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Raven last won the day on March 27 2018

Raven had the most liked content!

About Raven

  • Birthday 12/30/1962

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  • Location
    The Woodlands, Tx
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  1. And drink beer Look at Totties new hair cut and cliffs beard… @Hatchetman may come…
  2. hatch... sorry to hear that... Buddy of mine had it and when the doctor tells you to take time and relax PLEASE LISTEN... He didn't and has lasting damage... Speedy recovery buddy...... Looking forward to seeing you in game when you can
  3. Akkkeerrrr 4 sure.... Posts lower resolution so we can't see the aim bot...... ROFL
  4. cant download mp lost map, computer starts then reverts back to windows like i showed you before ?


    1. Raven


      go into the usermap folder and delete the folder of the lost map..... then it will download it again... 

  5. Great News fella.....
  6. Mate so sorry to hear your news.... Thinking of you both..........
  7. Oh dear Bazza..............
  8. i.e no sense of direction at all...
  9. Miss you on the servers... Stay well Mrs's
  10. @Bazza If you want to get a train over to me Friday morning I will give you a lift up there.... AND back If you behave LOL... Barnham is probably the best train station
  11. Works a treat.... The website was down when I tried.....
  12. Fella... couldn't get the hotel link to open... Is it just me?
  13. Welcome fella
  14. Excellent fella.....
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