know is he hacks mate.. im not god i cant know all undetectable hacks.. but i know 1 thing.
    this video dont prove shit, but thanks for being yet another person who comes with extremely weak evidence claiming ''they know for sure'' and that we are all noobs cos we can see it like you do.. and we all took time out of our days, cos u know, we get paid for this right? to reply to you.. but you dont drop it.. continuing to claim this video is clear hacking, when its not even clear skill... it shows nothing.. all very easy to explain.. and every claim you make .. is bullshit.. ill list them.
    1:  ''he snap locks to targets''-----
    no he doesnt.. not once does his turret snap to a target and he is dead on target.. he has to micro adjust each time because yes, he snaps with left n right, but he never ''snap-locks'' watch more closely.. you will see him adjust cos he is not 100% on target.
    2: '' he can see through the smoke and snap-locked to tagets behind smoke''-----
    i just explained snap-lock and the fact he is not doing it, you are imagining it and missing the detail cos ur to blinded by your own need to be right.  the smoke?  he 100% does not snap-lock to anyone!! IT TAKE TEN SHOTS WHILE STRAFING THE TURRET TO KILL A GUY (with a co-axel HMG at basically close/mid range so very accurate and hard to miss when aimbot has ''snap-locked you to his head at close range) ... thats it.. end.  you think thats aim bot snap lock etc.. youre insane.
    3:  ''the turret doesnt move at all while he moves forwards towards the hill with smoke in front''-------
    yes it does.. again you are missing small details cos ur too focused on proving he IS HACKING, rather than looking at it impartially wih no bias.  
    4: personal note -  we ban people for hacking all the time mate, but before we do it, we talk as a community of admins and between us all we decide if the evidence (which you have presented none of.. your video shows nothing but your own insecurities) is enough and then we decide. sometimes that decision is very clear and easy.. and sometimes it takes us weeks and months to build a case because often ppl we suspect are actually very good players and there becomes a thin line between jelousy and suspiscion and actual proof.
    others have been able to monitor when we spectate them and they in some cases perform worse when being spectated, (meldun doesnt have this, he performs good consistantly, with could.. maybe.. just maybe.. mean he is a good player?  ikr crazy thought)..
    but this alone is not enough. we require proof.. not cry baby claims easy to explain... if we listened to them without investigating it, without bias, ourselves.. we would 1: have no time to ourselves and 2: have no server except for a few ppl that are left who are such poor players that no one ever accused them of hacking.
    you had a server or have a server? you did or do things differently there? so what?  you know then that there are a million claims by cry babies all day long and it should, to be honest, be easy for you to see the difference and watch this video without the blinkers you have.
    befotre you attack the entire admin team just cos you dont like someone calling you a cry baby.. perhaps you should take a 2nd and 3rd look at the video you demand is proof and ask yourself these questions.
    1: does he actually snap-lock to anything, or am i just imagining it and he actually has to adjust every time cos he is not 100% on target with each snap?
    2: does he lock a guy through smoke or does he trace a hill top where he knows people are and then take TEN shots to hit someone??
    once you have answered both of these.. then you will know why someone posted a cry baby gif.
    take care, we here at xtremeidiots appreciate you caring about our server and wanting it to be a hacker free zone thats fun to play... we share that mentality but we think ''fun to play'' includes not just banning some guy cos he is good and someone has 1 kill on a video that looks a bid dodgy to them... because in order to stop people being unfairly banned or individual admins abusing their power because of unfair bias..... we actually require proof and that proof is vetted by our entire admin team.
    Or maybe ill spectate you and the next time you get a lucky shot through smoke on an MCOM or towards a flag u know bad guys are at.. ill bad you through PB-GGC and then you will understand why we require proof.. not just bogus cry baby claims.
    have a nice day.
  5. Like
    nosleep got a reaction from Mupphovsmannen in Aimbot/Walls on HC Server   
    comon man! this is not even a dodgy kill.. its a very very easy and clear to explain kill....
    ill try keep it simple... cos you are so sure this is proof of hacking... so i want to be clear.
    He is in a tank..... there are infintry on the tops of both hills... using thermals he can see the glow of the 1st guy on top of the left hill.... as the turrets swings that way.. it goes past the enemy player laying down on top of the 1st hill on left (cos his aim is not perfect and it take him a split sec to accurately aquire the target).. the aim then swings back 1/2 inch to aquire target, shoots with HMG on tank turret... omg he killed a guy with the HMG after seeing him on thermals and the enemy was ontop of a hill  aka: skylining.
