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Everything posted by tinmann

  1. Thank you for the input! I have 3 machines one on xp one has vista and this one has 7 on it
  2. I never cloned a hard drive before.. I just want to know what is the best program to use?
  3. that keyboard looks sweet! but i dont think i will shell out $300 for a keyboard... i think $150 is a bit much! lol
  4. nice, i wish i would have had that for christmas lol
  5. dj is right! if you OC the cpu then you have to change your RAM timings to match... i dont see a need for it from your description now but give it time and wait to see if you want to later. enjoy your hardware for now, if do OC you will still have to spend a little more to cool it
  6. could just be your graphics card... i had one die on me slowly like you describe. or even a ram stick could cause it. i would check out the smaller stuff before i spend for a whole new system again.lol.. thats just me though
  7. thanks for letting us know!
  8. i agree with incresing the PSU... if you increase your load in the future it might not handle it
  9. funny, we are the normal ones..... everybody else is screwed up!
  11. congrats on the promotion! most importantly, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!!!
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