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Everything posted by DEEJAYKEG

  1. Death is taxable over here and that is no joke. The government takes 40% "Inheritance Tax"! And it is payable BEFORE an estate can be distributed! So, pity the poor executor...
  2. Does the case have an alarm setting built-in? A previous machine used to bleep at me when I got stuck into a FPS (Crysis was one that warmed things up inside the case but not at a temperature that was "harmful"). I found these sensors more of an annoyance than a help, personally.
  3. "Beers - The Man Behind The Nade" Episode II - the theme song!
  4. We haven't set off on the boat trip yet, LOL! This'll give you an idea what it's like though there aren't as many beers available all at once where we go. (The strange noise in the background is called "Yorkshire English" and, no, we Southerners don't understand it either!) The guy seems to have a fascination with ducks as well as boats and beer...
  5. We'll miss you on the battlefield - hope you get it back up and running soon.
  6. Congratulations to you both! I'm getting the knife and explosives ready for the initiation rituals...
  7. I don't think anyone would dare "pick on" Beers, Wolf' - he is one mean explosive-toting hombre... I found this picture of him taken when he was hunting someone down in New Orleans...
  8. Hope he enjoyed the sandwich... Driving lessons required! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/7908941/Bear-took-car-for-joyride.html
  9. Here's my dream car... Maybe one day...
  10. I always thought they did that in the woods... Good bear!
  11. Excellent that Karen is well enough to enjoy a spin in the 'vette and then a slap-up "Chinky"! Praying that the compatible donor will soon be found and this worry will be put behind you. Is there a broadband connection in her room at the hospital? We could surely ease the boredom by running around in front of her rifle sights!
  12. I have one like this. Probably the most comfortable car I have owned which is just as well because I hate driving. It does its job but is becoming increasingly more expensive to keep on the road thanks to the fact it uses a real (1.8 litre petrol) engine and not some tree-hugger's clockwork/solar/hydrogen mechanism. 28.8mpg; don't know how fast it goes as the roads are so congested that one can often not even reach the speed limit.
  13. JohnnyDos Congrats Rugger I've been married 36 yrs.myself.And you know what? The last time I got a piece of ass is when my finger went through the toilet paper.LOL . It's true what they say: The best contraceptive known to man is wedding cake!
  14. Arrienn I completely understand what your going through. I just lost my Mom to stomach cancer last week. If you need or want to chat dont hesitate to hit me up on xfire. Hang in there. Thanks, Arrienn, and to all others who have responded. You're all true friends and I appreciate it. Arrienn, the cruel twist to this is that my friend was suffering from cancer of the oesophagus. He was being treated with chemo and doing OK in between treatments. I have now been told that he was admitted to hospital for an unrelated matter and contracted an infection (in the UK infection control is a major problem in hospitals due to private contractors doing the cleaning). He could not be stabilised and passed away. I feel for you, sister, as I had to cope with my mother going just a few years back. One never gets over it, or stops missing them. It's just the religious faith keeps one going - I hope to see her and my other loved ones again eventually. I love you all.
  15. I thought it'd be a good idea to clue you into why I may be a little quiet for a while or absent from the servers. If I'm not my usual happy self, please don't think you've done anything to offend. I'm hurting. I got in from a great dinner at a restaurant, last night, switched on the computer and read a simple "RIP" on a friend's Facebook profile. It was no secret that he was ill but the latest assessment was that he was in no immediate danger. No, I found out, by chance, that my friend of 25 years, had died a week previously. I'm numb and shocked and sad I had to find out this way. At least this time I didn't read about it in the newspaper - that happened to me 30+ years ago. So, as well as having to deal with the emotions I am feeling, I am now treading on eggshells with a late expression of condolences to his wife and family who must have thought me a heartless bastard for saying nothing for a week or more. As one gets older, one has to suffer the pain of losing friends more often - that's life, I know, but it doesn't get any easier.
  16. Happy Anniversary to you both, Rugger! Enjoy your celebrations! I can say that, even after 24 years, one never gets to understand them, though...
  17. I've seen the photos and the tribute memorial and have been touched. The guy was obviously special to a great many people and yet, as a recent member, I still know so little about the man who was KILLA. Is there a bio that could be placed as a sticky as a permanent memorial to him? Says a lot about >XI< that his passing was marked in such a touching way but he's part of our heritage so can we newbies get to know a little about him?
  18. Pleased to see you on the servers, Rogue'! Have a real laugh when you're around! You explode so well! Stay with us, Bro'! You're very welcome here!
  19. Well, Chavez, this exploration down "Memory Lane" has been so enjoyable but I am going to finish my contribution with a classic from 1976. This is, perhaps, my favourite piece of popular music and never fails to draw tears so profound is its impact. Yes, when things get tough, we listen to our music and we drink our beer and perhaps have happier memories or memories of those good friends who are no longer with us. To them and to you, dear friends, I dedicate this DeeJay's final offering of the set... "Music" by John Miles (1976) See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Miles_%28musician%29
  20. PT-Bama Cheese Sonovabich I think you are all just POST WHORES Couldnt agree more Cheese, You have nothing to say, or you just don't know how to click outside of the person you are quotings quote box? Never mind that! Are you going to answer my CoD2 question? How about posting a pic of your motorcycle? And what do people think of David Cameron's performance as new British Prime Minister anyway? Oh, AND HOW ABOUT A SONG OF THE EVENING to go with it? Going on a vacation soon? I am! (Thank the Lord for that says Chile...)
  21. Pleased that the PC seems to be on the road to recovery, Sam. I shan't muddy the waters and make life even more potentially confusing with more suggestions as my learned friends have done a grand job and there's always Mikey! Your choice of Internet Security program was a good one as anyone who reads Virus Bulletin would recognise. However, torrents are a recipe for disaster in more ways than one (mainly the legal consequences these days in the UK!) and Chile's advice, expressed in his typically subtle fashion(!), is sound too about watching where one clicks... Hope to see you back in the CoD5 servers really soon, mate.
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