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Everything posted by Hemps

  1. we where thinking we be getting hit by that storm here by Chicago, but it all blew north, just got a dusting and some big winds.
  2. yep thats the one!! my drawing sucks!!?? but we found out the name of map. ps. ill take my vengeance out on sheepdog and beers in game!!
  3. First time I heard an BS like that. Sounds like something an anti-smoker made up. There is NO OIL in ejuice. (a quote someone made about the same subject) There are a lot of individuals mislead about what PG is, or what e-cig juice is. It is simply a low glycemic sugar, like veggies, and is totally safe,yet the FDA wants; to condemn e-cig juice as everything from antifreeze to poison.....YET The FDA has it listed as a approved food source ? (give me a break) Is it an antifreeze? Yup! So is alcohol. Anything added to a mix that slows freezing is consider to have anti freezing qualities. It is NOT what is in the radiator of your car, or what some might use to off the neighbors cat that pisses on your front porch. What the FDA did find was a few tainted carto's with a very small percentage of real antifreeze in them, toa level that was absolutely harmless. This was way back in ~2008 or so. The industry policed itself and there hasn't been an incident since. It was all the ammo they (thought they needed to start a barrage of anti e-cig following, and they have been getting other org's following their FDA lie. Including the Lung Assoc, Military Services, Politicians looking for tax dollar, and I'm just touching the iceberg tip. PG has antibacterial/antimicrolal qualities and is even considered to help prevent diseases in miniscule amounts. That was one study used forfinding what mist to pump into hospital ventilation heating systems, and is now used in hotel systems as well. It is used in fog machines at concerts, and was heavily tested for long term effects by OSHA, many years back. The studies are out there. I suggest if you do want to vape VG instead (which I do, because of the added fog qualities of it) that you mix a touch of PG with it for the bacterial properties. I don't know for sure if it will stave off disease in our use, but suspect it will. It staves off pneumonia for one. Soit sure can't hurt.
  4. lol...what about the burning cigarette and the 4000 chemicals that accompanies the tar laden lungs...probably a story made up by the big tobacco companies...they are already trying to ban the movement of nicotine within our own borders even.Yet they let the big tobacco companies cater to the youth and put a stamp on a cigarette as well as lovely pictures of people dying....or in a hospital on a iron lung right on the front of the cigarette packages...out of all the hardships in life someone still finds the time to annoy me...bloody tobacco lobyists...they all suck...just me Ive been looking into e-cigs for a bit now,(and will be getting one for myself after X-mas) and looked up what was said about the heath and safety of them, and of course they try to find the bad in it, but from what i gathered is they are far better for you then the real thing. never heard any "facts" about oil in the lungs or it causing cancer, most say it to soon to say what effects it might have til more research is done. but it safer for environment, and not a second hand threat to others, and of course all the chemicals you wont be putting into your body.
  5. too bad thats not true, would of been great if it happened!
  6. forgot the name of a map i haven't seen in awhile in nam Ftag , so i drew a pic of what i remember about it. anyone?
  7. I got one of them tiny choppers that can only be used indoors, not as cool as those..but fun.
  8. it was mostly a rocking good show they put on, Eddie Vedder rocked comfortably numb, and most the other singers/bands rocked as well!! http://youtu.be/QvdqU_jLeC4
  9. welcome to the house of Idiots!! see you on the battle field!
  10. Welcome,good to see you dropping by the house of Idiots!
  11. this was just the testing mod , you stats are all good on the 19 player Nam server.
  12. some said they get kicked after staying still for like 3 min. heard 3 peeps say so.
  13. after the crash and you restart game, a white box pops up and asks if you want to run in safe mode, if you hit yes it resets all your settings. so hit 'no' and there no changes made.
  14. Howdies! Welcome to the Idiot forums!
  15. That show always killed me!!!! the bloopers they had where always very funny ! http://youtu.be/kIqofVwYi4I
  16. I vote all the time, no biggie. and i dont know why some are upset, we were the #1 PC Clan last month!!! :animier: (isnt that what matters?! )
  17. FORD = fucked over rebuilt dodge.
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