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    Chris reacted to major-mark63 in Argentina v Colombia.   
    ahaa sound like you learned some Quebec swearings , all church bad words ...lol
  2. Like
    Chris reacted to Roxy! in Argentina v Colombia.   
    Hey @AbuXI I do remember saying something that sound like Ostic Christ that taverneck right @Chris @Switch-off Lol. But again they know nothing!!!! 😜😜😜
    Just to all my Canadians friends good game and you play against the world champion so definitely not to many chances.
    🇦🇷🇦🇷 Woohoo go Argentina go!!! 🇦🇷🇦🇷
  3. Like
    Chris reacted to RelentlessJosh in Hello from RelentlessJosh   
    Hello Idiots, 
    A few of you know me back from 2018/2019/2020 as FunkyJosh, I used to assist moderate the COD4 >XI< MW2 F-Tag server after that heading off to run Arma 2 DayZ, however that went down the shoot for a reason that it shouldn't of but none of the less I did not retaliate appropriately to the SR-Admin team afterwards regardless whether I was right or not. 
    I am a big believer in the past is the past, forgive and forget.
    I now run my own community nothing like >XI< but it is only for my Arma 2 DayZ servers and my COD MW3 / Fortnite teams.... btw RelentlessFools is dominating COD MW3 atm and I don't have a very good name on their for kicking ass 🙂 
    This re-introduction is just to bring people up to speed and let you know that I'm back and around the COD4 servers with a 3 year break I am pretty rusty lol 
    Big shout out to @PickleRick for being awesome and my gaming buddy. 
  4. Haha
    Chris got a reaction from major-mark63 in Just a heads up   
    I'm glad it wasn't worse for you. I really hope it heals quickly and there is no further damage! Your gameplay sucks so there will be no difference there  Seriously, take good care!!!
  5. Like
    Chris got a reaction from Hatchetman in Just a heads up   
    I'm glad it wasn't worse for you. I really hope it heals quickly and there is no further damage! Your gameplay sucks so there will be no difference there  Seriously, take good care!!!
  6. Like
    Chris got a reaction from baldie in Just a heads up   
    I'm glad it wasn't worse for you. I really hope it heals quickly and there is no further damage! Your gameplay sucks so there will be no difference there  Seriously, take good care!!!
  7. Like
    Chris got a reaction from Raven in Just a heads up   
    I'm glad it wasn't worse for you. I really hope it heals quickly and there is no further damage! Your gameplay sucks so there will be no difference there  Seriously, take good care!!!
  8. Like
    Chris got a reaction from BUDMAN in Just a heads up   
    I'm glad it wasn't worse for you. I really hope it heals quickly and there is no further damage! Your gameplay sucks so there will be no difference there  Seriously, take good care!!!
  9. Like
    Chris got a reaction from TheLastColdBeer in Just a heads up   
    I'm glad it wasn't worse for you. I really hope it heals quickly and there is no further damage! Your gameplay sucks so there will be no difference there  Seriously, take good care!!!
  10. Cares
    Chris reacted to tsw 8.5 in celebraiton of life   
    yesterday we had the celebration of life for my wife .it was a very nice day .Tabatha did a great job on all the flowers and stuff to remember her mother .
  11. Thanks
    Chris got a reaction from Rea in Please Welcome Rea To Our Clan   
    Welcome to the family!
  12. Like
    Chris reacted to BlackRose in Member Spotlight- Sitting-Duc>XI<   
    Let start with your clan name? Sitting-Duc
        Do you have any nicknames? Personal or in game? Duc
        When and where were you born? Beginning of the 90's in England, UK.
        When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I'm generally wanting to do something in the military, but more on the intelligence or technology side of things. I don't think I would have done well as a 'grunt' in any form.
        Where have you lived? England for the majority and Wales whilst I was studying at university.
        What got you into gaming? My cousins and brother I guess, they played the games and I persuaded them to let me have a go. Started on console SEGA and then moved into PC Gaming.
        Your first game you played? I believe it would have been Sonic or a similar game in that genre.
