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Everything posted by HarryWeezer

  1. Thanks TBB and delighted to hear that you’re doing better with your syphilis.
  2. Too much work to plane it. Mark the bow with a straight edge and roughly cut it out with a jigsaw or reciprocating saw and then sister it for a nailer for your drywall.
  3. Welcome to XI. Please remember our primary rule: do not kill admins. I thank you.
  4. Rhyanon: Since there's some doubt, the ban is lifted. Sorry for the inconvenience but we work hard at keeping our servers free of cheaters.
  5. Hello Rhyanon: I'm the admin who banned you and I did so after capturing video which shows you apparently using a wallhack. Please give us time for other admin to review that video and a decision will be made. Thanks. Harry
  6. Nope. Three awards of the Small Arms Expert Marksmanship ribbon.
  7. I don't know what the minimum viable population would be for Susquatch/Yeti/BIgfoot but let's just assume it's just 100 individuals necessary to protect genetic diversity. That's 100 living in and around wherever you were in Alaska when you had your experience. According to this web site - http://www.bfro.net/gdb/ - there have been 22 credible sightings in Alaska of late. If we assume that only half of them represent different areas, then there's around 1,000 individual Susquatch in Alaska. But every state has had sightings and using our formula, California is home to some 20,000 individuals, Washington State is home to 30,000. Nationwide, we're talking hundreds of thousands; worldwide, millions. And so, over the millenia, tens of millions of these creatures have lived, and died. Museums should be filled with their bones. But not one single solitary piece of physical evidence has ever been found to demonstrate that this is an unknown species. Not a single bone from all of those dead individuals. And as for the live ones, not one pile of dung, not so much as a single hair has been found which genetically proves their existance. No one has ever shot one, or trapped one, or run over one, or been killed by one. In short, there is not a shred of evidece that they exist. Nada. And it is impossible for that to be the case if they do exist.
  8. Send me $1,000 and I'll send you a notorized statement with proof of funds, that I will give you $100,000 in cash when any of the following are scientifically shown to exist beyond any dispute whatsoever: bigfoot/susquatch, Loch Ness monster, space aliens, werewolves, vampires, ghosts, spirits, goblins, mermaids, dragons, unicorns, gremlins, banshees or any of the various gods and goddesses.
  9. Sorry you're going through that. Always a miserble time in the lives of every one involved. But it's absolutely true that time heals all wounds and next year at this time, all of it will be just a bad memory. I hope you get to spend as much time as you can with your children. Best of luck.
  10. Tough it out Mule and get it behind you.
  11. I would love to move to France permanently. Here's a list of 525 location in France from where various of my ancestors are from: http://www.ogdensburg.info/genealogy/places-oneletter.php?offset=1&psearch=France
  12. Happy birthday to one of the originals. Have a good one.
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