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Everything posted by J3st3r

  1. Congrats pops. He looks absolutely amazing for a 90 year old. My grandpaw was 82 and looked really rough. He was in 2 wars and worked for the railroad for 30 some years before retiring. Cancer caused by many years of close contact with Asbestos insulated pipes and ducts is what we think made him sick. By the time he started feeling sick enough to see a doctor, it was to late to do anything about. He was like me. Never complained about being sick and refused to see a doctor unless it hindered his ability to do what he loved to do.
  2. BobMmmmmmmmmmmmmotherfuckinBarker lol. That turd needs to come play with us again and lead us back into temptation . Damnit those days were something else. The thing that I miss the most was, the fun and the almost complete lack of drama in the server. Just a bunch of Idiots having fun.
  3. ya OK try swearing in voice chat once when certain people are on and see if you don't get a verbal warning. Day Damnit a couple times lol. I warned by 3 people for saying that one night. Even got warned for saying that @Monika has a big bush. They said it was a personal attack. Me and Monika have been joking around like that with each other for years. It's all in good fun. Originally said that years ago because she always liked to hide inside of bushes and shoot ya in the back when you go past. lol You have much to learn about your new home @sven I've known Vee and alot of the other players over there for atleast 10 years. Veector used to play on the OG COD4 Ftag Server 1 and 2 with us all of the time. 4, 5, 6:00am in the morning on the weekends. Drunk as shit and having fun till the wee hours. lol
  4. Well if he can't play here I was suggesting 2 other servers that still have active freezetag servers. Wasn't recruiting for other servers. I do occasionally play on ESCs server but I can't stand the no swearing and no bunny hopping rules. It very very very very hard to keep from swearing. I swear like a drunken sailor IRL. shhhh @RobMc Just trying to get him to go away and stop spamming the forums lol.
  5. Still spamming 4 years after you were given warnings, kicked and banned and unbanned and then perma banned from the COD4 servers for excessively spamming text and voice chat in-game. DOH! Some idiots just don't even try to learn from there mistakes. ESC and F4H both have decent Freezetag servers up. Go over there and bug them but I warn you now, they are more strict then we are. F4H is active during the day (mostly on weekends) and ESC is active every night from around 9PM till 3AM.
  6. Not really that high of output and if you push them they run hotter than the sun, but they are a small package. Any 1/2 decent PC even a prebuilt dell gaming pc will give give you atleast 4x the performance. Sorry @YACCster Macs still suck for gaming lol. M1 Max cpu total package power is only around 8.7W but can use more than 45w at full load. Not really that efficient if you look at them by range. My AMD Ryzen 7 3700x is a 65w cpu but uses 90w at full boost speed. It's still one of the most efficient modern multi core, non mobile CPUs made. It beats an intel i9 9900k in multi threaded performance by quite a bit but the Intel chip is slightly faster in some single core applications. An Intel i9 9900k has a tdp of 95w but under full load they draw 249.7w. The newer Intel Non Mobile CPUs are very very power hungry, a 12900k is a 125w cpu but it draws a staggering 320w under load. That is a ridiculous amount of power when you compare it to a Massively larger and better Compute CPU such as a Threadripper 3990X with it's 64 cores 128 threads CPU. 435w at full load.
  7. Ya fuck that. Last time I went hiking up on Laurel Highlands Trail starting up in Somerset on Laurel Mountain we ran had a nest of the damn things up Under the shelter.
  8. It was June 19, 2021. You were banned by Majority decision by the Entire Admin team. Sorry but you are not welcome on our servers.
  9. Oh well that's the end of COD. Hey sorta like EA did with Battlefield. Haven't seriously played a Battlefield game since BF2. I had literally Ten Thousand + hours playing BF1942 DC Mod. Maybe 1200 hours in BF2 with it's x-packs. BFBC2 around 700 hours BF3 maybe 200 hours BF4 (which I was gifted) maybe 150 hours. Haven't played any BF game since.
  10. Couple oldies. Still better than any of this new shit that people call music. How about some Cowbell. lol Fucking LOVE this damn song. Crank this shit. Play it loud play it proud. For I AM a Simple man.
  11. About to dig up Potatoes and plant the Late Sweet Corn. I "rented" (He's getting a bunch of potatoes I planted plenty) a 10'x20' spot in the neighbors garden because he wasn't gong to plant anything in that part this year. He has room for quite a few fall/winter Cauliflower. It's in his upper 10'x40' garden. He has 4 4x8 raised beds down near his house. He pickles the Cauliflower with the peppers he grows. I like Cauliflower broiled with home made cheese sauce. OMG he tried to get me to eat one of his "Sweet Banana Peppers" a couple days ago. He and my other neighbor took 1 bite and ran straight to the house to grab the Milk. He said Holy FUCK that's Definitely not Sweet Banana Peppers. I smelled one and it about burnt my nose hairs out. Ya fuck that hot shit lol. Never seen that goofy big guy run so fast before lol.
  12. @WeednFeed definitely doesn't have a Vampire problem in his neighborhood. Holy garlic batman lol
  13. Couple unpopular maps in this one. Quite a few larger campy maps as well but that is to be expected. They all can't be smaller run and gun maps. mp_twin2 is unpopular. Most times they want this one to be skipped. It does empty the servers especially in the evening when the server population starts to go down. mp_tibongal and mp_after_tchernobyl can be fun but they often empty the server in the evening as well. Can you possibly replace 2 of them with a couple smaller and more popular maps that we have not played in a while? mp_Killhouse and mp_shipment2_1.0 would add some chaotic close quarters fun.
  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Idiots! @T-Rat you old fart. lol love ya bro.
  15. J3st3r


