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Everything posted by little_old_man

  1. Saw a few today on a ranch in California. Really majestic animals. Nice pics Lead.
  2. Really no need for memes or funny catch phrases. The pictures speak for themselves.
  3. The problem is Ter that even if it is a very small minority within the Islamic religion (say 2 percent), that number would equal the population of the United States. The are literally dozens or more videos on YouTube showing moderate Muslims wanting sharia law for the world. They aren't screaming it. They say it in a very calm and peaceful voice.
  4. Happy birthday bds. Wow, in dog years you would be dead.
  5. Uh, no. He didn't say anything even remotely to the effect of that. Stern asked if he could call Trump's daughter a hot piece of ass, and Trump replied yeah. I'm sure if Bill C and Trump were on the golf course talking shit about women, Bill would have thrown his clubs at Trump in disgust and left. Right? Here's one you guys should enjoy. Trump may have been stupid enough to talk shit about women on the radio, but Bill got caught red handed groping a flight attendant on video while he was president. I wonder why this never made the news? http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=563_1475951825
  6. Ter, if you want comedy, this is pure gold. www.liveleak.com/view?i=4bb_1475981170
  7. If trump or anybody on the right made a joke with the word "riggers" the libs would have them tarred and feathered. Yes, sort of amusing but wreaking of hypocricy.
  8. You are absolutely correct that NAFTA was a direct result of Reagan/Bush and Clinton simply finalized what they started. But what Damage pointed out is the kicker. It took a candidate with a business mind (Perot) to point out that NAFTA would mean a huge drain on American jobs, and Trump who also has a business mentality is pointing most of the blame on Hillary because, well, it's a strategy to help win an election. Both parties are equally responsible for NAFTA which left the American workers holding the bag and losing their jobs. This has little (or nothing) to do with trickle-down economics. NAFTA had good intentions, namely to increase the economic health of Mexico and other Latin American countries so they would be less of a drain on the US through illegal immigration. The big factor that nobody saw coming was China. When they became a member of the World Trade Organization in 2001, they were able to reap all of the benefits of NAFTA. Consequently the economic growth Mexico should have been experiencing since 2000 under NAFTA has been going to China. The Mexican standard of living hasn't really gone up at all and China's has gone through the roof, all thanks to NAFTA. The thing about NAFTA that pisses me off the most is that, all of these politicians who thought that increasing the standard of living in Mexico and South America was such a great thing for the US, but they failed to see that in order for that to happen there would have to be a significant LOWERING of the American standard of living and loss of jobs. Free trade is just that. Businesses in these countries are "free" to do business in other countries with few restrictions. So in the case of what I am seeing first-hand now, Mexican and Canadian trucking companies can come to the US and haul freight for a quarter of the cost that US companies can haul the same freight. The trouble is, US trucking companies can't go to Canada and Mexico and charge US rates to haul their freight. So US trucking companies must significanly lower their rates to compete. The end result is that most trucking owner/operators can no longer to afford to stay in business because it costs them more to operate their trucks in the US due to taxes and US regulations, so they have to work for the large trucking companies which pay very little to drivers. Trucking is just one industry that free trade has detroyed. There are hundreds of other examples. NAFTA has ended up being a bust for the US, Mexico and Canada because of China. It did little to increase the standard of living in Mexico, and has done a lot to decrease the standard of living in the US. It was implemented by career politicians, and needs to be re-evaluated by a career businessman.
  9. I don't blame the one percenters. Hell I was one myself 10 years ago. I blame our poorly managed government that has forced American industry to operate overseas, and a poorly managed government that's allowed foriegn industry to operate in the US forcing US industry to slash jobs and wages. I also blame Obama care for driving my company out of business and making health care so expensive that most working class Americans can no longer afford it. Of course this was their plan all along. Collapse the private insurance market so the only alternative would be a single payer system run completely by the feds, who can't do anything right. Yeah, I'm all for getting rid of everybody in office and starting fresh. Politicians are the lowest form of scum on earth.
  10. About 400 miles from where this quake was, between December 16, 1811 and February 7, 1812 there were 4 quakes in New Madrid Missouri that registered magnitudes of between 7.0 and 7.5. They were felt all over the eastern US all the way to New England. The 1989 quake during the world series in San Francisco killed 63, injured over 3,000 and caused billions in damage was only a 6.9 in magnitude. We didn't know what an oil well or CERN was back then. Quakes can happen anywhere and at any time.
  11. Ok, you have 4 scientists who believe it was an inside job. You could have 4,000 or 4,000,000 scientists who feel the same way, but without physical evidence or one of the conspirators admitting to their involvement and describing how it was done and who was involved, it's all meaningless. Who conspired to kill Kennedy is the same scenario, and will never be solved to the satisfaction of many. I have no doubt there have been and will continue to be parts of our government that conspire to do great evil, but I don't lay awake at night worrying about it because I don't have any controll over it, and I have my own priorities to deal with, like keeping Hillary from being elected. She is a walking conspiracy FACT, not a theory, and at the moment she has a 50/50 chance of being the most powerful person in the world. That scares me much more than who "might" have conspired to pull off 9/11. If it was our government, all the more reason to elect somebody who isn't a career politician that is part of the system running the world into the ground. It's time for a new world order, and I don't mean the one that is currently becoming reality. Remember who the last non-politician who was elected president? Dwight Eisenhower. Remember what he said in his final speech as president? "Beware of the military/industrial complex". In case you're wondering what that is, it's the people currently dictating to world governments how to do things, and the same people fighting to keep Trump out of office and to get Hillary in. And if 9/11 was an inside job the military/industrial complex would have planned it. They don't care what party wins, as long as it's somebody they can control and keep the status quo. Peace
  12. Happy birthday buddy. I hope you have a great one.
  13. Just heard a couple hours ago. One of the greatest character actors of all time. Mel Brooks made him a star and he will be missed.
  14. Does this mean you will be changing political affiliation as well?
  15. We will need third party verification to see if you live up to the name. I nominate Loader.
  16. As usual Ter you missed my point with your "moderate" (God that still makes me laugh ) outlook on politics. Unlike the cartoon-like sculpture of Trump, a realistic example of what Hillary looks like would send people running for the hills. Those on the left would accuse anybody who found it funny as distasteful and a sexist for body shaming such a great woman like Hillary, and any examples placed in a public setting such as the Trump statues wouldn't even make it on the evening news. FOX of course would report on it, but the other major networks wouldn't bother shedding their candidate in a bad light. As Johnny pointed out, FOX reported on the Trump statues too, and yes I found it mildly funny but really childish. In their usual fashion the left can't touch Trump on the issues, but love to pat themselves on the back for mocking their opponents.
  17. Imagine the outrage had an artist done the same with Hillary's likeness.
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