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Lovyan last won the day on June 11 2023

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About Lovyan

  • Birthday 07/21/1980

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    Wendell, NC
  • Interests
    Computer games

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  1. I dont know if I remember you or Not, but anyway, welcome Back I hope
  2. Lovyan


    Its going to take me a quiet a bit about Po's Passing, He was loved by Alot Of People, Xi Clan And Our Discord that I have.. Which is Called Friends n Family, we gathered Last night to Play Po's Favorite Game Pummel Party. Just to have a lil bit of Fun. in His Memory Trust me he would have Loved it too. This is for you Po! We Will always Love and Miss you Bubba... Everything Will Be alright. 3>
  3. When you said what do they have both in common? Mom Response: Bad Attitude lol.
  4. Thank you for Saying that. ya Sures pretty cool Alot of Times. A butthead Half the time lol And Giggles When she Kills Me. Then I throw a grenade at her shes like HEY. Talk the Talk Kiddo lol. Anyways, I try to Be a Cool Mum but Kinda Difficult At Some Days. Kids dont make it any easier.
  5. HACKS Hacks!!! LOL i just think that was Funny that someone else said it b4 me tho. lmfao
  6. Not a Problem, Now Its Mordy's Turn haha
  7. Thank you very much. yeah i love Art.. I use to paint all the time when I was a kid. I want to re learn Water colors, and Alot of times i color with pins and Crayons.. then When Mordy likes to paint dnd Charectors or figurines for me, that helps out Also when i get Really bored and feel like nothing to do lol. Thank you guys for Reding if you have any comments let me know : )
  8. we just played Pummel Party W him And Rocket League. sighs. he never did win Pummel Party, but he was such a good Sport about it. he loved that game plus Rocket League. Very Heart Broken. And I just had a long conversation about "Old grandma Style" furniture and Old Times W him for Hours last Week W Mordy. Such a good guy.
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