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Everything posted by HarryWeezer

  1. Thanks for taking time to ask dj. Always better to make decisions based on input so we all know what to expect, rather than just doing it and creating confusion and a shitstorm.
  2. The wife wants the hedges trimmed. And please, no more mowing after 9 p.m. I need my sleep.
  3. RIP cousin George. Our common ancestor was Simon Newcomb, 1662-1744, who died at Lebanon, CT.
  4. And finally, FBI, you're absolutely right: it IS JUST YOU. For some unfathomable reason you apparently do not believe that some players are much better than other players. True, luck plays a part but this is a game of skill, dexterity and knowledge, and it doesn't hurt to have top-notch equipment that's tweaked for best performance. As you should have seen over the years, on average, players will finish a map at about the same level. Some are very good and usually finish at the top; some aren't very good and usually finish at the bottom. That's usually consistent because, again, this is a game of skill. Along comes someone like Real, a world-class player, and you can't seem to accept his extraordinary level of skill. Fact is, he will ALWAYS finish at the top. He's that good. It's that simple. Is that so hard to understand? Have you ever played chess with a master? Same thing.
  5. - Specifically, how are Real and Everette cheating? What hacks are they using? If you can't explain that; if you can't prove that; then don't you think you should Shut The Fuck Up? - I take offense at your claim that we COD5 admins are a "joke." And in claiming that we "turn a blind eye," you're accusing us of intentionally allowing cheaters. For a member of XI to insult his fellow clansmen who work to keep the game emjoyable for him is unacceptable. And it shouldn't be tolerated.
  6. I would say that whoever made this vid is an idiot, except that would be a gross insult to Idiots.
  7. Some latch on to what others may see as outrageous notions. In doing so, they seek out only that which they believe supports their belief and so they become even more established in it. Conspiracy theorists have a vested interest in maintaining what they see as privileged knowledge because doing so keeps them in control of themselves. They can't be reasoned with and so it's a waste of time to argue with chemtrail believers or those who think they've been aducted by aliens, that 911 was an inside job, that the moon landing was filmed in Hollywood, etc. A child will steadfastly believe in Santa Claus until he realizes that Santa's handwriting is the same as his mom's. And if it gives them comfort to believe what they do, more power to them.
  8. So we should all go on strike until the powers that be fix all those things that aren't true-to-life like bunny hopping, pistols that have unlimited range, bullets that defy air resistance and gravity, guns that never jam, grenades with limited range, body parts that extend through walls, knives thrown in a straight line at any distance, etc. and etc.? Or maybe we just recognize that it's not real, that it's a game?
  9. Happy to say that he's now out of jail and back home where he's relaxing after his horrible ordeal...
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