        And what do you play now? I rarely find the time to play games anymore, and when I do I focus on playing single player games that come with little social interaction or time commitment. Generally, city builders like City Skylines or RPG type games like Skyrim or Fallout.
        Why did you join XI? I was headhunted to bring my scripting skills surrounding the Crysis series into the community. I generally joined as the promise was for servers and environments for me to unleash my creative skills on focusing on administration tooling and extending the original game functionality.
        What do you get from being in this clan? Rugger would say so much at this point. Generally, I get pain and suffering from a bunch of half-finished projects and ongoing maintenance that I need to keep on top of but rarely do and when I keep putting and putting it off then it becomes a significant, unavoidable job that I *have* to sort out. 
    Excluding the pain and suffering; primarily the community for me focuses on those that have become friends and who I have both travelled with for the XI meetups but also on other trips and experiences.
        What is your favourite hobby? Currently, it would be working on my house and garden if you call that a hobby, regardless it is something I am both enjoying and hating it at the same time.
        What is your favourite travel destination? The one I haven't yet been to. The countries I have now been to are: Canada, USA, Iceland, England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Ireland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria,  Slovenia, Ghana, South Africa, Qatar, Myanmar, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and Japan.
    Out of all of them, the ones I know I will be back to (excluding the UK ones) would be Japan and USA. The USA I visit because of XI more than anything else. Japan is a country that I truly love - the people, culture and food all excel.
        Are you married? No, but if Hefe ever dies (completely non-suspiciously of course) I'll take his place. Or actually, if the same were to happen to Starla I would marry Hefe.
        Do you have children? None that I am aware of.
        What kind of pets do you have, if any? What are their names? There is a phrase in my industry, "cattle not pets". 
        Are you a sports fan? If so, what is your favourite team? Not particularly. A fun fact about me though is that the first football match I ever watched in a stadium was the world cup in Qatar where I watched England play. Honestly couldn't tell you who they played, though. Or who won.
        What causes are you passionate about? None that I am hugely passionate about. I focus on what is close to me and help where I can, family and friends are what matters to me. 
        Do you volunteer? If so, where? I volunteer here. My time investment in XI varies and is influenced by the competing priorities in my life however it does take a significant portion of time. I generally try and join together my personal development for work and projects for XI to maximize on the time investment.
        What is an interesting fact about you? Interesting is very subjective.. The countries I have been to as above? Scars that I have? Experiences?

        Have you continued your education past college or university with career development seminars or classes? What kind? There is a professional requirement for me to maintain Microsoft certifications, I maintain these two as my primary ones: 
    Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert
    Microsoft Certified: DevOps Engineer Expert
        Did you know what profession you wanted to work in when you started college? College or University? They are different between the US and UK. However - starting college, I had no idea. When I started at University, I had a good idea that I wanted to go into Software Engineering.
        Did you belong to any professional organizations? None worth mentioning.
        What is your current job title? Cloud Solution Architect: Developer Advocate
        Did you win any awards or recognitions during your education? No, I (thankfully) was just before the generation of 'participation awards'.
        Where do you work? I currently work for Microsoft in the UK.
        What other job titles have you had in your career? Trainee Software Engineer
    Software Engineer
    Senior Software Engineer
    Lead Software Engineer
    Software Engineering Consultant
    Senior AC&AI Apps Consultant
        Where else have you worked? I worked at my university part-time whilst studying. After that I worked for the Ministry of Defence. I then started my own company and did some consulting roles with different enterprises. Then Microsoft which is where I still am.
        Why did you choose to work in your industry? Primarily through my introduction to gaming and enjoying the scripting/programming side of things. This is where Rugger says I owe it all to him and XI.
        Why do you like your job? I enjoy the problem-solving element. Working with an enterprise to understand their challenges be that people, process or technology and then helping them achieve their goals. I also like the flexibility of the work and how it enables me to travel in my personal life.
        How would you describe your career? Pretty good, I would guess?
