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Everything posted by RobMc

  1. OMG all gone again 1 1/2 million in 3 throws, sorry buddy I'm a loser
  2. Like Mother, like Daughter? Ask her if she has any fetishes other than sprouts
  3. Thanks buddy, what if I lose them (I lost 4 million a couple of months ago) will you still talk to me?
  4. Hell I thought this post was about a wedding?
  5. I'll bet Queenie has a fart phone with her sprout fetish? they seem to be popular, apparently one of my kids has a singing Sam (Samsung) and the other a fruit one (Apple), wonder what flavour? perhaps less subtle in the future?
  6. Good idea, I'll see if any of my family own a fart phone, I've only got a little Nokia, I've heard talk about fart phones being the future. (fart phone - smart phone?)
  7. You saw my rant after @Barron said about the farmers in NZ being taxed on cow farts? now is the time to have an adult discussion about 'wind' and it's impact upon the world we live in. Please do not giggle like children, this is a dilemma we need to solve, even Basil must fart (in a concealed way of course). We are talking about gas, mainly methane, being introduced into the atmosphere, not helped in the least by Queenies sudden longing for sprouts (is she?? you know?), the wise old NZ PM (currently in the Antarctic) researching parrots, at the taxpayers expense, has her finger on the pulse, so she is going to tax her farmers for animal farts. This has far ranging repercussions, animals fart through eating vegetation, does this spell the end of Vegans???, you know those annoying cunts who tell you their lifestyle is perfect?, are they now to face crucifixion? Let us hope so. It is not long now before we see politicians banning eating, use of any fossil fuel, and inhaling air (oxygen tax), you know it makes sense, we need to become green. Meanwhile China builds half the worlds coal fired power stations, while Russia blows up the nuclear ones in Ukraine, Greata's carbon footprint is the world's largest and we believe everything these charlatans preach. However seeing an opportunity Rob has invented a 'fart harness' for cattle and horses, siphoning off the gas which can then be used as a petrol/gas substitute to power your vehicle to your favourite dogging spot. Anyone who is interested can donate one million points into my account in order that I can continue my research, @AthenA you can't afford it girl. No Fog - Think Dog (See you in the woods)
  8. Has always been thus Sammy I'm afraid, in the words of the Who (for you oldies) - 'meet the new boss, same as the old boss' We won't get fooled again - oh yes we will
  9. Yep, similar reaction to Twitter by the EU, now they think it's not on their side they are talking about restrictions, so much for free speech? By the way anyone else heard of this?, I caught a snippet this week, apparently somewhere they are proposing banning the right to criticize any political leader. This is scary Big Brother stuff, surely this can't be right, it didn't say where, but I presumed the EU.
  10. Don't you mean your FIRST date? Queenie is busy at the moment gardening, her first crop is at Christmas, look out for winter gales.
  11. You have problems - That isn't a girl, something you want to tell us?
  12. You don't have a bright outlook do you Sammy, what's wrong with multi billionaires? they make great Presidents and Prime Ministers? ho,ho,ho. Or are you just pissed the pendulum has swung? Look at Kanye West (never heard of him before this week) he's a naughty millionaire isn't he?? Why can't they all just drink and shag themselves to death like they did before?
  13. Oh Basil (she loves a mention) and her lefties will be spitting feathers, he's already sacked the one who banned Trump, he promises a free middle ground platform. Watch for an exodus of lefties and friends getting cancelled lmfao, what goes around comes around.
  14. Well done my dear, I'd forgotten about that, normal theme (bottom of home page) and it's fixed, as a reward I'll offer free counselling for your gambling addiction. I normally start with you giving me all your points, to prevent temptation of course. Don't worry, these are wisely invested for the future, you can trust Rob.
  15. Good luck my dear, wishing you well, on the plus side Wildthing might sound 'normal'.
  16. Same here Key, Dot will be distraught, I've lost the shoutbox, can't quote, can't give anything other than like, thought at first I'd been banned lol? (at long last says Basil )
  17. No, I can't and the sign in has gone all weird, in fact the whole site?? can't see shit
  18. RobMc


    You from Ghent?? Only Dutch and Belgians will get this
  19. RobMc


    No? enlighten us oh smelly one.
  20. RobMc


    Hello hello, the old lounge lizard springs into action ???
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