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AthenA last won the day on February 10

AthenA had the most liked content!

About AthenA

  • Birthday November 22

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    Québec, Canada

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  1. Happy New Year !! I wish you all the very best ! :fun:


    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. AyaqGuyaq


      Wow, @AthenA (aka "A" followed by another "A") won the day on 10/19/2017 for the "most-liked" content.

      She also has a "Community Reputation beyond repute."

      But, we all knew that she had that "reputation" already, didn't we, team.

      But, we let her befriend us regardless.

      I think it was El Debarge that sang the song (song to the tune of "Oh Sheila"):


      "Oh, Ath-e-na, you like to slash me 'til the morning comes . . .

      Oh, Ath-e-na, you like to laugh while my blood does run . . .

      Oh baby, oh . . ."


      Lol.  Like Janet Jackson said, "It's Ms. Athena if you're nasty."



    3. LoJaK
    4. AyaqGuyaq
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