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Everything posted by HarryWeezer

  1. Hammer: As you know, nothing is real. We don't exist. We are merely part of a computer program. You can prove it. Go to the middle of the Tobin Memorial Bridge, climb over the rail and jump. You won't die. You'll be recast in the program as someone else. Honest!
  2. Senior Admin led by Rugger clean up the winter's accumulation from weekly XI Circle Jerks at Clan Headquarters in Lizard Lick, Wisconsin.
  3. Shit! Keep the faith. You got this!
  4. The thing you have to remember is that people who are, shall we say seriously challenged, have something the rest of us don't: contentment. They don't know they're crazy and nothing, absolutely nothing, can change that. They believe they have a special enlightenment that the rest of the world has been denied and so they are very happy in life. No point in arguing with them. And no point in calling them crazy because they see that as a cowardly response to their special knowledge of the world. And so, hats off to you guys that are dumber that a toadstool. We're all struggling over what life constantly throws at us but you shed it like a duck does water. More power to ya!
  5. Re. "Sexual Harassment," I am currently available. Here's a photo of me...
  6. Looks like they're all present and accounted for.
  7. Slick Ducky! How am I coping? Been jerking off a lot
  8. Thinking of you Toes and hoping all the best. You've got more stamina and courage that most, me included. You don't feel sorry for yourself and you keep a positive outlook. And that alone will take you well past the point where most others would hang it up. I look to you for inspiration!
  9. FLDMARSHAL: As Almighty God, I greet you. I speak My Holy Words directly to you through my son, Harry Weezer. Yes, it is true. I shall destroy the people of the world just as I did 1,656 years after I Created the universe. I shall do so with a great meteor strike, bringing fire and brimstone upon the world to rid it of sinners and while I'm at it, the coronavirus. I do this because most of the people have lost faith in me, all but members of XI, who continue to worship the one and only true God. And so I will use you to reward them. And for this, you, FLDMASHAL, will sit at my right hand when all is but dust in the world. I command you to sell all that you own, even thine computer, even thine car and thine abode, and to send all of this money to Rugger, who will then distribute it to all the members of XI in mine Holy Name. I further command you to rob, to steal, to pilfer, at gunpoint and any other means, to add to these presents that I give my worshippers in XI. I shall delay my holy meteor strike until you have done these things, and until the members of XI take what pleasures they will from my Holy gift to them. These things you will do in My Holy Name or the shit will hittith the fan. Sincerely, God
  10. Thanks Tron. Good information. Some are quick to dismiss this but I believe we're in a world of hurt. There is NO stopping an epidemic like this. There's no containing it. Most of the world is going to get sick and there are two things about that that really frighten me: that it could evolve faster than vaccines and that apparently, you can be reinfected. If these prove true, many of us are going to die. Yes, flu has killed far more people because so many more people that coronavirus get flu. But that's going to change. And, coronavirus is far, far more deadlier. While only one tenth of a percent of flu victims die, coronavirus is 34 times more deadly, killing 3.4 percent of victims. And the older you are, the far deadlier it is. Flu kills only .8 percent of victims over age 65. With coronavirus, If you're under 50 about 1.3 percent of victims die. But if you're 50-59 that more than doubles to 3.6 percent. It doubles again over age 70 to 8 percent and if you're over 80, 15 percent of victims die. Other factors also increase your risk of death from coronavirus. For instance, when coronavirus attacks, the body's immune system is completely overwhelmed. If your immune system is compromised as mine is you're at greater risk. Ground zero is the lungs and many patients develop pneumonia in both. Because I smoked for 50 years and have restrictive lung disease I'm at much greater risk. And, it leads to kidney failure. I have only about 30 percent of kidney function as is. If I get coronavirus, I'm toast. But I don't see how to prevent that unless I move to Antartica. We'll see what happens. Wish all of you the best. Things are going to get very bad in every country as it spreads.
  11. Tests in the Democratic Republic of Slovenkia have demonstrated the ability of the Coronavirus to attach to electrons, meaning it can be spread digitally. Dr. Huhung Low of the World Centers for Disease Control has issued a warning for persons engaging in computer speech activities ranging from video conferencing to video gaming to immediately turn down the volume of their computer speakers, and to speak only in a whisper when using computer microphones. "When you speak into the computer microphone, if you have the Coronavirus, you pass the virus through your WiFi to the Internet and anyone hearing you is then exposed," Low said. But whether you contract Coronavirus digitally depends on how loud the sound is coming from your speakers, he said. "You are safe if you turn your sound down to just above a whisper," Low said, "because the virus then isn't expelled from your speakers with sufficient force to reach your nostrils and be inhaled. But if someone shouts at you over the Internet, you're at great risk of getting sick," he warned. As a result, the XI Board of Directors has issued an urgent requirement that clan members refrain from shouting in game. "We're aware that clan leader Rugger disagrees with this order but he doesn't know shit from brown shoe polish," the board said in a prepared statement. "If you shout into your microphone you're putting all of your fellow clan members at risk," the statement said. "We know there are some members who often make you sick but this is serious. Your big mouth could now kill them," the directors said. The ban on shouting in game is effective immediately. Violators should be reported, the directors said, though they did not indicate who in hell you're supposed to report that to. The directors concluded by saying, "Speak softly, but carry a big stick."
  12. Bud, to see your name here again brings a bit of sunshine to our dark days. If only we could return to the early years and so many friends now gone. I hope you and the family are doing well.
  13. Damn! I wish I had known he was nearing the end. I would have liked to have said good-bye. I'll always regret that. Johnny was an XI legend, among those of us who came to XI in the COD2 days. He was many things but to sum them all up, Johnny was a good man in every sense of the word. I am pained deeply by his passing. Life is so short. Take it for all you can!!!
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