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lTplkey336 last won the day on August 24

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    New York

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  1. Enjoy Major!
  2. Welcome to the forums tablespoon! Your introductions usually tell us a little about your self so we get to know you. Your only giving us a tablespoon about you . How about a cups worth lol. Just messin with ya!
  3. I do not believe that guys should be substituted for lack of girls for the teams. Just play with as many guys as the girls can get. Other wise it will not be girls vs guys. I dont care that some guys might have a feminine side , they still got different hardware lol. You can always play more games with the same girls but change the guy players every match. .
  4. lol , memories!
  5. The gas stations was where my parents got them with gas purchases . You would also get your oil checked, windows washed, gas pumped for you, and fluids checked lol
  6. LOL I remember as a kid you couldnt open up a dresser draw or china cabinet draw with out seeing stray S&H green stamps or books of stamps laying around. That was a lot of licking going on with all them stamps putting them in books lol.
  7. Love the pics , thanks man, have a ball!
  8. Not to worry Rex, the bank is going to be sending you a couple of books of S&H green stamps to make up for the lack of interest in your account.
  9. Have a very Happy Birthday Mord , and many more to come!
  10. Well there you go Rex , you know that bank is run by a bunch of extreme idiots! What did you expect.
  11. Maybe your bank does not have interest accounts anymore. I would just call the bank and ask them, they certainly will know. Only other thing I can think of is that you got to have money in the account to get interest. PUT SOME IN LOL! Could also be your bank raised minimum amount necessary to collect interest. Seriously, I would just call and inquire at the bank, thats what they are there for.
  12. Prisilla, wear that new short skirt you bought at Kohls for the game it shows off your legs! Maybe It will distract the guys so you would be able to shoot someone LOL!
  13. There has been a girl playing cod 5 lately. She is not XI but goes by the name Killer SGT. She is a pretty good player too and interacts with her team.
  14. count me in for cod5 as long as the times are ok. And Dray may be feeling girlie, but his legs looks butt ugly in a dress!
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