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  1. Haha
    lTplkey336 reacted to ALanHim in Anyone have some funny memes to share??   
    DEI Harris has slept with every race and all the mixes as well. It was her job 

  2. Like
    lTplkey336 reacted to WeednFeed in Weed’s Granddaughters Help Bottle Honey!   
    Well the girls and I decided to practice bottling a test run of honey from my hives. We only used the large and medium filters. As most honey contains pollen we weren’t worried. Every batch will taste different depending on what flowers the bees are collecting nectar from. We are very pleased with our first attempt. It’s delicious. 
    Always great to have my little helpers lending a hand. 

  3. Like
    lTplkey336 got a reaction from ALanHim in Lost a friend today and it happened so fast. One minute we were hanging out... then she was gone. The Desert will miss her.   
    How do them cows stay cool in that extreme heat of the desert?
  4. Confused
    lTplkey336 reacted to LOCO in I had a accident   
  5. Like
    lTplkey336 got a reaction from ALanHim in are you ready i am   
    TSW those cookies are making me hungry , they look yummy.
  6. Haha
    lTplkey336 got a reaction from ALanHim in The Stars   
    Dont be stupid AlanHim, if you buy land on the bottom side of the flat earth  you will fall off!
  7. Like
    lTplkey336 got a reaction from tsw 8.5 in are you ready i am   
    TSW those cookies are making me hungry , they look yummy.
  8. Like
    lTplkey336 got a reaction from rexbowan in 2024-07-01 Birthdays   
    Happy birthday all. And a special Happy Birthday to White Dragon, Dont know which side of the grass your on but let it be known you are greatly missed !
  9. Like
    lTplkey336 reacted to Bloodrunner in Can't get enough of me??   
    Hi All
    I've been asked to re-introduce myself, probably didn't give you enough info last time, so here goes.
    Bloodrunner real name Steve
    Been playing on the XI servers a bit now, previously under the name of Smudger, so you'll all probably have killed me....several times or more. I'm not that great, pretty poor at gaming too but I get by and I enjoy it.
    Live just outside London UK
    I'm still working and also volunteer for a BloodBike Group that delivers emergency blood to hospitals, hence why I have to quit a game suddenly, no no it's not a rage quit, honest!
    When I saw my sons playing COD I was fascinated by the fact that you could interact with people halfway round the world so I bought a copy and here I am.
    I've been in a couple of Clans, [DaD] that was  UK based but went under then [MSOB] which was crouch only, probably the reason why I can't handle the  bunnyhoppers out there, you know who you are! It's while playing on their servers that I saw some XI players and stalked them to their servers and started joining in on the XI servers.
    I got booted off the [MSOB] clan through lack of activity, spending too much time away working, so started stalking the XI again. As I was useless on the freezetag ones I played on the deathmatch servers as it was only me I could let down, anyways I improved a bit and started getting onto the freezetags. I was still useless but liked the members and the banter, not too many keyboard warriors or seriousness, that kind of suits me. Oh! and of all my marked favourite servers yours is the only one with any activity😆
    I am a casual player but lately have become a bit obsessed in trying to get my stats up and yours down, one can only try!
  10. Like
    lTplkey336 got a reaction from major-mark63 in I think I found something that will end up in a museum.   
    Looks like a peice of my old bathroom tile lol. But seriously that is cool nice find. Should be interesting to see if they can figure out some details of your find.
  11. Haha
    lTplkey336 got a reaction from TheLastColdBeer in I think I found something that will end up in a museum.   
    Looks like a peice of my old bathroom tile lol. But seriously that is cool nice find. Should be interesting to see if they can figure out some details of your find.
  12. Haha
    lTplkey336 got a reaction from BUDMAN in I think I found something that will end up in a museum.   
    Looks like a peice of my old bathroom tile lol. But seriously that is cool nice find. Should be interesting to see if they can figure out some details of your find.
  13. Haha
    lTplkey336 got a reaction from ALanHim in I think I found something that will end up in a museum.   
    Looks like a peice of my old bathroom tile lol. But seriously that is cool nice find. Should be interesting to see if they can figure out some details of your find.
  14. Like
    lTplkey336 got a reaction from iboomboom in 2024-07-01 Birthdays   
    Happy birthday all. And a special Happy Birthday to White Dragon, Dont know which side of the grass your on but let it be known you are greatly missed !
  15. Like
    lTplkey336 got a reaction from lazymarcky in 2024-07-01 Birthdays   
    Happy birthday all. And a special Happy Birthday to White Dragon, Dont know which side of the grass your on but let it be known you are greatly missed !
  16. Like
    lTplkey336 got a reaction from BlackRose in 2024-07-01 Birthdays   
    Happy birthday all. And a special Happy Birthday to White Dragon, Dont know which side of the grass your on but let it be known you are greatly missed !
  17. Like
    lTplkey336 reacted to tsw 8.5 in in memory of   
    my wife

