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Everything posted by AyaqGuyaq

  1. Sorry, buddy, pork spare-ribs and pork tenderloin, with pork brisquet and pork 'n beans, served with a nice bacon gravy over steamed rice, with pork skins as an appetizer . . . (Homer Simpson voice) "Mmmmmmm, pork 'n beans (slobbering . . .) . . ." (Yoda) Huh? Ayaq
  2. "Hxtr Dawn, what's that flower you have on . . . Have you gone to the chem-trails in the sky . . .?" (Yoda) Hmm? Ayaq
  3. Happy Frickin' Birthdays!!! You sons-of- . . . - - - . . . Ayaq
  4. @Surge, it's "Newman" voice, not "Newton" voice, you silly!! (Newton voice) "Silly Surge . . ." Lol. Happy birthday, bud. Ayaq
  5. Hehheheahhahhaehaehahehahehhae!! Touche, with an "apostrophe" mark above the "e . . ." Ayaq
  6. Whoo-hoo, I can "bask" in the enthusiasm!!! Lol. JK . . . we need credit card info, expiry dates, security codes, primary mailing address, mother's maiden name, yadda-yadda, etc.--please, via P.M. to @Ruggerxi and a "cc" to @RobMc, my bookey . . . (Yoda) Hmm? Ayaq P.S. - HHHMMMMNNN!!!!????!!!!
  7. Wait, wasn't "Tiny Tim" the one that sang "Tip-Toe, Through the Tulips?" @RobMc, could use some sage guidance here, buddy . . . Ayaq
  8. Sorry, missed that one--Happy Be-lated Birthday!! God Bless Us All, each and everyone of us!! (How did "Tiny Tim" say that?) Anyway, message is still the same. Ayaq
  9. Whoo-hoo, and Lordie, Lordie, Lordie . . . Got three awesome birthdays today! Happy birthday, gents, Sir Ghostounet, Lord Cylon, and . . . Surge . . . Hello, Surge . . . (Newton voice, "Seinfeld") . . . Anyone remember? (Yoda) Hmm? Lol. Happy birthday, gentlemen!! Ayaq P.S. - And Surge . . .
  10. Which one is Smurf? (Yoda) Hmm? Lol. Great pic. Ayaq
  11. What's with all you "spreaders-of-Pixie-dust" people changing your names? "Stephanie" is the worst . . . Lol. Ayaq
  12. God is great (and there ain't no "Allah" here . . .), and he blessed us lucky Clan-family-members with you two . . . (In Vegas, at slot-machine, in "Texas accent"): "Can I 'git anuther pull? (And Yoda steps in), Hmm? Lol. Back to reality . . . Life is good, life is precious. I wish we all could learn to stop hating each other . . . Ayaq
  13. 'Scuse my language ladies, and @RobMc, but WHAT IN THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE!!!??!! Senseless. As a Christian, I shouldn't say this, but . . . "Roast in Hell next to Hitler and Osama, you Fuckers!!!!!" Ayaq
  14. Hey, buddy, get your dental license and open up a practice . . . You can call it "Sabre Toothes." Lol. Ayaq
  15. Welcome to the guy that can't spell "Hannibal" right. Lol. I vetted the spelling with my buddy and resident grammar and spelling guru, @Hoth . . . Ayaq
  16. Crazy bastige . . . Love you in a, you know . . . Ayaq
  17. Congratulations for taking on additional responsibility, @SABRE! Ayaq
  18. Lol, buddy. Commercial salmon-fishing in Bristol Bay, Alaska, where I used to lose 30 lbs. (14 kgs) in 3 weeks paid my way through my Bachelor's degree; M.B.A. was all on me . . . Ayaq
  19. Naw, sorry, I just know one "punk" here. Name best left un-said, but he knows. I love all the rest of you . . . yeah, you too, @J3st3r . . . Lol. Ayaq
  20. I shrug at punks . . . Ayaq And the "punks" know who they are here . . . Ayaq
  21. Life of a Bristol Bay, Alaska, commercial-salmon fisherman. Before my Dad bought a hydraulic reel, we used to "pull-in" by hand, and hand-pick every one of those gill-net-caught sockeye salmon. Carpal tunnel? (Yoda) "Hmm?" When you have to wake up and "pry" your frickin' fingers loose, you don't know "pain;" that is, of course, and unless, you're a beautiful mother giving "natural" child-birth. Ayaq
  22. Fuck, buddy, I used to hang 100 feet above the dock, with one-hand--each--as my brother and friends climbed back down the crane, all saying "Fuck, Paul, you're crazy!!" I'd switch hands, still dangling 100 feet off the dock boards, hangin' with one hand holding on and yelling "Confidence, guys, ypu gotta have confidence!!" As I'm dangling by one hand, 100 feet in the air . . . Ayaq
  23. Man, Jee-Jee Rodriguez, in my "Glory Days" that was nuthin'! Nuthin'! In the blink of a young-man's eye, Glory Days . . . Sigh. And, lol. Ayaq
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