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Everything posted by LordOfChaos

  1. Well, if it's a tablet you want, this won't fit, but if your looking for a phablet, then the galaxy note 2 or even 3 is the shit. I have a galaxy note 2 and LOVE it. I have an iPad, but I can't seem to do anything with pictures, even when they are on the bloody thing. The note 2 is a fantastic piece of equipment, for a phone, fills all my needs, and the S pen is a bonus add on. And everything is connected with a USB. Works great, and still fits in your pocket!
  2. Lol Pinglo would be turnin in his XI grave!
  3. Welcome to our home, please review our code of conduct, on our home page. We don't have many rules, but if you break one I will send my Mom after you!
  4. Yup seen this b4, he is an inspiration. Must have great parents, to show such respect! Thanks for posting it.
  5. Contrary to everyone's belief, Rob Ford has just set him self up to become the next best thing since sliced bread. In this world of sound bites, he has carved a grove for years to come. He will probably move to New York or LA, and become a celebrity. Yup that's right! Like the old saying goes, the important thing is to be talked about, be it good or bad, there are millions, if not billions of people talking about him now, and that is brand recognition! Mark my words, he will get some kind of radio or TV show, and make millions off of this! Lol the good old American dream! And he's not even American!
  6. Bubbles, just google "where have all the boys gone" you will find something that will work for you, and get this info out there... Stop using plastic water bottles, pop, and anything you can that is plastic. It's killing the human race! Soon there will be no more male births! There has been a 50% decline in male births in the world in the last 20 years. If that ain't scary,..... And for some reasone the mainstream news is not reporting this... Talk about massive conspiracy!
  7. Geese I wish I was online I would join in... Lol if you need someone to continuously die by kamikaze! I think this is a great idea... @Damit1 you should let those in game know; some don't visit the web page that often. I hope we can do it, it would be a very cool vid I am sure.
  8. Please read the posts prior to your posts as Sammy has explained how we redirect. Admins do not redirect we just kick to make room. The system redirects according to the protocol Sammy explained earlier in this topic. Oh and like Labob said.... Membership has it's privileges!
  9. Welcome to our home jack. Please take the time to read our code of conduct on our home page. We don't have many rules but will enforce those we do have. Enjoy your stay. And howabouts giving us a bit more about yourself, where u throw your hat, what servers you play on, how old (young) u r.... You know. The usual bullshit that everyone wants to know.
  10. Wow! I am really impressed dude! That is some fine work. A couple of questions... That don't look like red cedar; you sure it's not yellow cedar? Perhaps it's your camera not catching the colour properly. Now the next step is to grow your own tobbacco... Then cure it with a fine brandy... Woodworking is a fine art. My grandad once made an entire boat in his basement, lol all the neighbours laughed thinking he couldn't get it out, but he made it so you could dismantle it and put it back together. Don't ask me how, but he did it. I once made a pipe out of soap stone. Was the form of a Cobra snake. Very cool. You should be very proud of your work. It is very cool... Deserves a medal of some sort... Gotta figure out which one would apply...
  11. That's a whole lotta pork there. Do the boars taste anything like pork? Lol or do they taste like everything else... Chicken.
  12. LordOfChaos


    Welcome deadman killer... Just one question.... How do you kill someone that is already dead?
  13. Welcome aboard. You are now officially an idiot!
  14. Welcome BoomBoom. Please read our rules of conduct on the home page. We don't have many but will boom boom your ass if you break them . Have fun and remember we are all idiots here!
  15. Viper, another option is keep all your other games on the HDD you currently have, and load win 7 on a different drive, then load the ghost. When you want to play ghost, just boot the win 7 drive. When you want to play all the others boot with the vista drive. I currently have 3 HDD and one is win 7 pro and the other is win 7 ultimate. Everything works just fine.
  16. Hey bud, did you sort this out? Hope so.
  17. WTF SOB? Says this video is not available in my Country... Fuckin sensors! Even in Canada eh?
  18. Thanks for all the pics. I was not in the military, but my dad served in Korea, and is now buried in the Field of Honours, as he was a war hero. Both my grandfathers served in WW II. My uncle (as a Canadian) enlisted in the marines to serve in Vietnam. We thank all who served, and as the poem "Flanders Field" says we remember our fallen so they can sleep in peace, knowing we have taken up the torch! Thanks for posting the poem Geemack.
  19. Try this link and see if it helps. http://www.tutorialspoint.com/assembly_programming/assembly_arrays.htm Read this... Apparently you have to cheat to create a multidimensional array inx86... Assembly language doesn't have the concept of a "multidimensional array", at least not directly. You will need to allocate the total amount of space (16 elements in your case), and handle the row/column offset calculations yourself. share|improve this answer answered Oct 5 '11 at 2:18 Greg Hewgill 310k65597795 I understand. I have been trying to read through the following link webster.cs.ucr.edu/AoA/Windows/HTML/Arraysa2.html but I am getting more confused then before. Do you happen to have any other resources that might assist? – Nic Young Oct 5 '11 at 2:27 Hey, that looks like a great reference, it's the sort of thing I would have pointed you at if you hadn't said that you already were looking at it. Do you have any specific questions we can help with? – Greg Hewgill Oct 5 '11 at 2:30 I know how to declare a 1 dimensional array array BYTE val1, val2, val3, val4 but I am having a hard time understanding how to go about doing that for a 4x4 array – Nic Young Oct 5 '11 at 2:37 Well, one way would be array BYTE val11, val12, val13, val14, val21, val22, ..., val43, val44 (16 values in total). Then, to index into the array, multiply the row value by 4, add the column, and offset that into array. – Greg Hewgill Oct 5 '11 at 2:39 I see it makes more sense now. So declare a 1 dimensional array but arrange the values in such a way it can be treated as 4x4 still. That is exactly what I needed. Thank you! – Nic Young Oct 5 '11 at 2:59 What he did here is creat a one dimensional array, 16 values, then he offsets it by 4 and thus you get your 4 x 4 array... It's confusing even to me but I think I get the concept. That is why you are havin so much trouble, cause you are thinking your creating a 2 dimensional array, but in reality it's only 1 dimensional. This is beyond my current understanding. We have some good computer folk here, so reach out again, and see if someone else can help. And remember there is no problem you have, that someone else has already solved.... Google the crap out of your problems, and someone will find you a solution. If I understand what he has done above, he created a single dimensional array, with 16 values. Then he offsets, or accesses every 4 values to creating his 4 x 4 array.. But apparently you have to do it yourself. Keep me posted and let me know when you have solved it. This is going to be one of those moments that when you do figure it all out, it is going to hit you in the head and open your eyes wide.
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