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Joe Canadian

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Everything posted by Joe Canadian

  1. Hey hyphenated hxtr, things have changed quite a bit lately. The bathroom you need to use is the non-gender specific one. Welcome back. While you were gone @PimpedOutPete had triple by-pass surgery, He used to be a NY Fries/McDonalds freek, but he has changed. Now he eats almost exclusively "organic" food: Deep fried organic chinese pork, deep fried, organic greek calamari, organic fish and chips with extra tartar sauce, etc. Really fucked up! Hope youre doing well buddy, FU@Budman in case you are reading this, nosy bastard haha
  2. Pete stop eating kielbasa sausages with onions, fries, eggs, haagen daz and beer and your health will improve dramatically, haha pot is the least of your problems, you commie
  3. Hey Johnny cut the bs, you have legalized pot 20 years ago haha
  4. Just go to any dispensary or talk to @JohnnyDos an expert in the topic, Trudeau's best pal haha
  5. Pete I go to Washington state 3 days a week. I5 is full of huge signs advertising pot shops all over the place. I mean huge, with driving directions etc.
  6. I don't smoke pot, not my thing, but from what I've heard not many people are going to buy the stuff from the government. You can buy pot from any dealer or dispensary at half the price. Why would you need a receipt in any event? To claim a deduction in your income tax return?
  7. Make sure she doesn't lock you out of the house, last thing we need is a frozen Pimp on the news haha, You will recover Pete, by pass surgery is routine these days.
  8. Shit Pete, hope things go well, try to get that male enhancement surgery done as well while you are under ?
  9. Hey Pete, don't get me started!! listen to your premier, she is really pissed off with the KInder Morgan issue and is talking tough to the Federal Government. And I AGREE, yes agree with her 100%. I want the dirty cheap Albertan oil to come to our province, even though we have the highest oil prices in North America and that shit will not benefit us at all. Just for your information, and as matter of urgent clarification, I am not a freaking green, tree lover, pot smoker, bird watcher, environment friendly/vegan/non gender specific. Quite the contrary. I am tired of all the BS we have to put up just because we live in BC. I strongly dislike monopolic crown corporations, such as ICBC (car insurance), the Workers Compensation Board, and mixed BC Corporations -provincial and private- such as BC Ferries. We get ripped off every day of our lives here, but most people are a bunch of complacent asses who just pay the fees and don't whine about anything. We need a change Pete, come to BC and let's form the PIMP party lol.
  10. You're just envious Pete, give me a break. You have been trying, for decades, to steal at least a Cessna for greenpeace at Calgary International but you suck at it... The best you can do are kites and weather balloons
  11. Bitch haha, just saying hi sir
  12. So sorry to hear... USMale RIP it was always a blast playing with you
  13. My mom is half Croatian, half Austrian, but regardless we all had a wonderful time for the past 4 weeks. We ended up watching the finals at the Croatian Cultural centre, in Vancouver yesterday morning, with the family. Great experience, bravo Hrvatska, Lijepa naša domovino
  14. Sorry Pete, I meant to say east german porn, you commie. Don't reply and play cool, everybody knows who you really are lol
  15. Thanks Loader, let me get back to you in a few hours. I am not home atm, but I do appreciate your help Joe
  16. Some people call it "karma", watching too much porn will slow your computer down and mess up your cod2 files, ask @PimpedOutPete...his computer is so fucked up that he can only play solitaire and browse north Korean porn sites...
  17. Got a brand new razer mouse, new headphones, did a memory upgrade, got a new video card...but I can't play COD2 because for some reason when I try to join I get redirected to download some maps, or IWD's to no avail. This wouldn't normally be an issue as I am a really patient guy, but when I see mediocre players such as @Painsponge having a blast and abusing other players, I get kinda ticked off. Would anyone tell me how to download those IWD in order to play and take care of masters of deception such as @Painsponge? Thank you, FU Pain btw, I love you man, but I like you better dead lol jk
  18. You probably meant @PimpedOutPete Ayaq, get over it!!... too late!!
  19. Thanks @Budman for no particular reason (FU Sir with all due respect) haha
  20. I can't see anyone @TBB, if you see a pink RV and lots of smoke coming out from its windows, you must be at @PimpedOutPete Pete's house, these Calgarians get together on Saturdays to smoke BC bud and drink moonshine...The moose you see is Pete's dog
  21. Wrong, this is the happy bday @PimpedOutPete thread...wait, let me double check,, now Im confused....
  22. Yeah I agree, FU @TBB it's all your fault haha. Let's go Predators, yeah right, let's go to Jersey and visit TBB
  23. I am locking this thread, Pete doesn't need any more attention. FU @TBB BTW and sure, why not, FU@Budman sir wilth all due respect haha. Buzz off @PimpedOutPete stay away from our BC mountains, you freakin commie. Try to impress Maduro with your oil , not us. We are paying 1.60$ at the pump, because you all, greedy Albertans
  24. A side note for the boss,[email protected] can we get rid of @PimpedOutPete, ?How many signatures do need to get in order to demote the Pimp? He's a negative influence and a bad example to all prospective and current XI members.
  25. FDR said once that "Pearl Harbour", was a "date that which live in infamy". I love you my american bros but you should be aware that Pete's b-day is a shameful day for all Canadians. Most of us, half mast our canadian flags, get drunk and call in sick. Canadians are genuine people who don't like commies (like Pete) who are engaged in prostitution and human trafficking. Haha, fuck you Pete, you have become an NDP ass kisser. You will not take advantage of my pot smoking, tree hugging province. Give me your cell number to enlighten you bastard! haha Pearl Harbor a “date which will live in infamy,”
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