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Everything posted by Sammy

  1. Times change. Back in the day courtship was using a big club to the head and dragging her into your cave.
  2. 2.75? And that’s expensive? Yes it’s sugar water. Sugar doesn’t appear out of thin air like magic. Gotta have the land. Maintain the land for growing. Gotta grow it, with said water, during drought conditions in many areas, and food over several months at least. Pest and disease control. Harvest. Separate. Purify. Transport. And so on. Just for the sugar. Purified water isn’t cheap either. Mix it all together. Put it in expensive aluminum cans. Imagine if each 8-12 oz of gas had to come in a can. Transport, again. All adds up fast. That said, if soda water cost half as much I still wouldn’t buy it.
  3. Half And Half is now Quarter And Quarter. The ‘Whopper’ is now the ‘Whimper’ At McDonalds, hold the onions now costs $1 extra. A 6-pack is now a 5-pack. In a cost cutting move, beginning with the 2024 model year, car windshields are an optional item available at an extra cost. Flags normally put at half mast are now put at 1/3 mast. And finally, the cost for your thoughts has risen to 10 cents.
  4. Insulting those that did not vote, for whatever reason, will not turn people to your opinion. Current rules are well stated, again. You want to change them. That would also require a substantial vote in itself,
  5. Despite my first thought on seeing that and how to respond, I'm not going there.
  6. 30 player TDM on Shipment. Now that was chaos.
  7. Based on some of the arguments: 16 active players. 1 yay 0 nay. The yay has it skip the map. Not even “yay’s”. If this is unfair, 1 player deciding for all, but requiring 9 players (%55 more or less) is also unfair, what’s your number in between that is fair? %25? %15? And who picks this number? Oh yea, the same people that picked %51. Never mind.
  8. To paraphrase Orwell. All players are equal but some players are more equal than others.
  9. Unless I am mistaken, removing a map from someone elses rotation isnt done unless there is something actually wrong with it. Meaning buggy or glitchy. Not because some other players dont like it and make a fuss until they get appeased. Peace in our time. Rejoice. The answer has always been that if you dont like it, make your own rotation and submit it. But perhaps times have changed and "dont like it, dont play it" has today become "dont like it, ensure nobody can play it". Perhaps every potential rotation should first be posted in an open forum thread. Then debate and take a vote whether or not to add it, or alter it. Then there will be no need to hold in-game skip votes and it can be shut off, so to speak. That should be fun.
  10. Innuendo in itself is lost on a lot of people no matter the topic.
  11. Actually, a lot of teammates dont communicate back. Perhaps most, depending.
  12. Are you saying watching porn isnt constructive? Im not offering a 'yes' or 'no' and thus not voting. Just asking the question.
  13. Got your earplugs? Those fans must scream like a banshee,
  14. And also a good example with Shakespeare. There is the original, and there are countless interpretations for any number of reasons. However, offhand I don’t know if his plays are considered public domain. I would imagine so considering when they were written. Then again, they are all categorized as ‘based on’. However I suppose the issue isn’t that works were altered. Usually for people it’s ‘so what?’ But in this case, it’s politics. Otherwise you wouldn’t have even heard about it.
  15. One mans cheater is another mans genius. To paraphrase a general from Reagan's Administration.
  16. It wasnt enough for me to call it vetted and verified. As I said, as a rule dont trust %99 of the Internet. In the case of your post, it was of course to make a point about 'wokeness'. However the inclusion of Netflix and their buyout changes the whole story and the point you were making regarding it. Clan posts, just people chatting. But if it comes from talking heads and their spinmeister guests speaking to millions every day, fact averse Internet 'influencers', or political trolls thats another matter. Too many of those assholes. Then again, to put this whole stupid issue to rest (as if), how many times was The Bible rewritten, a little or entirely, for the entire religion? And why did they do it? And was it for their benefit? Or for the faithful masses? If you feel it was ok to alter The Bible from the original texts from long ago then why not a work of fiction? Unless you are a Scientologist and their story of how we all came to be. -------- In any case, here is another story regarding the same publisher. A little different this time since the author in question is very much alive. And he doesnt approve of any such changes. Since Yahoo is a news aggregator, I dont know the original source. So to follow my own rule, this one article isnt enough to be taken as the full truth. https://news.yahoo.com/david-walliams-could-roald-dahl-192814517.html To quote a line from it that shows... at least to me... that for the publisher its about the money. Not any semblance of 'wokeness'. "Sensitivity readers were hired to scrutinize the text with parts rewritten for a modern audience, to ensure the books “can continue to be enjoyed by all today,” Puffin said." Meaning in plain English: 'We paid money to an outside group few have ever heard of to help us sell the most books to the widest audience possible.' The question is... if they did say it in plain English, as a business, would they be right?