  18. Like
    lTplkey336 reacted to BlackRose in Member Spotlight- BlackRose>XI<   
    Let start with your clan name? Black Rose
        Do you have any nicknames? Personal or in game? Rose, Rosie,,bitch I'm sure,,hahahahaha
        When and where were you born? 1963 Lindsay Ontario Canada
        When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? no idea
        Where have you lived? Ontario
        What got you into gaming? Long ago I started with BB boards,,, when the internet was very young.
        Your first game you played? I cant remember the name but have played so many.
        And what do you play now? cod 4 and cod5 mainly.
        Why did you join XI? I have know a lot of ppl here for a very long time.
        What do you get from being in this clan? friendship
        What is your favorite hobby? gardening,, reading,, playing with photo shop etc.
        What is your favorite travel destination? I'm not a big traveler. Never been out of Canada.
        Are you married? Yes
        Do you have children? 2 beautiful girls.
        What kind of pets do you have, if any? What are their names? 2 dogs, a sheep doodle and golden doodle
        Are you a sports fan? If so, what is your favorite team? I use to watch Nascar,,and the Redskins and Dallas. I used to play tennis and badminton when I was a teen and roller skated. Now i would kill myself trying,,hahahahahah
        What causes are you passionate about? environment,,helping others
        Do you volunteer? If so, where? I have done so much volunteering that it would be a very long list,  from helping in office and classrooms at my girls school,, running a non profit group about ponds/waterways in nature and backyards, and everything in between. And of course working on  Gaming Clan things.  Just wanting to help others.
        What is an interesting fact about you? I am not a stripper...lol old joke when idiot guys(in gaming) thought because of my name and voice I was one

        What is your current job title? retired mom and wife.

        If you could give a younger person career advice, what would it be? Please don't believe what social media tells you, be kind because being a hateful person gets you know where. Follow your dreams.

        If you were granted 1 wish, what would you wish for? win lottery and escape to an island and spread world peace by dropping weed by airplane all over the world,,heheheh
    Pictures of my 2 girls our dogs and my hubby that I am so proud of!!

  19. Haha
    lTplkey336 got a reaction from Draygunnar in Bronze statue for WW1 war heroes   
  20. Like
    lTplkey336 got a reaction from KaptCrunch in I wanted a Shovelhead   
    It must of been a really good song you used to get that bike , lol  gorgeous looking bike, makes me wanna go out ,get a battery and get my 71 sportser going again. As you know Harleys never die.
  21. Haha
    lTplkey336 got a reaction from Essssieeee in Bronze statue for WW1 war heroes   
    What , no sneak peeks?
  22. Like
    lTplkey336 reacted to Draygunnar in Bronze statue for WW1 war heroes   
    Today after 5 years hard work, a bronze cast statue has been completed in a little known foundry just 20miles away from me. completed in a little place called Chalford, Gloucestershire .   this large piece of bronze is destined for the White House. hopefully when its unveiled in the near future you all can say Draygunnar gave us the news first rofl.  
  23. Like
    lTplkey336 reacted to Icequeen in Making a big change   
    So it finally happened. I accepted a position at the hospital for Office Manager in the nursing department.  I'm super excited for this next adventure in my life. 
  24. Like
    lTplkey336 reacted to TheLastColdBeer in I wanted a Shovelhead   
    OK, riding around the area, back & forth revealed some detriments. Turn signal module had croaked. No replacement from Harley. Battery box hadn't been tightened down, so the box shorted out the starter. Bike died on the way into work, but coasted into the parking lot.
    Local bike shop had an aftermarket module, it works well, but I had to chop off the connector block & wire each line with a crimp on pin connector, per the factory manual. Charged the battery on a trickle, & re-wrapped the line into the starter. Tightened everything down, & so far so good. Drained the tank (gas was orange..eww) pulled the petcock, & yuck. Rust everywhere, reserve hole was completely blocked, & the strainer was broken & plugged. Drained the tank, & used the strained gas to flush out the Fat Bobs. New petcock installed, & fresh gas in. Not going out of pickup truck range until I'm confident. 30 years +6k miles = this bike sat a lot. Changing oil, primary, & transmission this weekend.
  25. Thanks
    lTplkey336 got a reaction from TheLastColdBeer in I wanted a Shovelhead   
    Damn that brings back soooo many memories, Thanks Beer you put a smile on my face while reading your post.
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