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About LtFireman

  • Birthday 06/18/1974

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  1. HAX HAX HAX Always knew it seemed like there was three of you playing at once LOL just kidding.
  2. Trying to gain membership. I Introduced myself first as BCNU, played under that name for about 9 months but didnt like it so changed to LtFIreman. Introduced myself again in 2019, now Re introducing me to gain membership to XI clan.
  3. Some say that stiffness matters in RODS, I myself don't play with RODS so i would not know.
  4. As a Fire fighter I of course have a Siren LOL.
  5. I usually wrap with tin foil to help the pork get over the dreaded "stall" temperature point. It usually occurs at about 145°.
  6. No more waiting a day to D/L a movie LOL
  7. Welcome Teki
  8. I went to a new strip club the other day. It was for paraplegic strippers. There was pussy crawling all over the place!! LOL
  9. This chart show my give a shit growth over the last 2 years !!!
  10. I have this controller that will allow you to hook your smart phone up to the camera on your drone. I think it will work with the mini. If you want it PM me with your address and I will ship it to you. I have no use for it anymore. I crashed my DJI in high winds lol and cannot use it any more.
  11. #FFFF00
  12. Full Auto .30 caliber airgun NUFF said
  13. Well that is pretty straight forward LOL
  14. LOL Guess i didn't read the instructions clear enough.
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