    NO BIGGY AT ALL ON THE 1ST GUY ON A HILL....  unless you are so desperate to see hacking that you ignore all the facts.. but hey... ppl who cry hack often need it to be true for the sake of their own ego, because their insecurity/ego can not believe that they are such poor players in comparison to the really good players that there are.
    the magical kill through the smoke.. ok lets look at it.
    He has just killed a guy on the hill top, which was an easy kill no crazy skill needed, never mind need hacks for it lolo.. but anyways.. he moves forwards towards the plume of smoke where he has just seen a tank go down and to the left of it.. and can see enemy around that hill....
    he then.. with the HMG on turret... now this is important... because he DOES NOT SNAP TO THE TARGET BEHIND SMOKE LOL... he actually takes 10 shots... TEN SHOTS .. before he hits the target you say he ''locks to through smoke''  ... which is bullshit mate.
    He traces the skyline (or projected skyline as he can only see the left of the hill slope as it rises to its peak, the peak is behind the smoke).  and if you just watch... you see him trace the turret from left to right accross what he thinks is the top of that hill where he knows there is enemy cos he has seen them running around that hill just seconds before...
    he traces the top of the hill from left to right and AFTER 10 SHOTS.. COUNT THEM.... TEN SHOT!!!  then he finally hits a guy...
    get a grip mate.  you think we dont spectate our players??  especially the regular ones??  you think we dont have literally 100's of hours of spectate video on our regular good players and we just let them run rampant with aim bot  and all this shit???
    he doesnt ''lock to targets''  his turret moves in a snapy fasion... but not snap onto target.. snap then adjust cos he is you know??  doing it himself.. 10 shots through smoke at a hill top that prob has enemy, after 10 shots strafing turret from left to right, he hits a guy and you scream hack??
    EDIT:  after the 1st kill on the guy you say he snap-locks on.. which he doesnt at all, he over swings and has to re-adjust, but hey, think what you like.  He then drives forwards, going towards the hill with smoke in front and over a bump.. you say
    ''he snaps-locks to target and the turret/aim doesnt move as he drives''
    .. but it clearly does.. it swings down and to the left and he pulls it back up... remember he is the main driver using  co-axial .. so he knows the movement on the tank body vs his own turret.. he is not the 2nd gunner ... but thats irrelivant... the turret does move!!
    just wanted to highlight another factual thing you said that is actually bullshit, as with your entire claim on this video... i dont know is he hacks mate.. im not god i cant know all undetectable hacks.. but i know 1 thing.
    this video dont prove shit, but thanks for being yet another person who comes with extremely weak evidence claiming ''they know for sure'' and that we are all noobs cos we can see it like you do.. and we all took time out of our days, cos u know, we get paid for this right? to reply to you.. but you dont drop it.. continuing to claim this video is clear hacking, when its not even clear skill... it shows nothing.. all very easy to explain.. and every claim you make .. is bullshit.. ill list them.
    1:  ''he snap locks to targets''-----
    no he doesnt.. not once does his turret snap to a target and he is dead on target.. he has to micro adjust each time because yes, he snaps with left n right, but he never ''snap-locks'' watch more closely.. you will see him adjust cos he is not 100% on target.
    2: '' he can see through the smoke and snap-locked to tagets behind smoke''-----
    i just explained snap-lock and the fact he is not doing it, you are imagining it and missing the detail cos ur to blinded by your own need to be right.  the smoke?  he 100% does not snap-lock to anyone!! IT TAKE TEN SHOTS WHILE STRAFING THE TURRET TO KILL A GUY (with a co-axel HMG at basically close/mid range so very accurate and hard to miss when aimbot has ''snap-locked you to his head at close range) ... thats it.. end.  you think thats aim bot snap lock etc.. youre insane.
    3:  ''the turret doesnt move at all while he moves forwards towards the hill with smoke in front''-------
    yes it does.. again you are missing small details cos ur too focused on proving he IS HACKING, rather than looking at it impartially wih no bias.  
