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Posts posted by algebrat

  1. I don't drink so i make no claims to validity... But white Russian is milk and vodka right? Maybe something like that might be better? Ie ice cream and vodka. Also a ROOT beer float is root beer and ice cream so it's almost the same thing right... Just need to add some roots some how to the equation.

  2. Personal opinion, but i feel the i7 is a waste of money. The i5 gets almost the same scores for almost every game in benchmark tests. Normally to the point where the $100+ can be saved or used in a different aspect of the computer. But i also feel that the nvidia rtx 2080 super (w/e their top card is this week) is over priced too and I'd get a lower one because most monitors only support 60fps or 144fps and anything over that is over kill, not to mention your eyes only notice things around 45hz or less depending on a lot of things...


    But if i had more money to throw at a PC I'd get the i7 and top graphics card... Maybe the i9 or i7 extreme... I haven't kept up with Intel's naming over the past year or two.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Icequeen said:

    And this right here.....is why you can't get through to people. Stop being a shallow asshole. Maybe try a different approach with her and see how that works. 

    I agree she might be hot on the inside. Just remove her skin and see how the red mushy part looks :D

  4. 1 hour ago, X-RayXI said:

    Hey welcome milk man..

    Nice that you are looking around here and your two kids can't be as crazy as us, I mean.. idiots.

    Have fun!

    I'm not milk ?

    I drink milk ?

    and my kids are pretty crazy...




  5. 1 hour ago, X-RayXI said:

    Yes, time is measured by us and by Earth, and 299792458 m/s does not mean anything. Same as measuring weight because of OUR gravity. See the same thing as we in the Netherlands have cm, km or per hour and kg. Even our pound is not the same as the ones in the UK or USA. We use words as a form with a name and form to communicate.  Or just a wink ;) 


    Earth as a global society has made standard conversations from one unit to another with a defined set in metal the single units for some of the values. If we did find another species we should use the speed of light in a vacuum or maybe other values such as pi or e to understand the unit conversations from our language to theirs. Have you seen the movie Arrival? Spoiler but if i remember right they speak to the Earth lady using math. 

    Our gravity being 9.8m/s isn't a fixed value but it's based off of the integral of G (a constant) the mass of one body, the mass of the other body and the distance from one body to the other body. Which essentially is the force of each particle from one body against each particle in the other body. As far as we know, which yes might be limited, this calculation works for all bodies outside of an event horizon.



    Forgot about the wink... That might work or it might get you arrested good luck either way ?

  6. 3 hours ago, X-RayXI said:

    A heck of a lot can be throw overboard/ As in time. dates and measurement what we use on Earth. Even calculations and such. Or what we know how 'fast' the speed of light is. 
    Take time, that is measured in the 24 hours and months and weeks. Take gravity, our pounds or kilo's. Time, that is based upon our sun. Pretty sure when we meet the 'others' our minds will be blown away. Who made up the word " minute, or any of those? Right, the humans. 

    We are all a walking bacteria ;) think about it.


    Are you trying to say time is arbitrary and that time is relative? because that is all true.

    The speed of light in a vacuum is a constant of 299792458 m/s and the speed of light changes depending on the medium which the light is traveling.

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