        What are some accomplishments you've achieved during your career? Most come under an NDA in one form or another. The big ones would be the ones that affect hundreds of thousands of people or have been significant financially.
        Describe a time that your career was rewarding. In one way or another, most days are rewarding. There is a 'learn it all' attitude that you are required to have in technology, and I try and maintain that to finish every day learning something new.
        If you could give a younger person career advice, what would it be? Likely at this point to go into the generative AI space and understand that you need to develop your skills across a spectrum. There is no point being fully technical if you can't talk to your customers or business peers to develop a wholistic solution.
        What is your favourite thing about your career or industry? It's my favourite and not at the same time - but probably the pace of change. There is always news and technology advancements that amaze me.
        What is a valuable lesson you learned in your career? Learning the power of 'insightful listening'.
        What do you hope to accomplish in your career? Early retirement.
        Are you involved in any professional/ non-profit/sports organizations? If so, do you have a title or rank within these organizations? No.
        What is your favourite sport? I thought I had answered this - none, really.
        Do you play any sports? Nope, I avoid them.
        If you were granted 1 wish, what would you wish for? Probably time.
  13. Like
    Chris got a reaction from Rea in Please Welcome PickleRick To Our Clan   
    Welcome to the family!
  14. Thanks
    Chris got a reaction from PickleRick in Please Welcome PickleRick To Our Clan   
    Welcome to the family!
  15. Like
    Chris reacted to PickleRick in Re-Intro   
    Hey all!
    My real name is Regan, I'm form Albania and I live in Tirana. My in-game nickname is PickleRick or as some cool idiots call me: Rickle and Piccalilli (I won't mention the one they often say when they get killed by me lol). 
    About 2 years ago I discovered this community on the COD4 MW2 modded server completely randomly and haven't left since. It's come to a point where I no longer play for the score or kills, but for the people and the great time we share together. 
    I enjoy the fact that there's no dumb rules and it's always about having fun and relaxing. I've also explored a bit more out of COD4 and have met some other great people on your COD2 servers.
    Looking forward to see you all in the servers and don't forget to look behind you, there might be a pickle coming your way 🥒.
  16. Cares
    Chris reacted to MordBlack in Poseidon Passed Away Today   
    Ummm Poseidon Passed away around 5:30- 6 pm CST , His cousin told us it was quick, and they made him comfortable.
  17. Like
    Chris got a reaction from Rea in Rea’s the big 20 today   
    Happy birthday pal!
  18. Like
    Chris reacted to Rea in Rea’s the big 20 today   
    Thank you sir
  19. Like
    Chris reacted to Unarmed in Rea’s the big 20 today   
    I know he isn’t a member yet but Rea celebrates his 20th today.
    Happy birthday buddy.
  20. Like
    Chris reacted to LOCO in mw2 146b9 map rotation #14b   
    MW2 Rotation #14b    25 maps by LOCO put in 05/23/2024 LOCO
    map mp_desert_dock_2 map mp_carentan map mp_aosta_valley map mp_dooerte map mp_hqbattle map mp_cuf_gutter map mp_garena map mp_powcamp_v2 map mp_bo2paintball map mp_broadcast2 map mp_railyard map mp_scrap map mp_d_day_74_night map mp_summit map mp_qmx_matmata map mp_highrise map mp_borisbeta map mp_coldfront map mp_construction2 map mp_lost map mp_township map mp_bo2meltdown2 map mp_townville map mp_bo2raid map mp_brokenroad
    Server Restarted  9:42pm pst
  21. Like
    Chris reacted to BlackRose in Member Spotlight- Senzei>XI<   
    Clan Name Senzei>XI<
     Do you have any nicknames? Personal or in-game?  Sensei (as I am an Instructor)  SO MOST CALL me Sens
    When and where were you born?     Many many years ago before time. Been 99 for hundreds of years now   born somewhere
    When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?  Had no idea, hated school never went lots of problems never really gave any thought to what I be 1 day
    Where have you lived?    Lived in UK  West Sussex
     What got you into gaming?  Always was into the latest tech Atari tabletop space invaders etc (how old am I)
     1st game well must have been a sort of tennis game, sort of a line and a dot. moved the line up and down and tried to hit the dot as it got faster. WOW
     Play now ? I play loads always COD VR GAMES, LOADS of GAMES Must have a good story to them, lots of action etc
     why did I join XI?  I did belong to another but I enjoyed Freeze Tag but that clan did not really bother with it. So I happened to find it with the XI clan, played it loved the mods, and liked the clan members, so I joined XI and now I spend many hours with my family of XI chums.