    4: personal note -  we ban people for hacking all the time mate, but before we do it, we talk as a community of admins and between us all we decide if the evidence (which you have presented none of.. your video shows nothing but your own insecurities) is enough and then we decide. sometimes that decision is very clear and easy.. and sometimes it takes us weeks and months to build a case because often ppl we suspect are actually very good players and there becomes a thin line between jelousy and suspiscion and actual proof.
    others have been able to monitor when we spectate them and they in some cases perform worse when being spectated, (meldun doesnt have this, he performs good consistantly, with could.. maybe.. just maybe.. mean he is a good player?  ikr crazy thought)..
    but this alone is not enough. we require proof.. not cry baby claims easy to explain... if we listened to them without investigating it, without bias, ourselves.. we would 1: have no time to ourselves and 2: have no server except for a few ppl that are left who are such poor players that no one ever accused them of hacking.
    you had a server or have a server? you did or do things differently there? so what?  you know then that there are a million claims by cry babies all day long and it should, to be honest, be easy for you to see the difference and watch this video without the blinkers you have.
    befotre you attack the entire admin team just cos you dont like someone calling you a cry baby.. perhaps you should take a 2nd and 3rd look at the video you demand is proof and ask yourself these questions.
    1: does he actually snap-lock to anything, or am i just imagining it and he actually has to adjust every time cos he is not 100% on target with each snap?
    2: does he lock a guy through smoke or does he trace a hill top where he knows people are and then take TEN shots to hit someone??
    once you have answered both of these.. then you will know why someone posted a cry baby gif.
    take care, we here at xtremeidiots appreciate you caring about our server and wanting it to be a hacker free zone thats fun to play... we share that mentality but we think ''fun to play'' includes not just banning some guy cos he is good and someone has 1 kill on a video that looks a bid dodgy to them... because in order to stop people being unfairly banned or individual admins abusing their power because of unfair bias..... we actually require proof and that proof is vetted by our entire admin team.
    Or maybe ill spectate you and the next time you get a lucky shot through smoke on an MCOM or towards a flag u know bad guys are at.. ill bad you through PB-GGC and then you will understand why we require proof.. not just bogus cry baby claims.
    have a nice day.
  6. Like
    nosleep got a reaction from LightHammer02 in Aimbot/Walls on HC Server   
    comon man! this is not even a dodgy kill.. its a very very easy and clear to explain kill....
    ill try keep it simple... cos you are so sure this is proof of hacking... so i want to be clear.
    He is in a tank..... there are infintry on the tops of both hills... using thermals he can see the glow of the 1st guy on top of the left hill.... as the turrets swings that way.. it goes past the enemy player laying down on top of the 1st hill on left (cos his aim is not perfect and it take him a split sec to accurately aquire the target).. the aim then swings back 1/2 inch to aquire target, shoots with HMG on tank turret... omg he killed a guy with the HMG after seeing him on thermals and the enemy was ontop of a hill  aka: skylining.
    NO BIGGY AT ALL ON THE 1ST GUY ON A HILL....  unless you are so desperate to see hacking that you ignore all the facts.. but hey... ppl who cry hack often need it to be true for the sake of their own ego, because their insecurity/ego can not believe that they are such poor players in comparison to the really good players that there are.
    the magical kill through the smoke.. ok lets look at it.
    He has just killed a guy on the hill top, which was an easy kill no crazy skill needed, never mind need hacks for it lolo.. but anyways.. he moves forwards towards the plume of smoke where he has just seen a tank go down and to the left of it.. and can see enemy around that hill....
    he then.. with the HMG on turret... now this is important... because he DOES NOT SNAP TO THE TARGET BEHIND SMOKE LOL... he actually takes 10 shots... TEN SHOTS .. before he hits the target you say he ''locks to through smoke''  ... which is bullshit mate.
    He traces the skyline (or projected skyline as he can only see the left of the hill slope as it rises to its peak, the peak is behind the smoke).  and if you just watch... you see him trace the turret from left to right accross what he thinks is the top of that hill where he knows there is enemy cos he has seen them running around that hill just seconds before...
    he traces the top of the hill from left to right and AFTER 10 SHOTS.. COUNT THEM.... TEN SHOT!!!  then he finally hits a guy...
    get a grip mate.  you think we dont spectate our players??  especially the regular ones??  you think we dont have literally 100's of hours of spectate video on our regular good players and we just let them run rampant with aim bot  and all this shit???
    he doesnt ''lock to targets''  his turret moves in a snapy fasion... but not snap onto target.. snap then adjust cos he is you know??  doing it himself.. 10 shots through smoke at a hill top that prob has enemy, after 10 shots strafing turret from left to right, he hits a guy and you scream hack??
