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Everything posted by Sourtap

  1. Damn!!!! Those are some nice flowers! Cool pc dude
  2. Too bad..always wanted to play that game sometime
  3. Happy Birthday! @P!nk, no selfies allowed!
  4. That's it! I recruit you for my team!! And if that offends you I got a different version. That's it! You just recruited me for your team!
  5. Moral of the story: Don't drop your phone while taking away someone's wallet. $1300,- and you get to keep your phone.
  6. Can we use this topic to form teams as well? If so, then @Predat0r, wanna join? I could use a lame ass smaw guy! @jumper, wanna join? Could also use someone to yell in my ears that I should cut with the f'ing camping. Jk, willing to play with any teammates. It's only a plus when you meet the requirements mentioned! @Roxy!, you're welcome too, if you can keep the volume down a bit
  7. Welcome to the forums Quint. Enjoy playing with ya
  8. Pop a cold one and celebrate life Laszlo! Got a great view there and house looks neat. Enjoy the view and your wife. Did I mention to pop a cold one? Well, pop a cold one and relax! Great news!
  9. If that is what it takes to prevent you from ragequitting even more, I am fine with it!
  10. Sourtap


    Heya Mental. Welcome to the forums
  11. Would love to watch how that stuff works. I can't do much more than drawing smilies in paint...:)
  12. She's hot. Got any more (recent) siblings that look that way?
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