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About fightingseabee

  • Birthday 08/21/1972

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  • Origin
    United States

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  1. i will be 48 in aug, i have a 14yr old son, a 10 yr old son a 3 yr old son and just found out that i am going to have a daughter at christmas time............ im doomed
  2. here is a song to get your week started........ you can thank me now for this
  3. are there any members in the des moines iowa area? i would love to meet up........ once this whole covid-19 mess is over and we can start doing things like that again
  4. Thank you for accepting me to the clan i look forward to playing minecraft with all the minecraft players here
  5. just noticed i missed the H in thank you admins....... sorry
  6. I know i said it last night but wanted to say thank you to all the admins that responded to the trouble we had on 1.7.10. knowing that we have people that care about keeping the environment safe and friendly for everyone and are willing to respond quickly makes this a fun server to play on.?
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