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  1. Like
    SnullerDk got a reaction from P!nk in Happy Birthday my love (Pink)   
    Happy birthday enjoy your day  mrs Pink 
  2. Thanks
    SnullerDk got a reaction from RobMc in Happy Birthday my love (Pink)   
    Happy birthday enjoy your day  mrs Pink 
  3. Like
    SnullerDk reacted to Spaiss in Sick for 6 Weeks   
    shoulder bones,auf Deutsch " Schulter Knochen" I meant Thank you my friend  
  4. Like
    SnullerDk reacted to Predat0r in I take u to a trip to Holland   
  5. Like
    SnullerDk reacted to StormCrow in Man I do love these guys!!!   
    Yup, another big Monster Truck moment for me! Was invited to be in the video shoot for the bands new single Evolution! Man, these boys and all the shit they have done for me, their biggest fan and all, but damn, they bring a tear to my eye! Got to spend the day shooting the video and shooting the shit with the boys and hanging out with a few other fans. Even got to go off and smoke a big joint with the drummer! I got to tussle with a S.W.A.T. member, I am praying that scene makes the cut! I rush him and start tussling back and forth as others run past us. Another part myself and another guy are pushing against the line of S.W.A.T. members with their shields. Here is some pics and a link to youtube for the song... soon as we get links for the video I will post it! They finished filming on it today!!
    Me and the keyboardist Brando

    Me and the Drummer Cool Steve after burning one... nice eyes LOL

    Getting ready to film!!!!

    Some S.W.A.T. team we are about to mess up!!!!

    They all signed up the jersey that started my weightloss journey! (For those who dont know, I used to weigh 390 lbs and have lost around 150lbs to fit into this bands clothing and to live of course LOL)

    Marv the lead singer

    Jer the lead guitarist.... this guy, cant say enough good shit about him, he has had my back through out my weigh loss, was HIS idea to have me up on stage last month to play a song with them, was HIS idea to have me in the video shoot. He is amazing!!

    This is their new single Evolutuon
  6. Like
    SnullerDk reacted to pwrcrzy52 in My new toy   
    So  i bought a new toy 72 Nova 350/350 automatic and its loud 

  7. Like
    SnullerDk reacted to Icequeen in Vacation fun   
    Gilroy! And I'm having a blast. 
  8. Like
    SnullerDk reacted to Icequeen in Vacation fun   
  9. Like
    SnullerDk reacted to Icequeen in Vacation fun   
    So far I am having a wonderful time In Cali. Tomorrow we are hitting the beach. Here are just a few pics. 

  10. Like
    SnullerDk reacted to StormCrow in A few pics from my mini vacay   
    Wife and I took off for 4 days out to Western Canada to check out the Rocky Mountains! We are already planning on going back next year with the kids now!!
    Here is a few pics from our adventure, these are just from my cell phone until I can get the good camera pics uploaded
    The one of Lake Louise is my favorite... no photoshop or filters at all, just nature at its best!

  11. Like
    SnullerDk reacted to Spaiss in Please Welcome Spaiss To Our Clan   
    Hello everybody, herewith I would like to thank you again for the inclusion in your clan. Many greetings Spaiss
  12. Thanks
    SnullerDk got a reaction from Sourtap in Hacking camper (temporary) down..   
    Good luck with Buck , take good care of him
  13. Like
    SnullerDk got a reaction from Mule in Mule Cancer   
    Praying for you mule, take care of your self 
  14. Haha
    SnullerDk reacted to StormCrow in What do you do when your Frozen?   
    Usually strumming away on a guitar... I find right when I get into a song, i get defrosted... If I have been frozen for a long while I pick up the guitar... usually within a few strums I get unfroze.... or I masturbate
  15. Like
    SnullerDk reacted to ausimatador in Can't Install COD4 again..IM SUICIDAL   
    Thanks so much to you all and a very special to YACCster and Angelz...the problem initially was solved by YACCster in the beginning then Angelz....but Multiplayer would not open and here is the answer..

  16. Like
    SnullerDk reacted to P!nk in 2018 EU XI FEST ATTENDIES   
    P1nh3ad, P1nh3ad jr, P!nk jr and me are also coming for one day. Not sure yet which day it will be.
  17. Like
    SnullerDk reacted to Dukoo in 2018 EU XI FEST ATTENDIES   
    Me and @Jeroen v.2 are both comming as far it works out with jeroens work. 
    If you ill be there alone. 
  18. Like
    SnullerDk reacted to StormCrow in I Had A Dream!!!   
    Ok, so, as most of you know, I have been following the Canadian rock band Monster Truck for a few years. This band has captured my heart and soul. They supported my weight loss journey, they have been amazing guys all around. Well tonight I got to see them in concert for the 1st time in 9 months!! They been working on a new album and shit and are getting ready to drop it so they did a show in Toronto.
    Half way through the show the lead guitarist gets on the mic and thanks everyone for showing up, then he says "We have some of the best fans in the world and we have some of them here tonight in the crowd, 1 in particular is our biggest fan, James from Cambridge in the front row here is our biggest fan by far" At this point I am over the fucking moon! Im thinking they are gonna dedicate a song out to me, they did that 2 years ago on the show, then this happened
    "James, ya wanna come up here and rock Shes a Witch with us?"
    HOLY FUCK!!!!!
    Ok, if you are a fan of music and have a band you love beyond belief, most people heavily into music do, your ultimate dream if you play an instrument is to play a song with your favorite band. Not too many people actually get the chance to do so. Well I did, and I took it, and I fucking rocked it!!!!
    So, im shitting bricks making my way through the crowd to chants of "James James James James" no fucking shit here people, my friend has video I will upload when he gets it up on his Youtube channel.
    I got up on stage, got hooked up with one of Jers (the lead guitarist) classic '67 Gibson SG's and I fucking rocked it!! I fubbed a little bit, but luckily they had Jers guitar slightly louder than mine so ya cant really tell, but I fucking did it!! to a SOLD OUT HOUSE!!!!!! I fucking rocked it, i took my cheers and got hugs from all the members and back to the front row I went to rock out with a huge smile the rest of the night, i have literally typed this with my musical boner!!!
    Heres a pic emailed to me, dropped my email to bunch of people so will have photos and videos coming in tomorrow or the next day
    This is me shaking hands with the lead singer/bass player