    EDIT:  after the 1st kill on the guy you say he snap-locks on.. which he doesnt at all, he over swings and has to re-adjust, but hey, think what you like.  He then drives forwards, going towards the hill with smoke in front and over a bump.. you say
    ''he snaps-locks to target and the turret/aim doesnt move as he drives''
    .. but it clearly does.. it swings down and to the left and he pulls it back up... remember he is the main driver using  co-axial .. so he knows the movement on the tank body vs his own turret.. he is not the 2nd gunner ... but thats irrelivant... the turret does move!!
    just wanted to highlight another factual thing you said that is actually bullshit, as with your entire claim on this video... i dont know is he hacks mate.. im not god i cant know all undetectable hacks.. but i know 1 thing.
    this video dont prove shit, but thanks for being yet another person who comes with extremely weak evidence claiming ''they know for sure'' and that we are all noobs cos we can see it like you do.. and we all took time out of our days, cos u know, we get paid for this right? to reply to you.. but you dont drop it.. continuing to claim this video is clear hacking, when its not even clear skill... it shows nothing.. all very easy to explain.. and every claim you make .. is bullshit.. ill list them.
    1:  ''he snap locks to targets''-----
    no he doesnt.. not once does his turret snap to a target and he is dead on target.. he has to micro adjust each time because yes, he snaps with left n right, but he never ''snap-locks'' watch more closely.. you will see him adjust cos he is not 100% on target.
    2: '' he can see through the smoke and snap-locked to tagets behind smoke''-----
    i just explained snap-lock and the fact he is not doing it, you are imagining it and missing the detail cos ur to blinded by your own need to be right.  the smoke?  he 100% does not snap-lock to anyone!! IT TAKE TEN SHOTS WHILE STRAFING THE TURRET TO KILL A GUY (with a co-axel HMG at basically close/mid range so very accurate and hard to miss when aimbot has ''snap-locked you to his head at close range) ... thats it.. end.  you think thats aim bot snap lock etc.. youre insane.
    3:  ''the turret doesnt move at all while he moves forwards towards the hill with smoke in front''-------
    yes it does.. again you are missing small details cos ur too focused on proving he IS HACKING, rather than looking at it impartially wih no bias.  
    4: personal note -  we ban people for hacking all the time mate, but before we do it, we talk as a community of admins and between us all we decide if the evidence (which you have presented none of.. your video shows nothing but your own insecurities) is enough and then we decide. sometimes that decision is very clear and easy.. and sometimes it takes us weeks and months to build a case because often ppl we suspect are actually very good players and there becomes a thin line between jelousy and suspiscion and actual proof.
    others have been able to monitor when we spectate them and they in some cases perform worse when being spectated, (meldun doesnt have this, he performs good consistantly, with could.. maybe.. just maybe.. mean he is a good player?  ikr crazy thought)..
    but this alone is not enough. we require proof.. not cry baby claims easy to explain... if we listened to them without investigating it, without bias, ourselves.. we would 1: have no time to ourselves and 2: have no server except for a few ppl that are left who are such poor players that no one ever accused them of hacking.
    you had a server or have a server? you did or do things differently there? so what?  you know then that there are a million claims by cry babies all day long and it should, to be honest, be easy for you to see the difference and watch this video without the blinkers you have.
    befotre you attack the entire admin team just cos you dont like someone calling you a cry baby.. perhaps you should take a 2nd and 3rd look at the video you demand is proof and ask yourself these questions.
    1: does he actually snap-lock to anything, or am i just imagining it and he actually has to adjust every time cos he is not 100% on target with each snap?
    2: does he lock a guy through smoke or does he trace a hill top where he knows people are and then take TEN shots to hit someone??
    once you have answered both of these.. then you will know why someone posted a cry baby gif.
    take care, we here at xtremeidiots appreciate you caring about our server and wanting it to be a hacker free zone thats fun to play... we share that mentality but we think ''fun to play'' includes not just banning some guy cos he is good and someone has 1 kill on a video that looks a bid dodgy to them... because in order to stop people being unfairly banned or individual admins abusing their power because of unfair bias..... we actually require proof and that proof is vetted by our entire admin team.
    Or maybe ill spectate you and the next time you get a lucky shot through smoke on an MCOM or towards a flag u know bad guys are at.. ill bad you through PB-GGC and then you will understand why we require proof.. not just bogus cry baby claims.
    have a nice day.
