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About Duffy

  • Birthday 01/03/1968

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    glasgow (scotland)

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  1. I'll not be there as I don't get back till tue 5th
  2. Sorry not back till the 5 of November..
  3. can I play with the woman .oh the game ok ill have a go I know I'm gonna get my ass handed on a plate .see you on the dance floor striped from the waist down oh meant up .lol if I've upset kick me in the coco nuts later .
  4. no danger me coming for a w/e 1900 na bother and that the flight
  5. yea if she goes ta b&q (diy store in uk ) lol
  6. good stuff you need ta look after yourself the job you been doing is a heard job. so now riding horses is a good therapy for relaxing .not the way you think on a saddle and not upside down ya get me .
  7. great too meet you delux
  9. welcome MANE see in the server
  10. Dufyyyyyyu soy facu de argentina 

    1. Duffy


      nice ta meet you 

  11. thanks for sharing m8 nice too meet you .
  12. 9 pints that a Monday night darts .but sry would love ta come down but away ta Texas on may an then turkey June then august .but ill see what i can do 6.5 hour drive if its 1 night na would need ta be at least 3 .still looking at bruge between June and august .
  13. thanks for a good weekend really enjoyed meeting you guys BIGGIE,BALDIE,TOTTY,WARDOGS,CLIFFS_EDGE .
  14. welcome to the clan toysoldier
  15. yea I'm still up for that got the equipment just need the bubble rap lmao
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