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Posts posted by comfort

  1. T-ball was a great guy always made me laugh he will be missed. 

    We used to play a lot and every time i joint him on ts3 the first thing he sad was - comfort wtf are you saying and that still makes me laugh

    Always spoke his mind and never took any shit. And when I had a bad day always good to talk to t ball 

    He was a tough guy with a hart of gold. Condolences to the family and Rest in peace brother

  2. i was looking at a monitor and i was playing on 32 inch samsung tv but had to go back to monitor becose they dont support dvi on newer tv,s anymore so no 120 hz

    so came across a

    BenQ XL2720T

    and it had scratches on the back panel that mean i can get it for 250  cant get a better price then that but money little tight atm so just wanne see what you guys think about this monitor

  3. my antec watercooling started leaking and destroyed my evga gtx 780 and my asus sabertooth 990fx r2.0 mobo so i will not be gaming for a while hope i can contact antec becose its not normal and hope they will pay for the fixes but big company,s normally dont give a fuck so i keep my fingers crossed

  4. sinterklaas and zwarte piet is a 400 years old holiday that has nothing to do with racism but some woman from the un and some others that have no idea what its all about 


    are trying to ban this holiday or change it but its a part of are tradition and its a positive holiday its only racist if you make it that


    its all about giving presents and candy to children





  5. i have gotten many keyboards last few years hands down best keyboards are mechanical keyboards with the brown or blue keys corsair makes really goed ones or other brand as long as it is mechanical keyboards the normal ones are all the same no difrends just xstra option on them like keybinds and stuff but mechanical keyboards have those 2

  6. gorilla i tryd windows 8 aswel and i found that alot of programmes we use for are games and as a gamers dont work or if they do dont work perfect windows 8 can be a good windows but i think that we have t w8 till they

    complete windows 8 to work with everything and that will happen in few months till then best use 7 then ill upgrade to 8 2

  7. there is diferend faster mods like wasteland but why are poeple saying better play this and that this is not taking away from any other games i think its a good thing we need something new for xi

    and i say yes 2 this

    there is more to this game then 1 video plus if it doesnt work out then maybe this is not for us i hope it is but we shoulld atleast concider some new games  maybe not now maybe in a few months but still

    and if it doesnt work out then maybe try something els but there is not much out there anymore that can be fully supported by the clan becose there is no control or dedicated server  on [almost] any new game comming out

    i love playing the older games but talking for my self i am a gamer and so i like games new and old and so i think we need 2 look for some new stuff that maybe some of u injoy doesnt have 2 be this but why not if it faill then we can try something els

  8. pc broke down instead of sending it back and be without a pc for 3 weeks i bought new part then send the others back they will come back next week and they will be new part

    its a


    amd 81-50 fx 8 core cpu am3+


    asus sabertooth 990fx am3+


    and gskill 16gb ddr3 1600 memory 4 sticks of 4gb


    send me a good offer or maybe trade for good video card nvidia 600 series is what i am saving for

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