  7. Like
    nosleep reacted to codpiece in I am now interested in Pokeman   
    Vagi-chu, I choose you!

  8. Like
    nosleep reacted to Icequeen in please welcome predat0r to the cod 4 admin team   
    Don't listen to him you know I always have love for you.
  9. Like
    nosleep reacted to TheDrimpXI in a quick poll curiosity   
    no not me, i smoke weed any info neeted for that you pm me 
  10. Like
    nosleep reacted to KingStinger! in Admin Abuse   
    What? The other admins don't get paid? Rugger must love me [emoji14]
  11. Like
    nosleep reacted to Tammowned in Admin Abuse   
    I would like to take a moment to give my appreciation to the admins, who must be sick and tired of being abused and mistreated by players.
    - They are not paid for what they do.
    - They were once players like you and I. They gave this up to help.
    - When there is an issue, they are expected to drop everything and help.
    - They meet this expectation.
    - Yet half the time, the person they helped is rude. Where the fuck does this entitled attitude come from? Somebody just dropped everything to help you.
    Despite being treated like shit half the time, do they quit?
    No. They help again. And they keep helping.
    Admins are people too; they might be there to help, but they're not your slaves or servants.
    Learn some fucking manners and show appreciation for the help they give you.
  12. Like
    nosleep got a reaction from Predat0r in please welcome predat0r to the cod 4 admin team   
    Congrats predator mate!
    Now all those friendly ppl on TS will hate you and everything you say... picking on each little thing you do .... enjoy. 
  13. Like
    nosleep reacted to 2_MANY_BEERS in Need Help Are there any restaurant kitchen managers   
    Isn't Ted of Beverly Hills a manager?
  14. Like
    nosleep reacted to TheHammer in Need Help Are there any restaurant kitchen managers   
    I like pancakes
  15. Like
    nosleep got a reaction from Ruggerxi in US BF4 Server is dead....   
     I second this
  16. Like
    nosleep reacted to codpiece in US BF4 Server is dead....   
    @@Damit1 *man hug* to you. We are an XI family and we poke each other some times, but we are a family and that's the cool thing!
  17. Like
    nosleep reacted to JAYsus_NL in US BF4 Server is dead....   
    Tssss.... Rookie hours...... ;-p
  18. Like
    nosleep reacted to EDD THE DUCK in US BF4 Server is dead....   
    i totally agree you suck ass at BF4
  19. Like
    nosleep got a reaction from kadaverke in Japanese VR Porn   
    You can not be serious?
    Gay sex of any kind keeps us down?   Do you mean overall population of the species? Cos that's climbing super fast and will continue to do so with or without gay people...
    im confused how globalists use this porn to keep us down. And what does homosexuality have to do with anything at all?
  20. Like
    nosleep got a reaction from deerejon in Japanese VR Porn   
    You can not be serious?
    Gay sex of any kind keeps us down?   Do you mean overall population of the species? Cos that's climbing super fast and will continue to do so with or without gay people...
    im confused how globalists use this porn to keep us down. And what does homosexuality have to do with anything at all?
  21. Like
    nosleep got a reaction from Astronomer in Japanese VR Porn   
    You can not be serious?
    Gay sex of any kind keeps us down?   Do you mean overall population of the species? Cos that's climbing super fast and will continue to do so with or without gay people...
    im confused how globalists use this porn to keep us down. And what does homosexuality have to do with anything at all?
  22. Like
    nosleep got a reaction from FRENCHI in FAREWELL MOTHER   
    ami désolé, un gros câlin à vous
  23. Like
    nosleep reacted to oRieN2k in It's-a me oRieN!!   
    It's me oRieN aka Marcelo (real name) the russian accent Portuguese you all know from TeamSpeak
    I live in a Porto (Portugal) famous for its Wine and Beautiful girls.
    I'm 27 years old I think ... been gaming for quite some time maybe 25+ years.
    This is my profile for battlelog feel free to add me there and invite me to play on xtreme idiots server some BF4!!
    That's all you need to know for the pilot episode more soon!! 
  24. Like
    nosleep got a reaction from GeForce in EU FEST 2016   
    I cant make it, sorry for short notice.
    give my room away and ill pay for it still.
    very sorry, money no good and threats of violence are really not my thing.
    again sorry short notice, but thats how it is.
  25. Like
    nosleep got a reaction from HellTiger in Please welcome HellTigris to the Insurgency Admin Team   
    hey congrats mate
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