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Joe Canadian

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Everything posted by Joe Canadian

  1. I just wanted to confirm that our COD2 DM has been renamed >XI< Blackbarts Battle Grounds. Fuck Bart, I know you are reading this somewhere, just wanted to thank you for inviting me to join the clan, along with Spanky. I miss you a great deal Joe
  2. Hi, my name is Matt, but my real name is Joe Canadian<XI>, master grenadier trained by the one and only Spanky<XI>. I was gone for a while due to some career choices I made, which was nice cool and dandy for a while until I decided to start working independently, which has turned out to be a great idea. Leisure time has increased exponentially, and even though I do travel a lot, I have purchased a proper gaming laptop at a decent price, that allows me to play pretty much all the games available out there except for VR, which is kinda of a blessing because the last thing I want to see , way too close, is a naked Budman or TBB getting an oriental massage with a perverted and forced "happy ending". See you soon guys, I do miss you a lot. Matt Ps. Mr Pain lol. You are fucked dude, run for your miserable life
  3. Freaking old pot smoker! show some respect for TBB bitch lol, how are you doing these days Budman? Still fucked up as usual?
  4. Nice homage to your ancestors! TBB. Wow, remember when 99% percent of your posts were about hxtr, large animals and the Asian masseuses you use to visit 3 times a week looking for happy endings? lol. Kudos to you though
  5. Cholula and "Tapatio" used to be a couple that enjoyed hot sauce, until Cholula found out that Tapatio was having an affair with and elder, yet macho Tabasco. Lame story, I know but ask @PimpedOutPete about it. Not sure if he made it up, or he's just fallen in love with Cholula, who he met by chance while harboring "El Chapo" in his basement. Really fucked up if you ask me
  6. Yikes, not sure if PimpedOutPete is still around us. but in any event, I'm sending good vibes to you whether you are in hell or still in Alberta lol
  7. Thank you to all you guys except Budman
  8. I am about to get into trucking school, but before the freaking cheap Canadian Government writes me a check, I need to speak and document two conversations with drivers who work in the field. I will be working mostly in the US, and probably doing the Vancouver-Calgary run. Any help would be appreciated. I will talk to the people up in the heavens and guarantee any of you at least a VIP reservation in the purgatory. Lol. Thank you guys Matt [email protected]
  9. Loader, I feel your pain. My goodness, there's nothing I love more in my lifetime than my beautiful daughters. Please tell me (in private) how I could help you, and trust me, I will be there for you my bro
  10. My goodness I am at the moment extremely pissed off because my wonderful kids, whom I love more than my own life, have managed to fuck up my steam account, so I cannot kill lovely people like PainSponge and other fuckers. I will figure that out...but in the meantime I would love to invite PimpedOutPete, yes, that blood thirsty asshole to visit me in BC. Ruggerxi if you are reading this, please reassure that assasin, that if he comes to my house, he will get nothing but sanctuary. We will respect and feed the fucker, provided I am allowed to feed the Spansky about the developments.
  11. OMG Budman, lol. Enjoy it while it lasts, perversions ending up in scientific breakthroughs....priceless
  12. I have been away dealing with generic life issues for a while, but my heart has never left. My respect to the idiots who passed away, sad to hear that so many great guys are no longer around, but their spirit and found memories are already part of the XI genes. Good job Loader, too bad you are such an asshole, lol. JK.
  13. My heart goes to you and your family....
  14. Shut up you freaking salmonella lol, how are you doing buddy?
  15. What a great idea! Pete seems to come to his murky senses every 5-15 years
  16. I havent been around all that much, but I am sure, when I start playing again I will miss Mac big time. We had a love-hate relationship that can be easily summarized in simple words such as fucker, Joe you sob, ass, etc. I had the privilege to nade the sucker following instructions from my master, Spanky. Mac hated us both...priceless times for me
  17. One word, uncertainty you whore, with all due respect. Hope you and your twin sister (@Budman) are doing well...
  18. OMG!! SuqMadiq talking about Covid19 is by far my worst nightmare lol. Hey Pete don't be a chicken and give me your cell number to chat sometime. I am not hacking your bank accounts in Switzerland you sucker.
  19. I went to med school for 2 years before realizing that my true passion was pol science and economics. I dont know much, but have the privilege to have some great doctors in the family. I've sent them your post and they all agree with you 100%. Some are Canadians, other Italians and even Brazilians. This is a pandemic, not a political movement trying to conquer the world, so we should stick strictly to science, rather than trying to "solve" health issues by decrees.
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