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Posts posted by lTplkey336

  1. Actually  that's over a buck more per gallon you pay for gas, you obviously do not live near the border , if you did you would've been coming here. And thousands of Canadians did come over the border before the border was closed. And I really think you are mistaken about there never been an accident caused by the use of weed. If you believe that, I got a bridge Id like to sell you . But tell you what, you may reply to this post , feel free to get the last word in, but I have a feeling this will become one of the never ending posts as there is always too much to debate. Loved talking with you have a great day and I'll see you on the battle field! 

  2. Ahh , you must be the only Canadian to have never shopped or trashed my country, or came here for cheap gas, or shopped here for clothing , groceries or visited our  casinos where you could legally smoke  cigarettes indoors. Go figure you can smoke weed, get in your car and go run over some one cause your stoned, but cant smoke a cig in the casino. I believe you never got gas here before the border closed otherwise you would know that the gas is a lot cheaper than in your country. A LOT CHEAPER . But  enough trash talk , I do like Canadians as long as we don't talk politics, or comparing the lifestyles of each others nation, as there is good and bad in both, enough to go round and round and only national pride gets in the way. As it should. If you don't love your country then you should leave. Oh, you already did that . Oops sorry , national pride kicking in.   I do not like talking politics with people  in my own country .  Just not a good thing to discuss at all except if your looking for an argument. But I do sincerely hope you have a great day today and no hard feelings.

  3. Ahh yes , and where do the canadians go when they need to shop. They cross the border to the US because they cant afford the prices and taxes they have to pay in their own country. Oh and yes please fill up your gas tank while your here shopping, because I'd hate to have to see you pay three times the amount for gas in Canada. You want to trash my country? Well right back at you lady. Oh and happy independence day!

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