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Everything posted by KicknDatAzz

  1. is that orange chocolate??? if soo..... ewwwwww
  2. miserable? you are not a people person are ya? LOL I've been here 7 years as of last December. I want mine too please :-D
  3. wow, i am not much for remakes these days, but I like what I see. interesting how they modernized it. This appears to be Jumanji on crack... LOL
  4. S7 edge is what I wanted, but I opted for the less expensive Moto G5+ - half the price. I personally stay away from Apple products.
  5. I need some myself. PM me with the ones you want and then return the favor.
  6. I might be picking this up soon, if so look for me! I will def hit our server.
  7. who the fuck is this Azzhat? lol
  8. not quite what I was looking for, but that will work! Thanks!
  9. MUTE is your friend!!! especially when trying to not hear me get upset at the Rambo's who don't THAW. lol "It's FREEZETAG, not FFA!" - OR - "Intel, MOTHERFUKER - DO YOU SPEAK IT?" Have a nice day, BEECH! :-D
  10. Are these XI member with tags ON being redirected? If so that's not good... maybe I misunderstand? I played the other day on a different login on my PC that didnt have my profile on it. I got redirected in about 3 minutes. Needless to say I logged out of that profile.....
  11. You are better off parting and building an AR yourself than buying one outright 9x out of 10. way cheaper
  12. very nice piece there. What did that set ya back?
  13. what about the processor? I dont see it thats eerily close to my build is why Im asking ;-)
  14. if it happens mid game, you are smacking the Windows key while playing.....
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