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Posts posted by RANDALL

  1. I don't know why, but I have begun to eat a lot more jerky lately, so I was wondering what type of jerky all of you like to eat. I have only tried homemade jerky once, and it was delicious, so I know it is better, but I still don't mind some of the brand-name teriyaki beef jerky. If you have any recipes, I'd love to read about what you make. Please share!

  2. I use the 3 killstreak UAV more than the RC-XD. It's not hard to get 3 kills. If you use Flak Jacket or Hardwired, you are a dot on my radar. My whole team knows where you are. Tubes through windows, etc. Another reason why Stealth is amazing.


    My setup: SPAS-12 with Grip, .44 magnum, Frag grenade, Smoke Grenade, Armor Piercing, Dead Silence, and Stealth. I change my killstreaks depending on the map, but the SAM-Turret is my favorite, so I always use that.

  3. There's no reason to use anything besides a shotgun in MW2. Solves all my problems. But anyway, if you use the perk 3 Flak Jacket, you can tank one, if not both, tubes. Normally you die from splash damage from tubes, not direct impact. An emp grenade disables the cars a lot quicker than they used to. Combine Flak Jacket with an additional 3, 5, or 7 deathstreak Body Armor advantage, and tubes are nothing to worry about. What I don't like about the RC-XD is the spawn protection granted after the killstreak is over. Same with the Predator, Smartbombs, AGM, and AC130. Granted, I don't usually stop running ever, but getting knifed in the back when you can't even see the enemy coming is annoying. When I do use the RC-XD, it is purely to defrost. If the timer runs out, yeah I might blow someone up if they are next to me. What is good about them, or Predators, Smartbombs, AGMs, and AC130s is that if you hit a car and blow it up, and an enemy, that counts towards your killstreak. I normally use the 4-killstreak SAM Turret, so if I can get that 4th kill while in an RC-XD, it makes me happy.

  4. @@hxtr I didn't say goodbye, I wished her good luck in the future, have a nice summer, and I hope I can see her again sometime. I really wanted to ask for her phone number to stay in touch, but she is leaving to move in with her boyfriend and start a new job to be with him, so I didn't think it was appropriate. Instead, I wrote her a nice thank you and good luck card, and gave her my phone number, in case she ever needed me or wanted to talk. I left it up to her. As hard as it is to feel this empty feeling now, at least I was able to take a few pictures with her. Pictures always remind you of good times. I really wanted to have a way to contact her, she has been a good friend. She came into my life when I wasn't expecting her, but I needed her, and I am happy to have met such an amazing girl. A true angel, and I told her that. I wished her the best of luck and happiness and that I will always care about her for what she has done for me.

  5. Checking in with you Randall. How goes it bud?

    @@hxtr I had lunch with her on Monday, just the two of us. I thanked her for everything and had a nice talk. Had lunch with her today too at a company meeting, and will sit with her at another lunchtime meeting tomorrow. I took a picture with her today, and I will try to get two group pictures tomorrow. The plan is to develop them tomorrow after work and give them to her in a thank you/good luck card on Thursday. My schedule isn't set for Friday, so I will have to say goodbye Thursday. There is a chance I could see her Friday, and I know I will want to if I can, but I won't find out until after work Thursday. It would seem odd if I didn't. I know it will be hard for me to say goodbye, but I hope it is a goodbye for now, not a goodbye forever. That is up to the man upstairs. :smiling: So far so good. Thanks for checking in, I appreciate it, @@hxtr !

  6. Thank you all so much. I love being a part of XI. We are all here for each other. You all have helped me so much. @@Unchileno , Chile you cheered me up last night. I needed a good laugh. @@hxtr The night before I found out she got a new job, I felt my Dad's presence as I was laying in bed. It was a feeling I hadn't felt in a while, almost as if he gave me a hug. My Dad was everything to me, my role model. I miss him everyday. I feel like he was trying to comfort me. @@ANGU5 Thank you for your advice.


    Life is hard but when we are down it seems the best things come to use !! Keep your chin up and know you have a few hundred friends cheering you on and praying for you. God Bless and much love <3

    Thank you, @@Giggles.


    @@Mule I hope you are right.

  7. The past eight months have been really hard on me. My father passed away, I had to put my dog to sleep, and I had to move out of the house I grew up in. A girl that I work with has helped me get through these hard times. She has had a boyfriend all along, but just being able to talk to her, have lunch with her occasionally, and go to company events with her has really helped me. Just being around her makes me happy and I look forward to seeing her everyday. However, today she told me she found a new job and she's moving away. I will enjoy these next two weeks with her the best I can, but my heart fell through the floor today when she told me. The timing couldn't be any worse for me, but the words of one of my favorite songs comforts me, "I know the sun will set to rise." I hope the sun comes out for me soon. This has been a lot for my heart to handle. I don't have anything to look forward to once she is gone. I hope I can find an amazing girl like her. At least she has shown me what to look for.

  8. @@Sammy does the SAM Turret shoot down UAV Defrosters? I love the SAM Turret but I wish it shot down more than just UAV, Counter UAV and 7-killstreak Helicopters. I have noticed getting +10 sometimes when the SAM Turret shoots at airstrikes and artillery. It doesn't stop the airstrike or artillery though.

  9. I'm sorry to complain so much, but I just think Hardwired was fine as it was. Not being able to defrost at range when you're one of the last ones left is very frustrating. I was the last person left on my team yesterday and I could see a teammate across the map, but I was emp'd and couldn't defrost or use my car. Having to wait 30 seconds for the emp to wear off seems a bit long. I like the Tactical mask perk, and I've always wished it could prevent being emp'd, just like it prevents the other secondary nade effects.

  10. I noticed that one of the changes made to the MW2 server was making the Hardwired perk way too overpowered. It already protects you from RC-XD cars, allows you to eavesdrop enemy voice chat, and prevent you from being emp'd. All that is fine, but the change affects when you don't use it. If you don't use it, and you get emp'd, you cannot defrost people far away, only by direct body contact. Meanwhile, perks like Stopping Power are useless. Armor Piercing pierces armor and has what Stopping Power should do. I can rant on about other perks, like how Hunter Killer and Stealth are both Perk 3 (RIP Stealth Snipers), but that's a different argument. Hardwired is broken. I do like the increased spawn protection in Combat Medic though. Rant over.

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