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  1. Sad
    ReaPeR got a reaction from codpiece in my Son.   
    well havnt been on few days. my son went for catscan for sinus issues Thursday when they found a mass in his brain. he had emergency surgery yesterday took 10 hrs  they think they got all of the tumor . but it might have started to grow into the brian tissue . he having another mri today . it be 10 day before they know what type of tumor it was.btu he got motor skills back which is good he can talk some. mixing up words but they say thay common with swelling. if everything goes ok he might come home wed or Thursday. he 15 years old and they said it was lucky that lab guy saw it on the catscan cus out 10 only 3 lab tech would have spot it since it was cat scan for sinus and it not a deep scan plus it focus around the nose but he spotted at top in middle of the brain . so that it . that's whats going .
  2. Like
    ReaPeR reacted to Kill in MOD Changes COD4   
    First I want to say, Sammy thank you so much.. Years ago for another clan that will remain nameless,  I handled all the server and mod changes so I feel for you. I was not complaining! I recommended some minor changes that I hear people complain and whine about. It's funny the people that complain the most are then ones talking shit! #Ragequitingspecialist.  I just want to help out and when I see people complaining then leaving the server it bugs me.  Thank you if you provided gave feedback, and FU to the rest. 
    Love,  Kisses, and warm POKE 
  3. Like
    ReaPeR got a reaction from FRENCHI in my Son.   
    well havnt been on few days. my son went for catscan for sinus issues Thursday when they found a mass in his brain. he had emergency surgery yesterday took 10 hrs  they think they got all of the tumor . but it might have started to grow into the brian tissue . he having another mri today . it be 10 day before they know what type of tumor it was.btu he got motor skills back which is good he can talk some. mixing up words but they say thay common with swelling. if everything goes ok he might come home wed or Thursday. he 15 years old and they said it was lucky that lab guy saw it on the catscan cus out 10 only 3 lab tech would have spot it since it was cat scan for sinus and it not a deep scan plus it focus around the nose but he spotted at top in middle of the brain . so that it . that's whats going .
  4. Like
    ReaPeR got a reaction from *fry* in MOD Changes COD4   
    it aint bitch it just suggestion to make it more fun .. maybe make people over all more hapy and not rage quit then have the  server drop from 26 people to 6 . I like to see a little delay between tube  shots . maybe  slight delay in hoping .like to see some kinda defence  to work and not have stealth just run past everything..stealth fine for turrets and helis but should trigger clays and mines.  just my opinion.
  5. Haha
    ReaPeR got a reaction from LOCO in AusiGirl cod 4 admin   
    1st rule of admin is not to use tubes any more   congratz.
  6. Like
    ReaPeR reacted to dadda2 in AusiGirl cod 4 admin   
    please welcome AusiGirl to cod 4 admin group she been promoted from moderator to admin and will make a good member of the team
  7. Haha
    ReaPeR reacted to J3st3r in MOD Changes COD4   
    FUCK THAT!  Go sit on a bouncing betty you campy beech.  This mofo puts gaymores down and camps on top of or behind something with the ACR and expects stealth not to work for gaymores and betties. Hell to the NO lol.
    I suggest that Claymores and Betties ONLY be available with the Sniper class. Either that or move the bettys and claymores to the Middle perks with Hardline. So bettys will no longer count as 1 of the 2 kills needed with Hardline to get a RC car since you won't be able to choose both at the same time. 
    Increase kill-streak amount needed to get an RC car by 2. Put it on the same level as the predator missile. Both are capable of getting multiple kills with 1 explosion and the RC car has the ability to thaw.
    Currently you can get an RC car, go blow someone up and use the spawn protection and sneak up on someone and get 2 more kills and turn into a predator and use that spawn protection to get into the enemy spawn and spawn camp. With 4 kills you can literally get in the enemy spawn without being visible for more than a couple seconds on Any map. Raising the kills needed to turn into an RC car will balance that out very perfectly.   
  8. Like
    ReaPeR reacted to fil in Hi Everyone!   