  17. Ok, so yup. Seems both the publisher and the original rights holders both worked together to make the changes. And the altered books are now publicly available and verified by multiple sources. I say 'original' because it is also a far more complicated story dating back to nearly 6 months ago when Netflix bought out the rights holders. The original holders (the book publisher has said nothing) said they were working on the changes before then. A strange thing they felt the need to say. How much the deal was is undisclosed. Nor the terms. Netflix is about viewers and subscribers. Meaning your money becoming their money. And they have openly stated they have big plans in the works. They are going to put a shit load of money into it. And this is America, or more generally Capitalism. They will make changes that bring them more subscribers and their money. Not over some idea of 'wokeness' or other political bullshit pushed on us 24/7. But whatever makes people feel good one way or the other. Have a nice day and rejoice in Capitalism.
  18. Quality sucks because it seems finding a good quality version of it is near impossible.
  19. Our last six presidents. One Yale. One Georgetown and Yale. One Yale and Harvard. One Columbia and Harvard. One went to Wharton Business. One to Syracuse. Lots of Yale and expensive Ivy League in general. Yet, going to Yale and Harvard have as we have seen produced vastly different presidents. It was how they were raised, their families, and their experiences that defined how they governed not their schools. However, schools are a favorite punching bag because its easier to focus on them than families and how kids were raised.
  20. Thing is, considering how old the earth and the universe is, yes its a very brief disagreement. By comparison, a fraction of a second so to speak. Sooner or later humanity and everything it created will be nothing but dust. If that much. And the earth will recover, again. Done it before. What can you say about an entire species that has to continually convince itself to act in a manner to preserve its own existence? Kudos to the video creators and animators. Extremely well done. There is an old cartoon I remember from long long ago. I might have to try and find it. It is a story told by an adult animal told to child animals about the last human. It was during a war, as always. And the last two humans... soldiers... shot each other. Bye bye humanity.
  21. There is an old scifi book. I think it was Arthur Clark. And way before anything akin to 'woke' was a thing in general party politics and beaten by them into everybody's brains by the media (thanks CNN and FOX ). It had a small section about a time in the future where smoking was not just taboo. But they went through all the old movies with characters smoking.... think of all those filmnoir or Raymond Chandler movies etc... and smoking was removed in all of them through altered scenes. A very long time before movie digital fx or animation as we know it today was even an idea except among a small number of people (George Lucas and ILM among them, who thought it up and made it happen). He was a very prescient man in his writing and possibilities for the future. Good and bad. When Spielberg altered ET to remove the shotguns from the big bike chase, and everyone said 'wait a minute', it wasnt a political issue. It was a filmmaker making a choice with his own property that probably %99 of the people either disagreed with or didnt care. We all had our DVD's. And of course, in the end, when BR came around he released it in its original form. So if you want to take this as an example, altering famous works of fiction in this manner dont go over very well and sooner or later they have to back off. Then again, there are a very large number of people in the US that would fully support changing liberal words or phrases in famous books into conservative ones. ("No No! Cant change that, its wrong!" "How about this one?" "Well, let me get back to you on that.") A lot of doublethink around depending on the usual personal self-righteous and pious lives of too many people that demand everyone else do the same. If not by choice then by force. And yes, that is republicans and democrats. For any of you here. Both can kiss my big ass.
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