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Everything posted by Sammy

  1. Yup got it. Although, the guy seems pretty enthralled with the steam.
  2. The question is this: given that God is infinite, and that the Universe is also infinite... would you like a toasted teacake?
  3. Pretty sure Maya understands that file type so if you want to post it I will see what I can do. But a lot will depend on whether or not the character and chair are two separate meshes. But if everything is a single mesh that cannot be separated then it might be a bit of a mess trying to get something.
  4. The article doesnt mention one of the other theories going around. Namely that there was more than one 'big bang'. It goes bang. The universe expands. Then eventually the universe contracts back onto itself until another critical mass forms. Then bang again. Forever. All that said, With this updated understanding of the universe its still extremely old and didnt come into being a mere 5k years ago.
  5. Nope. I just have a brain and use it.
  6. I assume however that you knew that you wanted to say that you didnt know what to say. I suppose the correct phrase would have been "I dont know what to say after saying this".
  7. Image creation by sending text to an AI to do the work for you. Meh.
  8. I had to do a double take on that one. Yes, it’s her hand.
  9. They both also offer refreshing drinks inside.
  10. That said, the guy in the ATV is a total douche bag. And he probably whines like a little bitch in a pretty flower dress when some other douche bag gets him. Im not up on these modern cod games but do they have something analogous to an insta-marty exploding player? In this case, the moment you run over an enemy he blows up and takes you and your car with you?
  11. Those lamp chops pretty good? How about the mon calamari?
  12. Havent seen that movie in years.
  13. One players bad map is another players joy. Often it comes down to whether or not a player keeps getting his/her ass kicked.
  14. Does it say you are 'kicked' after playing a round or two? Get any onscreen message about making room?
  15. Most of all, to guard against people that are unquestionably convinced by highly paid talking heads and idiot politicians wanting power insisting there is a tyrany when none exists. Politicians that push it the most are the ones that want to rule.
  16. What’s the difference between a pregnant blonde and a light bulb? You can unscrew a light bulb. Of course you can substitute ‘blonde’ with anything. The question is, who would you replace blondes with. Any thoughts?
  17. One of the stories this morning. https://apnews.com/article/germany-church-protestants-chatgpt-ai-sermon-651f21c24cfb47e3122e987a7263d348 Sorta reminded me of THX1138 a little bit. Along with many dystopian stories. Of course I would think most people these days would recognize this for what it is. A machine, or more properly software run by a machine. But it also assumes that as we go further into the future people wont get more and more stupid with less critical thinking, or none at all. Back in the day, it was that you had to prove things were true. These days more often its the opposite. You have to prove things are false. You cant prove a negative. Thats basic. But the basics are becoming a rare commodity. Just interesting food for thought. Or go buy one of those new expensive Apple VR helmets and... be happy. OT but I am curious to see what that new helmet will be like in a year or two when there is more content available. Its expensive to be sure but can be 1/2 as much as a week long vacation. And instead of only lasting a week, with only video and pictures to look at later, the helmet will be available every day for years if taken care of. Havent heard yet though whether content will be controlled like it is for the app store. Meaning no VR sex etc.
  18. Sammy


    Fictional dramas, or cable in general, would never put ratings... and thus money... over reality. Nope. Otherwise I have fish tanks to sell. The fish can be provided at an extra cost but I take no responsibility for the fish nor the computer if if they are minced up by user installed circulation fans and clog the pump leading to failure.
  19. The question is, would you replace this person with a younger version of her? The final result in effect being that votes wouldnt be any different? Or would you replace her with someone in your own image? Ask the most vocal voices using this argument and the answer is the latter. Age is just a convenient excuse for many to try and achieve their own partisan goals. Besides you can be younger, and look even younger than your actual years if you have the genes or the money, but still be a brainless and self-absorbed fool that I wouldnt let pump gas into my car. After all, look at next crop of presidential candidates. The two republicans, the front runner would be almost 80 if he won. The runner up, still in his 40's. Yet, if the primaries were all held today the old man would get the nomination. Of course we have an old man that Democrats will likely chose as their next candidate. Our two main contenders, chosen by both respective parties, old men. Then again, if you want to take simple numbers out of the equation (for both Trump and Biden), the easy argument used, but focus solely on health and physical + mental fitness how do you do that? And by whom? Full medical workups, with full data made public (HIPA not withstanding), by doctors with no bias or relations with the patient? Not simply 'he's good to go'? Psychologists for mental evaluations, also with data? Imagine if both had to pass extensive psychological exams. My guess, both would have failed. Would have had to be done before the first primary of course so primary voters could made different choices. Interesting to consider who those two would have been.
  20. Spawn killed by 'TheGeekistDad' who is simply bored. They pick some great player names to show over their heads.
  21. Not classic, but standard WoW now and then to unwind.
  22. $10 is only a couple of mochas but I have too many games I never play as it is.
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