  19. Like
    SnullerDk reacted to TheHammer in Happy Birthday MistyShell   
    happy b-day misty ill tube you later !!!!!!!
  20. Like
    SnullerDk reacted to WldPenguin in Not going to XI Fest because you think you can't afford it?   
    As soon as we say we "can't" do something, we're right......we can't.  Because we've already shut our minds to the possibilities before we even entertain the what-if's or the how-to's.  Instead of saying "I can't afford to go", why not change that to "How can I afford to go"?  This will open your mind up to many ideas that you wouldn't ever think about as soon as you said "can't".  And this little "trick" works for many situations in life. 
    If XI Fest is something you'd like to attend but you think you can't because of finances, please read on:  
    So, over the next week or so, I'm going to share some ideas and tips that you can use to plan on attending XI Fest this year, either Euro or USA, and these same ideas and tips can be applied to other things you'd like to plan, save for, and experience in the future.  
    But, before you know the tips and tricks of saving for a specific event, you first have to know your budget.  How much is this trip going to cost?  Without knowing that, you won't have a clear idea of exactly how much you'll need to set aside.  A trip budget, as for anything else, can help keep you from overspending, while making sure you get to do the things you really want to do.  
    Before I go any further, I'll say this.....even if you're just thinking about going, not sure about going, or would really like to go but aren't sure how you'll get there financially, then I suggest you first ask to be added to the PM regarding all of the XI Fest details for the US Fest, or check out and follow the posts regarding the Euro Fest.  Information is being provided and discussed regarding hotel costs, things to do, etc., so you can get a better idea of how much money you'll need.  Then determine how you'll get there.  Will you need to fly, drive, carpool with someone that's along your route so you can share travel expenses?  At which hotel will you choose to stay?  Or do you live close enough that you won't need lodging?  Can you share a room with other XI members in order to save on the hotel bill?  Those are your two largest costs, and should be determined as closely to their actual costs as possible when planning.  Then you can figure out how much you'll need for food, activities, souvenirs, etc.  
    Once you have this ballpark dollar amount, divide it by the number of months that are left until the XI Fest.  The Euro Fest is a bit sooner than the US Fest, but it's still possible if you set your mind to it.  If you need help with your budget, let me know.  I also have a great trip budgeting calculator that I can share with you.  
    So, for example, let's say you've determined you need $1,000 for your trip to XI Fest.  With 5 months left until the US Fest in September, that comes out to $200 per month.  That might sound like a lot, so break it down even further.  There's 20 weeks left until the fest, so that's $50 a week or $7 a day.  That seems more manageable and attainable when you break it down like that.  That $7 a day could be foregoing your Starbucks fix, or not ordering pizza for the third time this week  Little things can add up to a lot over time.  
    Another great idea to consider once you know how much you will need to save is to open up a bank account specifically for your trip, or whatever else you are saving for.  Make sure you tell your bank you don't want a debit card for the account.  This will make it more difficult to "borrow" money from it in a moment of weakness.  Faithfully put the money in each week or month, and don't skip a deposit and tell yourself you'll make it up the next time.  We usually don't end up making it up for whatever reason, and then we're behind with our plan.  Also, the physical act of moving or depositing the money into a vacation or special fund is a good mental exercise in keeping the funds separate from your general sources of money.  
    Thanks for reading, and please stay tuned for other tips and ideas for saving for your trip or other specific goal that you may have  

  21. Like
    SnullerDk got a reaction from daniel in Happy Birthday daniel   
    Happy Birthday Daniel hope you enjoy your day
  22. Like
    SnullerDk got a reaction from YACCster in Happy Birthday YACCster   
    Happy birthday hope you enjoy your day
  23. Sad
    SnullerDk reacted to J3st3r in Dad update   
    My Dad was just rushed back to the Hospital.
    He wasn't eating and when he did eat he would throw it back up within minutes. He was complaining of mild chest pain but HE assumed it was related to vomiting so the grumpy stubborn ass did not say a word to me or Mom regarding it.  I called 911 again and they came out and put him on there portable heart monitor. He's having cardiac problems again. EMS said that the 2 arteries that they ballooned open might have partly closed up again. They are going to take him in and do a bunch more tests and crap this evening. Hopefully they find out wtf is going on and can fix it. 
    The grumpy fucker does nothing but lay around and bitch and moan about shit and never says anything to me or mom about not feeling well. He's always been that way. Some times I wish I would of not came back home when he had his double bypass surgery 15 years ago but I just can't do that to them.  We love him so much but he's sooo "all knowing" and self centered to give a shit about us.
    Me and mom are very very shook up. It's hard to type but I'll update once we know more.     
  24. Like
    SnullerDk reacted to DEEJAYKEG in Toronto   
    Thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the incident in central Toronto yesterday.
    @Unchileno , are you and your loved ones OK?
  25. Haha
    SnullerDk reacted to Dukoo in Ever wonder how Jeroen looks like?   
    First picture ever of @Jeroen v.2 

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