     What do I GET FROM XI ?? I get lots of banter, Great games, and like a big family let's hope it goes on and on. Great Clan well run well done
    Hobby?  well my dogs. my 2 bears, martial arts and gaming with XL buddies
     Fav destination  EGYPT and Spain
      Is Sens Married ?? No old SENS is NOT married so all you single lovely ladies get in touch ASAP
     KIDS? 2 but sadly we do not get on, but never mind.
     Pets ?currently are 2 long-haired Akitas Kuma (which means Bear in Japanese and Bear Bear which means BEAR ) plus tropical fish and shrimp
    Sports -love loads, martial arts football darts boxing etc Man u is my team
     passion about?Animals mainly
     Volunteer?I have helped out with the dementia society and age UK teaching them martial arts in chairs etc, amazing to see how once they start to get involved how they all enjoy
     Fact about me??? Don’t think there are any sorry
    Did you know what profession you wanted to work in when you started college? NO IDEA AT ALL, NEVER DID College, not that clever
     Did you belong to any professional organizations? World Associations of KICK BOXING Organisations (WAKO) EKF English Karate Federation loads more NOT ENOUGH ROOM J
     Job Title? Sensei    
     WIN awards ? won loads of trophies sport
     Where do I work ? I work in Schools/halls /homes etc teaching martial arts
     Titles -Manager dogs body J Tea boy L etc
     Why i  like job?? Love my job it  gives confidence discipline respect and helps all ages, from 4 to ripe age can’t beat it
     Career? Well very hard as no skills due to not much school, so had to do anything I could get, but must say I was fairly good at what I did. I was headhunted a bit. Then at 18 started teaching Martial Arts as well as doing other jobs.  For many years I have just been teaching my main sport join me J
     Accomplishments ?  Well that is easy, helping all ages get confident happy. Teaching people who thought they could not do it because of age, mind set, injury. I have taught thousands, I hope it helps all of them through the tough times.
    Describe a time that your career was rewarding. Every single time I teach is rewarding, every day.
     Young person advice? Never give up, always ask for help if needed. Try and always be positive. Old sens is here if you need him
    Valuable lesson? Take time and choose wisely
    What do you hope to accomplish in your career? ? Done that many times helped hundreds on a good happy path
     Professional bodies? Well XI CLAN, 1 DAY I will be admin J WAKO
    Fav Sport ?  Mixed Martial ARTS
     Play Sports?  All MARTIAL ARTS, running around using skills that others can only dream about FREEZE TAG
    1 WISH? Peace in the world

  22. Cares
    Chris got a reaction from baldie in Update about my wife.   
  23. Cares
    Chris reacted to baldie in Update about my wife.   
    Hi all as you know a few weeks ago my wife was diagnosed with Bowel Cancer.
    Well yesterday she went into hospital and they carried out a 4 hour surgery to remove part of her lower bowel and intestine that contained the tumour. The surgeon told me it was a lot larger than they expected 15cm across (the size of a large grapefruit). Well they got it all and there were no signs of it spreading. As a precaution they took a few biopsies further up the bowel and intestine to be sent off for testing. Although my wife is in a lot of pain and requires a lot of healing we are all over the moon and she looks better already.

  24. Thanks
    Chris got a reaction from Merlin007 in Heavy Heart Today   
    I'm so sorry for your loss pal.
  25. Thanks
    Chris got a reaction from ShadyBrady in Name change ReAhdapt to Rea   
    Sharty has a good ring to it!
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