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Everything posted by J3st3r

  1. used to get drunk and stoned and watch it with my dumb ass neighbor. When he passed out I would go in and boink his slutty sister pretty much every weekend. lol
  2. My grumpy old man just had Cataract surgery the other day. His Doctor says that after his eyes clear up they want to do Lasik surgery. He's 76 years old. There is no age restrictions on it and they can reattach a detached retina if that is your problem.
  3. New Beavis and Butthead movie is coming out the 23rd of this month. Can't wait lol
  4. They have been drilling holes in gas tanks to get it out just north of us in one of the College towns. Costed me $25 in gas to mow the damn yard twice. Probably be cheaper to own a bunch of Goats before to long.
  5. Happy Birthday @Rascal ya little turkey @Gunny ya punk and Icky @Vicky lol
  6. What's sad is he can't play at work like some other Idiots we know? lol
  7. 2 posts same garbage hacker. The other post has demos and some other info.
  8. lol I bet that is that little bastard TargetAnt AKA NinjaTwist AKA [KS]Hawkins that we banned from the COD4 servers a few years ago. He has atleast 3 active COD4 PB bans for hacking and he had 4 different GUIDs that we banned. He is from Brisbane, Australia and his Aunt is a long time member here. Geo-location puts Wilter_white, wazzybat, SUPERCOOPER0 within a couple city blocks of where TargetAnt, NinjaTwist, [KS]Hawkins was so it's a very good bet that is him. Some time you can not fix stupid no matter how hard you try?
  9. Fresh scratch made noodles are the best. Store bought noodles suck. They are to damn thin and chewy.
  10. I blew up so many damn speakers jamming this shit.
  11. lol he told me not to hold back but I couldn't unleash the beast on the little fella. I would have felt bad. He did get 1 good kill on me. Campy little shitbird.
  12. I was monkeying around trying to knife him. I got him twice but he won. lol
  13. Welcome to the mad house @Snake Neck I'm still gona call ya SnakeDick though lol
  14. Happy Birthday @WeednFeed ya old fart lol @RustyRifle so young. Rusty was a cool dude.
  15. used to low level format hdds to recover corrupt sectors. After a couple runs you could recover 98%+/- of any old HDD and make it last a few more years. Often you could 100% recover a hdd with bad sectors depending what type of low level format you do. Our local Computer shop used to buy used HDDs in bulk and low level format them and install them in both New and Used PCs that they would sell. They usually lasted 2-4 years which is well out of the range of there warranty periods so they could care less. The shady bastards. You have your Quick low level format that might take a couple of hours, then you have your regular low level format that will take 12+/- hours and then you have your super low level format that could take 4+ days to complete on a 100g hdd. The coating on the older HDD platters was ALOT thicker than they are on the newer HDDs and you could low level format them until the cows come home and it would not hut them.
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