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Everything posted by AyaqGuyaq

  1. Crush up some "sleeping pills," and put it in his/her/its food . . . BUT NOT TOO MUCH!!!! Hmm? Lol. Ayaq
  2. Hey, we got not one . . . not two . . BUT THREE Awesome birthdays today!!! Happy birthday, gentlemen, and "Boom-Slacka-Lacka!!" Ayaq
  3. Yeah, buddy . . . if you "give it a good think . . ." Japan and Germany: former enemies of America and its Allied-countries during World War Two, are now our Allies, and China and the U.S.S.R, former Allies in the same, bloody conflict . . . now our Enemies? WHAT IN DA!!!! r I wish we could all just get along, and stop wasting all the frickin' money (Dollars, Pounds, Euros, Rubles, Lira, etc.) on "better" ways to kill each other . . . Our Mother Earth is begging for "Mercy," and we're spending billions of dollars trying to colonize Mars . . . What, IN DA FRICK'!!!! Ayaq
  4. Sorry, bud, when I saw your "Thread Title," I just wanted to post . . . VIAGRA. Lol. Don't need it (yet--hope to never have to), but @RobMc swears by it . . . He must be "just a wee-hint of Irish, be-gosh, and be-gorah," because he calls his little, pretty blue tablets "Mc-Viagra . . ." (Yoda, doing a "double-take," looking back at Run D.M.C., and shouting 'WHAT DA!!!!???!!!" Hmm? Hhehehaehaehehaheaheahaehhe!!! (Rum shooting outta left nostril!!!!) Ayaq
  5. You swapped, what, in exchange for "Deep Throat???!!!!" Don't do, it, buddy . . . you shouldn't haven't to go through those kinda "great lengths," even though you Brits, and Canadians, Australians, "Free-French,", Belgians, Nederlanders, Dutch, (Crap, I can tell I'm gonna run outta "typing-endurance" trying to list all of the "Good Guys" in WWII . . .), and fellow-Americans were, and are, a living fabric of "The Greatest Generation . . ." What's simply astonishing, and simply-bewildering, to me is this: the Allies of WWII helped the Chinese and Russians defeat their enemies, and, WHAT DA FRICK!!! Now, all of a sudden, we're they're enemies!!!! Ayaq (Edited to "cc" my buddy, @RobMc, our local "Paul Harvey," exclaiming . . . "And now, for the rest, of the story . . . Hmm?" )
  6. Wife takes 'da proverbial "whiff," and exclaims, "FEBREEZE!!!!!" (As you yell, "Geez, Honey, that kinda burns . . . Are you supposed to squirt that stuff "Down there? Hmm?" Hehheahehahehaehaeheahea!!! Ayaq
  7. Nice frickin', bordering-on-"pornographic" posts!!!! Ayaq
  8. Hey, Gentleman, and @tsw 8.5--Happy Birthdays!!!! TSW---Hope you have a great one, buddy, wrestling alligators, and so on, and so forth . . . Hmm? Lol, bud. Ayaq
  9. Lol, Fucking Chicken!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!! Wait, what's today's "date," anyway . . . Hmm? Lol! Ayaq
  10. Heheheheahehehahehehhaehehahheahaewhaewhawe!!! Crazy bastiges . . . See what you started, @RobMc??!!?? (Frickin' guys, I thought I told you to give Yoda more "ether . . .!!!" [sound of "cow-prod" going off, followed by gurgling sounds . . .]) . . . "Tap-tap-tap . . . Mutha Fucka . . . HHMMMNNNN!!!!!????!!!!" Lol. Ayaq
  11. Shee-ite, I'm a-gonna call you "Pablo-Noobiedo" from now on . . . Hmm? LMFAO!!! Ayaq
  12. "1.5 minutes of camping . . ." but, that included 1.45 minutes of "fore-play . . ." Hmm? Lol, bud!!! Ayaq P.S. - Edited to see what my buddy's gonna say . . . making popcorn, now . . . Hmm? Lol!!! cc: @RobMc
  13. Miss all the "ban appeals." Can you Admins. ban some more players, so we can get our "daily chuckle" at their feeble replies, protests, and pleas for re-instatement . . .? Hmm? Lol. Love you guys and gals!!!! Ayaq @RobMc
  14. Shee-ite, Sir @JohnnyDos . . . $36K will hardly pay for the pizza, if'n you be smoking da-proverbial "weed" all day . . . Hmm? Lol, bud! Ayaq
  15. Hey, we got some "Day-After-Thanksgiving" babies!!!! Happy Birthday, Julio Caesar-Chavez, and pistol-packin', dog-whippin', purse-snatchin', tire-stabbin' Pete!!! And, many more to you, sir, por favor . . . (Crikey, I told you to "taze" Yoda!!!!! [sound of "Nun-chuks" cracking some skull, with "Bruce Lee-like" sounds, and looks . . . followed by faint pleas . . . "What da fuck, Yoda??!!!??", and a rapid pitter-patter of Alien feet, getting louder as the dropped microphone is approached . . .]) "Tap-tap-tap . . . HHHUUUHHHHH!!!!!????!!!!" Ayaq
