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Everything posted by 7Toes

  1. guess who has covid lol me
  2. i am 3days into a 7 day fakebook jail term lol
  3. ok win 7 great win 8 sucked dick win 10 good its time for another suck ass win 11
  5. need to make sure whenn copy that they are not read only
  6. tell him to sneak in by the south boarder he willl get free housing medical freee foood hell he will live like a king
  7. i just came in for the tittys and beer
  8. i read that people who have gotten the shots are still getting the virus good luck guys
  9. oh boy another biden supporter enjoy that 50% payroll tax hike to pay for all this free money lol.im retired wont bother my check
  10. mtdew is correct they cheated to win the election because they are socialist .this the perfect way to destroy the USA from within and bankrupt it.already Russia and china talking dropping the dollar,if enough o the world stops using the dollar as a purchasing money the dollar is going to collapse.but the thing is most of the worlds economey is tied to the USA it will be a global collapse .
  11. well i dont care whos name onn those messages i delet them dont open them.stop your account hack 101
  12. to make this vaccine in record time bet they skipped few steps of safety to get out,sorry not for me
  13. im 62 this year diabetic heart problem pacemaker/defibrillator fighting cancer winning so far! this virus is a 99.96% survival rate or higher.i will take my chances with ,the CDC lying about death numbers i trust my goverment as much as i like jacking off with broken light bulb glass..then the man who said we need to depopulate this earth for survival one of the main guys involved in the making of this vaccine,sorry i will take my chances and if it time to go the good lord will take me no matter what.no one thinks its funny 2 weeks after the dems visited china this virus happens to get loose hmmm?
  14. like here in the states people are grabbing what they think is free money?it their own money and biden and bernie in a half a year or so are going to raise payroll taxes to 50%
  15. tell them not to go into any debt our administration is going to hike payroll tax to 50% most Americans will go under..
  16. hey has he said what is going to happen when the USA cant afford the payments on its debt, then the Biden administration raises the payroll tax to 50% to help pay for all this free money???so hang on to you hats folks when we go down it will be a domino affect around the would
  17. just removed all my data from my profile sharing my info no longer
  18. snow flakes over here in the go old USA! are going crazy for Joe bidens free money...they think it grows on trees and wont have to pay it back?what a rude awaking they are going to get the whole world will.the debt is no way able to be payed back at this rate!which means the dollar is going to collapse and take the USA with it..then you know what that means the rest of the world will collapse like dominoes.so have the essentials and a place to go and be locked and loaded because others will want to take what you have!but there is a chance when Biden puts that 35-45% tax on our paychecks there will be a war and hope we hang all those socialist in our government trying to destroy the USA!
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