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Everything posted by Ruthless

  1. Personally I think you should go back to your original name - Smegma.
  2. Who are you again - oh yeah FU! If you start playing freeze tag again I might drop back on too. Maybe pick a day or something - let me know and I'll join. I promise I'll be nicer - ish, alright probably not.
  3. It still does not work. And the switching mid levels makes for a poor experience. I have a screen shot of mp_construction where the yellow tie screen happened. So even this change did not prevent the map ending early.
  4. Cars are overpowered in this mod, but everyone knows that. It is so strong for a 3 (or 2) kill streak you almost have to take it. The new (retired) mod we were playing there for a bit had them separated into thaw cars and kill cars - I like it but everyone else bitched and did not. Overtime is basically half rc cars running around as soon as it starts. There is a counter though besides using hardwired. Use the emp mine. You will only lose your emp grenade (or smoke, tubes, whatever you use there) but you will counter the cars. I see some people are starting to use the emp mine more now and it really fucks up rc cars.
  5. I would like to discuss something that has been making the game shitty for a while now. The worst fucking players in the world... Don't get me wrong, you don't have to be good at this game to play in my opinion. There are a few players, I won't name, that absolutely suck, BUT they talk to us. Maybe you have some issues and try and talk with us - that's great. You can go 0 - 1 - and 20 and that is fine. At least you can shoot the shit with us. Maybe one day most of us will be so old we can't even move the mouse correctly anymore - at least we can still get on the mic and talk shit then. However, a few I will name; RJ-11, frank (who keeps changing his name), and a couple of others. They come in and go 0 - 2 - 26 and don't even talk with us. They never acknowledge hearing anything. What the fuck are they doing? Especially RJ, he has been playing with us for a while now. Why won't he even talk to us? Talk to us or play or whatever. We want to make the play experience better for new players and we will even try to help you. But a few of these fuckers... I'm not even sure why they play? What do you get out of playing that bad and never talking to anyone? I really don't like stacking teams, but having one of these people on your team is a frustrating experience. If any of them ever read this - why are you even playing with us?
  6. Lol, so a couple are pretty cool and seem like what I think of when you say 'no-scope'. That weird thing of scoping in quick and releasing that seems to make a guaranteed kill. A couple are just hip firing into their back. If you pull off one on me I want to see my name in the video! So if you are going to continue this, do the zoom in and out thing real quick and get more legit no-scopes. You also don't need to charge in run & gun style with that sniper to do it. Hang back mid range and do this. You could even get a few more thaws to help your team while your practicing. But of course you will do what you want as always you stubborn shit! But if you take my advice your score may be better than 4 kills 2 thaws and 30 deaths each match.
  7. You must have come over here because the friendliness per person ratio is off the charts here too. Nothing but good sportsmanship and supportive communication in COD4. THIS IS NOT SARCASM, I DONT JOKE EITHER, FU DLUX, HAR ,,|,, FUCKING BS, LAGGY BITCH AS;LDKJF90Q2834745HJKLAGDKJLHDAKL;JHFNASDEFASDF Welcome. I can't wait until I hit retirement too - and waste even more time on this game if its still around. Congrats.
  8. We have a lot of that shit up in Washington state too. We had one of those old RVs park at a grocery store a while back and catch on fire (they were cooking meth in it). The burning husk just sat there for weeks with police tape around it until the store finally spent money to clean that crap up. I thought it was just a west coast thing but I went and visited Missouri a month ago - I drove the 2000 miles across the Rockies and the plains. I saw homeless crap like that in more places than I imagined. Even in Wyoming (I didn't even realize anyone lived in that state) I saw some tents and RVs in Cheyenne (the older dilapidated looking RVs I assume are homeless). I saw more homeless in Missouri too. Even in small / medium size towns (~100k) around where I grew up. I believe its mostly drugs. The homeless I run across are usually crazy. They don't seem to really want help, they seem to just want money for drugs. They aren't happy receiving food and there sure isn't any that hold signs that say 'looking for work'. There is an interesting YouTube video on the homeless problem in Seattle that explores this. We as a society are going to have to come to a decision on if we want to lock people up in insane asylums like the old days (or some shit like that) or just let this kind of shit potentially spread everywhere as housing prices continue to go up. The old trailer parks and project housing that existed when I was young was where most of that crazy shit was contained. Now those trailer parks are being sold for millions (in the west anyway) and the poorest and craziest have no where to go but the streets (they won't go to shelters because they can't do drugs there).
  9. They still work. And its 14 kills if you are using Hardline. Maybe you are counting the kill streak kills in there even though mention you know that. Perhaps the round switched in there? I got a nuke a couple of weeks ago, and I saw a couple of others in the past 7 days - Abu or Apollo (sorry forgot which) just got one on the Lost sniper map.
