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Everything posted by SCooBY>XI<

  1. Welcome back Iceman , of course I remember you --played on your servers many times ---now get in here and unfreeze me please SCooBY
  2. Very cool shadow , my mother is full blood arapahoe and my dad , like myself is a mix -- I can pass for white should I choose to do so as I have black hair and grey/blue eyes---- only recently got into exploring my family's culture and history , facinating stuff --I was always told its my indian blood that gives me a low tolerance for hard alcohol (I always thought it was a joke as most of my family drinks heavily ) beer I can drink all night and not have much problem with it . I can still sit in a wooded area , meditate to an at rest state and have all the native animals come up to me --unafraid , my mother always told me it was due to the kindred spirit thing ---shrug women find it amusing --most guys think its weird lol ---I know it caused me much aggravation on covert missions for our country in the sandpit ---I often put blood on my uniform to produce a scent to keep animals away from me as they could possibly give away my position. All blood runs red , there is no such thing as color , religion , race ... etc.. on the battlefield .
  3. SCooBY>XI<

    hey all

    Hey Dilly , welcome to the forums -- Got a special present I wrapped just for you , will give it to you on the Ftag servers ! SCooBY
  4. Congrats Horny ! Welcome to the Idiots !!! SCooBY
  5. Woot , there is always room for more Idiots !!! Welcome Red. cya on the battlefield . SCooBY
  6. I use McAfee , it comes free with my internet service ---(CoX cable , Oklahoma ) been using it for years and so far has done the trick. Windows essentials has gotten solid reviews and its free , I have several family members that have tryed it and have not heard them having any problems that it has not dealt with effectively.
  7. Booo AT&T !!! Whats wrong with these people messing with somebody's gaming ??? Where is my shotgun ? SCooBY
  8. The Dog in me says Woof ! ---She Looks Great Wiz , thanks for sharing those pics with us .
  9. For many many years the order has been to capture/kill this individual ---It still amazes me that it took us and our allies so long to catch up with him ---but thats another story . From an operational standpoint , ending this individuals life , saved our country alot of time and money , (housing , guarding etc.. ) ---operators on site did not allow him to go out as a martyr for his cause --fueling more violence to non combatants around the world. He was not the shot caller for along time --capture would have served us no useful purpose , however manipulating him into suicide by the tactical team sends the message we always wanted to send to the world ,We can defend ourselves from terrorists and are capable of communicating in their language --this man's life was forfeit when he stood as a leader that declared war on the United States and its allies ---He personally took credit for killing hundreds of innocent People , He worked to establish a criminal network that even today attempts to subvert ,kill and injure people around the world . Did this change anything ? Not really --terrorists prey on the fear they can create in a society or a populace --the war on terrorism will be a long one ,until the general populace stands up and destroys anybody that fosters this mindset so harmful to others around them and teaches their children that this behavior is not acceptable in a civilized society. The myth that this individual was unarmed was most likely thrown up by those sympathetic to his cause --- in the 11 years I lead teams in counter insurgency in that area of the world I have never met or heard of anyone that had met a member of a terrorist organization that was ever unarmed or prepared to use lethal force against anyone that opposed them--you shoot them first or they kill you its as simple as that ---they live and operate in a different world and set of beliefs than most of us . When we captured them it was only due to us incapacitating them while they were attempting to end our lives and us showing mercy on an enemy that was either too injured or stunned to provide an immediate threat. Just remember , all attempts to resolve this issue peacefully failed though were attempted many , many times ..... I am curious though toothpick --If these terrorists blew up a heavily populated office building in your country , killing your loved ones , friends and countrymen --would you still be concerned about treating them as anything other than the animals they were (are ) ? Most likely we will never get the real story with what went down ---and many of us know not to trust the media much --- most people wont believe that this man is even dead without seeing a body -- As far as the using others for a human shield ? are you kidding me ? Anybody that has seen combat in Iran /Afghanastan will tell you experiences of this type of behavior --- it has added months to our training /preparing new troops that will be operating in those areas to have them "re-learn " to think of things from a viewpoint that wont get them and everyone around them killed . It is expected that they will use human shields and those we may see as non-combatants to allow them to evade or get the advantage on us in a confrontation. I have personally been shot at by women(I'm just glad they were not as accurate as some of our XI Women or I would not be here today ) --my first couple weeks in country I was tasked to investigate an incident where marines hesitated on engaging an armed terrorist using a crowd of children while firing an Ak 47 from the middle of them --3 marines died before he was neutralized , they hesitated to shoot due to the children .(out of the 6 marines present --only one had the stun grenades available for deployment on his rack . all of them should have had them ready as they were standard load-out for operations in that area at that time... ) Those first couple weeks also allowed me to learn quickly upon talking to the children and people (they are taught from day 1 that Americans and allies are to be shot on sight or to be evaded then fired upon ) how to better prepare my men for the enemy they would face every day . SCooBY
  10. Welcome to the Idiots both of you ! Cya on the battlefield . SCooBY
  11. It's good that you notice these things Dean as it will allow you to continue to adapt to the many players we have on our servers ---all are different --some may be similiar but never the same . One must adapt to the environment and players they are competing against or perish (or in this case , be frozen more than you might like too hehe ) I have found lately after playing black ops for a few days that it takes me awhile to re-adjust to Cod4 freezetag and I must suffer looking like a total nooblet until this adjustment takes place and I can get back on top of the team rankings , perhaps I'm getting old hmmm who knows ? I like your style dean as it is very similiar to mine and you are not afraid to rush in there and slice and dice opponents --now if we could get you to blow them into many bits and pieces with C4 more often that would be great SCooBY
  12. Happy Birthday Pete !!! Hope you have a fantastic Day !!!
  13. Welcome to the Idiots Ben --I always knew you were an idiot ---and now its official ! Cya on the battlefield . SCooBY
  14. Thanks BoB --very kind of you . SCooBY
  15. Greetings PsYco and welcome to the home of the idiots ! We have alot of good players on our severs and as you have noticed our focus is on enjoying ourselves and hanging out with our virtual family members --- Looking forward to seeing you on the Battlefield --- If your playing Black Ops add Slo_Old_Dude to your steam friend list --- SCooBY
  16. Gonna be awhile before any games are running pure direct x 11 --very few run in direct X 10 even ---that being said thats a pretty sweet deal for that card and the extra goodies are icing on the cake . ---Crysis is one of the more demanding games in relation to visuals (eg.. the need for a decent card or 2 to stay competitive ) ---so if are going to be playing it I would definetly look to upgrade your GPU to save yourself some frustration .
  17. Welcome Jimmy --my middle name is James and my friends and family refer to me as Jimmy as well ---enjoyed hanging out with you on our COD4 Freezetag servers and look forward to seeing you on the battlefield --- SCooBY
  18. woot more idiots Welcome to the family both of you ! SCooBY
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