    Hi, my name is Filippo, in game fil
    I'm here because I enjoy a lot playing in the cod4 MW2 freeze tag server and i wanna thank you for hosting! I used to play a lot there some years ago but due to my not ideal ping (I play form Italy) and due to other commitment I had to quit.. But now I'm happy to be back with you in my spare time ?
    See ya in game!
  9. Like
    ReaPeR got a reaction from Mule in Meal will be away for a little while   
    only tough can survive and I know u win
  10. Like
    ReaPeR reacted to Mule in Meal will be away for a little while   
    I have some major s*** going on right now so it's going to be awhile before y'all send me back online again my computer crash my family left me my job lets me and I'm being evicted out of my house so I don't know what's going on next but I'll keep you updated love everybody here he on motherfukers
  11. Like
    ReaPeR reacted to Giggles in giggles running in game   
    I told u I am short fkr and @ReaPeR U TWAT WAFFLE 
  12. Like
    ReaPeR reacted to Blaze in Huge shout out to Codpiece!!   
    @codpiece sent me over a graphics card so I am able to carry on until I can get a new computer sorted.

    I can't thank you enough buddy!! Massively appreciated!
  13. Haha
    ReaPeR got a reaction from Giggles in giggles running in game   
    wwwhile yell u twat waffle
  14. Like
    ReaPeR reacted to _GATOR_ in My New Toy   
    It was time to let my Ranger go. I think I made an upgrade. Just picked it up on Wednesday night.

  15. Thanks
    ReaPeR reacted to Sharpe in Monitor busted!   
    I would say it will depend on what you are use to and what you want to use it for. Ips will have better picture quality but tn will be faster. If you currently have a tn and are going to be gaming a lot I'd probably go with the tn, if you currently have an ips I don't really know. Mine is tn and I use it all day for general browsing and watching films etc and the quality is fine for me.
  16. Like
    ReaPeR got a reaction from BUDMAN in Monitor busted!   
    well if u know what video card using amd go with freesynce if NVidia go with g-synce monitor. try to get 144mhz  and 2ms  refresh rate 
  17. Haha
    ReaPeR got a reaction from Giggles in Who's your favorite player on COD MW and why?   
    all the girl players cus they talk more shit then guys and then back it up.   it funny when u get called a twat waffle "giggles" saying!
  18. Haha
    ReaPeR got a reaction from baldie in Just trying out new name   
    Dos-Sacos doesn't always use c4 but when he does thing go boom!
  19. Haha
    ReaPeR got a reaction from Icequeen in Who's your favorite player on COD MW and why?   
    all the girl players cus they talk more shit then guys and then back it up.   it funny when u get called a twat waffle "giggles" saying!
  20. Like
    ReaPeR reacted to Icequeen in Who's your favorite player on COD MW and why?   
    Me. Cuz I'm the shiz.
  21. Haha
    ReaPeR got a reaction from Timmah! in 13 layer lasagna   
    looks great and I made a run to mcdonalds
  22. Like
    ReaPeR got a reaction from Giggles in Asking 4 prayers   
    prayers have gone out and hope u get it fixed .need cut out the sodium . I too had high Bp and high heart rates. hope it all goes well .
  23. Fuck You
    ReaPeR reacted to YACCster in Speed test..   
  24. Like
    ReaPeR reacted to Giggles in Asking 4 prayers   
    So I am gonna ask for a bunch of prayers 4 myself ... I had a mild heart attack last night ... I go tomorrow morning to find out just how bad this was... I went to a Dr yesterday meaning Sunday  and seen my heart was having problems and my bp was 169/ 106 but still sent me home ... When blood was drawn this morning things showed yes I had one ... I just wanted  to ask all of you to please keep me in your prayers for a bit cuz things are pretty crazy right now . Thanks Giggles aka Mel
  25. Fuck You
    ReaPeR got a reaction from Giggles in 01/21/19 Birthdays   
    happy birthday all even if u r old.
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