  10. To expand on your 'game mechanics' that are not normally talked about... Command line stuff and config (config_mp.cfg). There should almost be a tutorial on that, at least to let people change their fov (cg_fov) or draw and change their fps (cg_drawfps, and com_maxfps). There are many other ones that I don't know much about but just the idea of learning how to open the command line in the game (with the ~ key) and typing stuff. Just type cg_ or com_ and it will show you a lot of options. This config stuff is probably the bane of admins because this is where you get people turning off foliage (not sure which one it is) or setting the FPS to numbers they don't want. Its too bad the server couldn't just force the config to everyone and then no one would have to wonder if you have people out there with sketchy configs. Either way it is something that players should know about and makes a big quality of life improvement - like for the field of view. Why not a 'preferred' config file that the admins could create and just tell people to put that in their user folder? Then you wouldn't have to wonder if you are being a shit or not. Other miscellaneous shit: FPS differences. This is just something I recently found about it. Apparently there are differences in the FPS mechanics. For example (this is what I heard take it with a grain of salt because I don't know for sure), 250fps will make you jump longer and faster, and 333fps will make you jump higher but not faster. The idea that these values (assuming your video card can handle them) make the game act different. Weird stuff I don't know much about. Someone was getting on to someone for straffe (strafe?) jumping. I have never heard of that or know what it is. I am curious. Is it illegal jumping? How is it done? Can it be done accidentally so that we do it when we don't know? I did see some Google results for it but thought it would be more fun to play the game in my free time than learn whatever the shit this is. Craziness. I saw a guy go to a corner once and basically jump / fly into the fucking sky and go onto the top of the map (this was in zombies)... He asked someone if the move (I forgot the name of what that was) was legal and they said no. But wtf was that? You can't even Google shit like that, sometime but it makes you wonder what is possible in this game and how many other crazy ass glitches like that there are. I can see why they are probably not pointed out, but I believe if everyone knew this crap they could identify people doing crazy stuff and help point them out to admins.
  11. I think its a good idea. The hardest part is just getting a handful of players (like 5 or more) to get on another server. If you do, then you start seeing more people trickle in. We do that late evenings during the weekdays sometimes. Daughter is good about getting people to DM and Gun Game sometimes late night (not so late night for us West Coasters).
  12. Absolutely... The problem is that it is a lot of speculation on our part. However, since we've been playing this mod for the past year or so I think the speculation is probably getting close to reality. I like switching up builds. I think that is something to people do not do enough. I bet many just have them all (or even just a couple) setup and then they just use that each time and don't change. I change my builds based on number of players, maps, and play styles of those that are on. On a normal map with 20 or more players I mostly use: Sleight of hand (I like to reload fast if I am running and gunning) Hardline (only needing 2 kills for a car is huge) Hardwired (I don't care about cars as much as I care about being able to see through the damn 30 seconds of emp blindness which this blocks). If there are few players I like to use Dead Silence instead of Hardline. I have begun to use Snatch & Grab on many maps if my team is dying too much for the super quick thaws. If it is a small map I often use Combat Medic in order to run all the way to their spawn. If too many clays and junk are getting me on an indoor map, I'll use Stealth. If too many tubers on opposing side I will sometimes use Flak Jacket. For Kill streaks I like: RC (no other is close accept UAV if you are close to overtime), Defroster UAV, and attack package. The 3 kill package now sucks and is usually not worth it. The attack package is occasionally great. Here is what I think about them all: 1.) Sleight of hand (Great tier), Double tap (I like this one too but had better luck with Sleight of hand), Stopping power (I notice NO difference in the kills or one shot kills - I know some people swear by it but I don't think it does much), Steady aim (with sniper only), Sonic Boom (PROBABLY WORST PERK, we experimented with it and it seemed to make no difference. Even with this perk a tube will not kill someone with Flak Jacket. I believe with no proof that everyone has Sonic Boom already due to the way grenades seem to have such as large radius), Armor Piercing (I again don't notice much difference and seem to still not be able to spam through much. I see some players spamming walls pretty good so maybe it is worth it), Venom (is dumb since if you bind a medpack you can automatically heal from it quickly). 2.) Light Weight (I don't notice a speed difference even though others have swore by it), Snatch & Grab (Great tier, I wish more people would use this quick thawing perk), Scavenger (I actually haven't used this but after writing this I wonder if it could reload my tubes? - crap otherwise since people drop ammo when dead), Dead Silence (Great tier), Second Chance (people should be banned if they use this lol FU SMITHERS), Hardline (Great tier, a 2 car kill streak is over powered. Chaining kill streaks together is crazy - just watch Pootie), Commando (crap tier, we tried it with a knife only battle once for the increased range and it didn't seem to make a difference), Hacker (interesting perk that some like Decker use to good effect). 3.) Tactical Mask (I don't use but sometimes with all those people throwing smoke it tempts me), Hunter Killer (when sniper), Hardwired (Great / Legendary tier, car block AND PROTECTS FROM STUPID ASS EMP BLINDNESS), Combat Medic (Great tier, run into their spawn and kill everyone), Ballistic armor (unsure, I have used it a couple of times but still get one shot a lot - so I don't think it is worth it), Stealth (Great tier, run through the annoying clays and the enemy perks don't see you. Flak Jacket (just use this if you don't want me to tube you - then I'll switch to 3 emps or something), Gambler (the only perk I have never used - unknown).