    You are a forever Idiot buddy. We're not letting you leave just because you can not see very well. Seriously you don't have to leave. We have alot of really cool members that haven't played on the servers in a few years. Stop in once in a while and say hi. Jump on TS any time and BS with us idiots.
  16. You should try these top water lures for the lolz. The Trump lure is known for catching some pretty big large mouth bass and a few Snakeheads. The other one seems to scare the fish away. https://www.amazon.com/Generic-Trump-Topwater-Fishing-Lure/dp/B09PB3MZM8/ref=sr_1_1?gclid=Cj0KCQjw_viWBhD8ARIsAH1mCd4HWWAJWafi73mT0940e0dBuqZwGbn0Z82bKV5_vKKBHfUnN2iHXekaAqLiEALw_wcB&hvadid=604480711566&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9006085&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=6808110717567908407&hvtargid=kwd-554522191171&hydadcr=7665_13470923&keywords=president+fishing+lures&qid=1658770886&sr=8-1 https://www.amazon.com/Generic-Biden-Topwater-Fishing-Lure/dp/B09PB3SP61/ref=sr_1_2?gclid=Cj0KCQjw_viWBhD8ARIsAH1mCd4HWWAJWafi73mT0940e0dBuqZwGbn0Z82bKV5_vKKBHfUnN2iHXekaAqLiEALw_wcB&hvadid=604480711566&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9006085&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=6808110717567908407&hvtargid=kwd-554522191171&hydadcr=7665_13470923&keywords=president+fishing+lures&qid=1658770886&sr=8-2 Fucking Hilarious video review on them.
  17. !fu @Sourtap you middle finger giving Idiot.
  18. !fu @ShadyBrady for your hard work. lol Wub the @WldPenguin
  19. You should try these. lol https://www.amazon.com/Paradear-Fishing-Crankbait-Wobbler-Spinner/dp/B087NFVKKB
  20. Ya but I could actually sleep when I got tired. Not so much at the moment. I just feel like a zombie all day. Lay down and roll around for 3-4 hours and eventually give up and go watch midget porn or something.
  21. J3st3r


    Wub you to Basil
  22. Mom is pretty much over the recovery part. Still has an occasional couch but that will clear up within a couple of days. Dad got it off of mom about 3 days after she got it because his stubborn ass must not have gave a crap if he got it? That's the only thing we can think of. Either that or he's just a stupid know it all fucker that won't listen to ANYONE? (he is trust me) The Prick is doing much better as well. I'm still dealing with this Insomnia bullshit. It's driving me fucking nuts being super tired but not able to sleep and not able to go outside every day for longer than a couple hours. I did get some sleep last night but that was after rolling around for 3 1/2 hours and I woke up 5-6 hours later and still very tired. The night after I got out of the hospital I got 10 hours of sleep after almost 2 weeks of getting 1-2 hours off rest per night. I seriously hope this shit gets back to normal ASAP. I can't fucking stand being Inactive. I'm usually outside 12-14 a day working on junk or going for hikes through the woods or going for long walks through the Orchards.
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