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Wardogs411 last won the day on January 30 2021

Wardogs411 had the most liked content!

About Wardogs411

  • Birthday 04/03/1990

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  • Interests
    Cod, valorant, hearthstone

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  1. RIP buddy, condolences to the family and friends.
  2. happy bday little brad
  3. i can just join the girls to make it even
  4. ur a prick atleast he's collecting your face hair
  5. i mean its been on the forums toplist topic for like a month so, there's still cod5 tourney
  6. id say for pink its pinkhead, so she fits in with pinhead and roxy gets to be foxy
  7. on freezetag 2 its 15 kills to get a tactical nuke, the mini nuke is a killstreak. But its also 15 kills without killstreak kills as mentioned. Aswell in 1 round. its also a seperate button to launch it.
  8. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2292066676 Video of the tourney for those that want to rewatch
  9. streamlink on banner top of website will be starting stream 30 min before, to setup weapons and test play maps.
  10. me and lovyan will be streaming it aswell on twitch for those interested.
  11. yeah go pick ur prize, u'll never wear it anyway
  12. if i make it, i'll stream the game aswell and then I can post the recording here to.
  13. i can't come over sorry
  14. the sunday then maybe instead ?
  15. Rest in peace my friend. May the COD Gods be blasted to heaven while u rest up there.
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