Gabriela Alessandra, 15 years old, extreme idiot by definition. She speaks 4 languages, (we speak 5 at home) and is 25 times worse than his weird Dad. She knows Mac Daddy and Pain, because she would sit right next to me and laugh really hard every time I blew up or knifed the suckers. That went on for years.
My wife is Brazilian (of the difficult kind) but somehow, Gabi managed to make the brazilian curling team and go to the youth olympics somewhere in Switzerland. She did not win gold but was chosen as the most photogenic athlete of the games not by me or the press, but rather by the swiss fans of her who would line up after every game to get her autograph that eventually got locked at 50 max, in order not to delay the brazilian bus. This is all for you, my brothers, Dada, Mac, Johnny and the others. Its in our genes.