  16. So, when's the wedding date? Hmm? Life is a miracle, and a blessing . . . if the baby "takes after Momma," it's gonna be a good-lookin' kid . . . (Gosh damned it, I told you guys to hold Yoda down!!!! [Sound of two quick, successive "Hai-yahs," and the sound of two "nuts" getting cracked, followed by "groaning sounds," and the microphone being abruptly-dropped . . . ]) "Tap-tap-tap . . . HHHMMMMNNNN!!!!????!!!!" Hmm? Lol. Ayaq
  17. Looks awesome, @Sixgun!! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!! Ayaq
  18. LMAO, buddy!!! I'm surprised that you didn't "lump" the Canadians ("Canadiennes?") into the fold of your oft-ill-conceived, and poorly-planned "bread-making recipe . . ." I don't think you're supposed to add that much Rum to the dough . . . the alcohol tends to "kill 'da yeast," or sumptin' or udder, and you end up with "Hard-tack . . ." Hmm? "Hard-tack" is okay, as long as you have a good "denture-replacement plan . . ." Huh? Lol, buddy--HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU AND ALLA (No, not "Allah," you silly--I'm a "Christian") MY BUDDIES!!!! Ayaq
  19. LMAO, X-Ray!!! That was a great post. By the way, only @RobMc flies "upside down . . ." Hmm? Lol. Ayaq
  20. Hang tough, Brutha . . . you gotta grind 'dat proverbial "bean" just like the rest of us . . . or, "most" of us, anyways . . . (Yoda): "Hmm??" Ayaq
  21. Happy birthday, Hackel-slauss and Kiwi!!!! And many more. Ayaq
  22. Hey, "Double-Oh-7.5," Happy Birthday!!! Hey, Afroman, R.I.P., buddy. Just joined "Da Club" before you went to Heaven . . . I could tell you were a "good person," just by talking with you. Happy Birthday!!! Ayaq P.S. - Jury is still-da-proverbial "Out" on 'dat darn @ChknFngr fellow . . . at least, I "think" he's a fellow . . . Da damn proverbial jury is still out, on 'dat one . . .Hmm? And don't even mention @RobMc !! It's a "Hung Jury," in his current criminal case; i.e., all of the jury members WANT HIM HUNG!!!! (Side note: Buddy, not that "kinda hung? Hmm?). Hehhehehehaheahehehehaahhe!!!! Ayaq
  23. LAUGH-MY-PROVERBIAL-FRICKIN'-ASS-OFF, TBB!!!! I think you might be a few years' "longer-in-da-proverbial tooth," than I am, sir . . . If you give me your name and address (and I'll give you mine), and you send me a 30-year old bottle of single-malt, Scotch whiskey, kind sir, and ask me to pour it over your grave, I will, kind sir. But, would it be okay with you, kind sir, if the Scotch passed through my kidneys, first? (Crap, Frickin' Yoda is charging da frickin' stage again . . . (scuffling sounds . . .) "HHHMMMMMNNNNN!!!!!???!!!!" Ayaq
  24. Hardy: "Not any more, sir. We must be inclusive in this multicultural age. Now put on your Kevlar vest; it's the rules. It could save your life" Nelson: "Don't tell me - health and safety. Whatever happened to rum, sodomy and the lash?" Hey, buddy, two things: (1) THAT WAS A FRICKIN' GREAT STORY--WE SHOULD WRITE A BOOK TOGETHER!!!; and (2) What in frick' is da reference to "sodomy," in your tale of sailing ships that were set out to sea, for months, upon months, at a time . . . Hmm? Lol! Ayaq
  25. That's because you come from an "Imperialistic Empire," full of lust, and greed, and thoughts of world-conquest, and "Delusions of Grandeur . . .!! You Brits gonna invade us a "third" time? (Crap, here comes Yoda . . .): "HHHHMMMMMMNNNNN!!!!????!!!" Just kidding, buddy. Nothing directed at you, personally. It was only "rhetorical." LMFAO!!! We Americans love our "Staunchest Allies," and "GOOD" will always over-come "evil." Ayaq EDIT: Had to, because we, as "civilized nations," have to combat evil. The Battle is not over, yet . . . and I wish it would be, soon. I can't understand why we collectively spend trillions of dollars on military budgets, trying to find a better way to kill each other, when there's cancer and other diseases to cure, and so many hungry . . . And, why are we spending billions of dollars on ways to "colonize" Mars, when we have our own problems to fix here, on our planet, Mother Earth? Our Mother is weeping . . . Ayaq
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