  13. Hey there. Many of us old crusty Unreal players came over to XI long ago. I see YoMama and others pop in from time to time to on the XI servers. I even saw Fogdog a while back though he did not talk. I still remember them all. Amazing that COD4 is still hanging on as long as it has. It is because freeze tag is the best. The freeze tag mods are amazing. You should jump on and play with us some time. Your UT2k4 mod was the best. Many good years playing that mod. Now you just have to put the translocator into a COD4 mod so we can SCORE!!! I miss that translocator so much... You think when people get knifed in COD4 they cry - when people would get translocated in Unreal they would lose their minds. Losing score too! That was genius (and funny).
  14. I do not understand how damage works in this game. I have no interest learning how to mod this game but realize I may have to understand some modding principles in order to understand some things. I am willing to PAY SOMEONE FOR THIER TIME to explain some items in this game. I would like to know what is possible. I have a programming / software engineer background but have not done any game programming. Some questions: How damage is calculated in the game per weapon? What is the damage range of the weapons? Is all damage able to be 'modded'? Are there config files or compiled code that does all this? If you don't know how any of this works, or are just 'Google'ing shit - I am not interested. I want to PAY YOU for your time explaining how damage works and some other items. I do not want to start from scratch learning how to mod this game in order to just understand a few things. Especially on the main server, I often hit people 2 or 3 times and do not kill them. This happens even if I use Stopping Power Perk - which doesn't seem to make much of a difference. Then when some people are on, they kill everyone in one shot. Watch some like Sharpe when they are playing well sometime, EVERY SINGLE bullet is killing in one hit - not just head shots. What is going on? Some kind of weird RNG? Are there some configuration of perks that do this? I think as long as we have all played this now, this information should be available to everyone. If you are interested PM me and we will talk about payment and timing. We'll discuss what you are able to show me and some of the requirements I would like to get out of a meeting. I am pretty busy during the week so it will have to be evening Pacific time or on the weekend sometime. Thank you.
  15. I am in the Seattle / Tacoma area of Washington state. I usually get 98 - 104 on main. I was getting pretty stable 50 on the new server. The hit registration was freaking amazing. Seemed like that was the case for all of us. All of us were hitting more head shots and generally killing each other quicker. None of the 'shooting through targets' that I sometimes get on the main server. I loved it. I originally played for years in the Midwest with a 40 - 50 ping. So the improved ping 'felt' great and I was doing amazing. I never knew ping made such a difference (I suspected). Play a game on the main server then jump to the west server - it is like a night and day difference you can feel immediately. I think some of the west coasters would destroy everyone if we had pings reversed with the east coasters. I finally have an excuse for playing shitty nowadays. Can't be that I'm getting old and not as good as I once was right? ,,|,,
  16. Senior IT manager for a state agency - previously a software engineer - which I may go back to. Management is often boring... I am only a manager again because I hate working for dipshits and IT tends to attract a lot of bad managers. Or rather IT attracts people who want to be in management that have no business being there. I manage many introverts and interact with people that can be very 'sensitive'. I have to be Politically Correct at all times and always watch what I say. Than can be difficult. That is why I enjoy playing on an adult server and I am an asshole most of the time in-game - to let it all out. FU all. I don't mean it personally and I love you all. As hard as it is to believe, I am actually a nice person in real life and good to work with / for.
  17. I've heard of you - I think... You keep practicing and one day you might be ok. You seem like a dysfunctional idiot like the rest of us.
  18. Damn sorry to hear... BBB was the nicest A$$hole you could find. He is one of the people you can't forget the sound of his voice yelling at you and talking shit even years later. It was great playing with him and your family for years with my B30 / PSI brothers BeerGoat (previously WarGod) and Beer_Clown. My condolences to you and your family LBB. Rest in peace BBB.
  19. It is great people have been helping put together map rotations. iBrock and Hotrod should be banned permanently though after putting together this one.
  20. Nice to meet you Bamm. You are a good player and starting to climb the rankings higher and higher each time you play. So I feel compelled to say - FU you pain in the ass!
  21. I can help too. Just come on to the main server and tell us to get off to help you. Evenings after 5 Pacific / 7 Central.
  22. Welcome Tony. ASS COCK!!! I'm pretty sure you were a professional fluffer in a former life right? See you at Waffle House.
  23. Tubes are hilarious. I want to give a shout out to the fucker who started me using those ridiculous things @YACCster (AKA pinglo back in those days). He used blow the shit out of everyone with tubes and get everyone riled up. If you can't beat them, join them type of thing. Like Sharpe said, use the flak jacket. They nullify the tubes and if I get a person or two live through a good tubing, I'll just switch to something else. A lot of times I get killed tubing because I'm too close to people. That is why I jump backwards away from people with and get kills. The bunny hopping tube shots truly are the greatest. Try tubing sometime. Its harder than it looks to fire those things in windows and across the map like that. That is why they are truly called 'skill cannons'. PS ,,|,, to the guy that rhymes with asshatoshi
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