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Everything posted by WeednFeed

  1. Nice fish. We have lots of Stripers here I just never hae time to fish them.
  2. Well folks went to the fishing camp this week end to put a Tub surround in but I had to go fishing don't you know. So here is a pic of my 1st 2012 Atlantic Salmon. Yes I released it under threat of Jail time. Weed Click on the photo to make it bigger
  3. LOL glad you folks like this. Sussex is a great little town.
  4. These boys are from 40 miles away in a little dairy town called Sussex. With this video they put thier town on the map. I feel we should accept them as Xtreme Idiots becaus e they simply ARE!
  5. Just trolling lures Raplas and simalar things. Sometimes we use spoons. I keep trying different things. Sometimes top water trolling 5-6 feet, somtimes troll a count down 7-9 feet and sometimes a big bill over 12 feet. We also use down riggers.. My next 2 things to try are going to be a flasher and a Berkly power minnow and I will try dropping a the power minnow on a weighted hook when I mark fish on a bait ball down over 30 feet. Soon the fish will start feeding on flies top water and I will take out my fly rod. I am starting to throw most of these fish back, only kept 2 out of 10 this year. Got to save some for seed. I have the first 2 weeks of July off to go to Salmon camp can't wait. Hope the run is on, it can be awsome or a flop. The fish are in charge. Weed
  6. These asre a few Brown Trout myself, my son-Inlaw and a friend caught the last few times out. 2-3 pounds Enjoy Weed
  7. My Father invented the remote. QUOTE "BOY get up and change the chanel" He also invented the auto phone dial. Quote "BOY get your Uncle on the phone and tell him I want to talk to him" I was 37 before I knew my name was Wayne.
  8. Tshirt and Hat arrived today. I will try and catch a fish this weekend and have the hat and Tshirt in the shots. Thanks They look great. Weed
  9. Roxy It's nice to see the face behind the "I lookee him" or "he's on my buuble" or how ever you say that lolololol Weed
  10. I think Trat should hear this. Weed http://www.rtbot.net/play.php?id=Xv1tMioGgXI
  11. I didn't weigh him or measure but I think he is 5-6 pounds. What do you guys think?
  12. Hey Bogleg, that's a great Brown trout. Looks to be in the 5 + range. I caught this the other night after work. Hardare no flie rod. Every once in a while we eat one so this one is well gone.
  13. Folks this is the type of Atlantic Salmon fishing I do here in Canada. This video is from the Panoi river in Russia. Watch this Salmon take the fly. I almost wet my pants everytime a fish strikes like this. I have had the pleasure of catching many, many of these fantastic fish. Enjoy this video. Weed
  14. Lots of activity in thet back yard. Looks like everyone gets lots of entertainment
  15. Fly fish, did someone say fly fish? I have been fly fishing since I was 10-11. I am soon to be 55. I fish for Sea run Brook trout and Sea Run Atlantic salmon. I can't remember how many Salmon I have caught over the years but I enjoyed everyone of them. They are a great fighting fish. Some people think the taste god too Mmm. I also fish Brown trout but mostly with hard ware in a lake very close to my home. Here is a link of me releasing a 35 inch sea run Atlantic salmon last June. It was quite hard to video this and hold the fish at the same tme but you will enjoy it I hope. When I go fishing I loose all track of time and even what day it is as you can hear me. Really isn't that the point about fishing to forget about work, bills etc. Enjoy the video, Weed http://s174.photobuc...nt=b259fdaf.mp4 PS; I am currently useing 2 different sage rods one is a 4 piece Sage S-AXIS 8 weght line the other is a 2 peice Sage RPL 9 weight. Don't tell Mrs Weed but I just ordered a Beulah 11 foot Switch rod # 8 line c/w a Snowbees GEO 9/10 fly reel. This is a 2 handed rod set up. I also ordered a Snowbees auto inflatable fly fishing vest. I can't wait.
  16. Thes tasted good! Just click on the picture to enlarge. Weed
  17. Now that's a boat I couldn't even afford to put gas in. But nice though. Weed
  18. Nice. I have owned 4 Ruger 22's. I only have the one now, just a bull barrel. All of them have been damn accurate. I owned a Ruger Super Black hawk SS 44 mag. Hell of a gun but my little chicken wrists couldn't hold enough to be accurate. It always tourged in my had and shot 11" to the left at 25 yards. Couldn't even shoot a man in self defence if I had to lololol. Sold it Weed
  19. Nice looking dog! I used to run in American Field Stud Book sactioned field trials for 10 years had a great time ran quite a few times and Judged quite a few dogs. I owned some pretty good dogs and a couple others lol. I judged allot of good dogs and several glue bags.
  20. Nice pics folks. Keep us posted when the fishing seson starts. weed
  21. I am happy for everyone involved Wild. This just proves how fragile life can be. We are only one moment away from a life changeing event. Your story is proof we all must be thankfull for our blessings which can be lost in an instant. Weed
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